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CASA VFR Flight Guide Availability

Guest Gomer

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When casually flicking through the RA-Aus Ops Manual tonight (as one does when an exam is imminent... :ah_oh:), I found that section 4.07 refers to CASA's VFR Flight Guide for a whole bunch of interesting things.


However... when you go to CASA's website, all you get is "The Visual flight guide is currently undergoing a review and is unavailable until further notice". Assuming that 'until further notice' means weeks or months (or years), where do I go for all that vital info? Does anyone have an idea of how long we'll be waiting? Thanks



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The Visual Flight Rules Guide was last published in 2007 and was becoming increasingly out of date - I guess the final straw was the GAAP changes.


Having said that, it was a very useful guide because it drew together stuff from all over the place, and was purely VFR. Most of the information is available in the AIP Book, although nowhere near as user friendly!



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Guest mike_perth

Apparantly the new VFR flight guides are a while away as well I heard they wont be available until the middle to end of October! Good One CASA hey!!



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