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Fourth Landing

Guest gfgodino

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Guest gfgodino

Hello Everybody


This "Just Landed" is my Fourth Landing, so ¡Clear the runway please!


I'm Industrial Engineer, and just trying to convert in a Private Pilot. I comes from Colonia, Uruguay, South America


I'm now taking piloting lessons in a Piper PA22 108 HP, and looking for an Ultraligth KIT to assemble


¿Could you tell me were to look for a good Kit at a reasonable price?


See you soon: gfgodino



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Brazil has a large aviation industry with 19 manufactures (not all small aircraft) and should prove cost effective.


Depends on what type you want. For instance EDRA Aeronáutica Ltda makes a nice kit but it is an amphibian (2 seat 600kg MTOW).


In Australia we find freight and tax add around US$5000 to oversea's aircraft just to get them into the country, then here capital gains tax on all costs. "Local" thus have cost benifits which can influence selection.


Let your fingers do the walking via the internet. Draw up a wish list. Cost it. Try to see/fly. Work out support offered. Order...Pay...Build...Fly...ENJOY



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Hi gfgodino, welcome to our forums.


Pilots are no good at making decisions, and when it comes to choosing an aeroplane there are so many it can be very hard to decide. Range, economy, price, luggage space, cockpit space, cruise speed, comfort, looks. Work out what you want first and make a short-list. And good luck.


Regards, Decca.



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