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Insurances whilst kit building at home.


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:hittinghead: Fellow enthusiasts, I enquired of my home insurance company ( which bank? ) as to whether or not my kit would be covered at home during the build phase. I received an emphatic NO. It appears that once the word aviation is mentioned these companies see a chance to wring their collective hands of any responsibility.


My question is, has anyone considered this area & if so what has transpired? 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif




"Savvy XL VG" Kit Builder waiting in the wings.



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my insurance company said no worries at all,,,they didn't care what was in the shed or that it was a kit plane being built ,,,, I up'd the contents insurance on my shed and all good.( I hope) i_dunno



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I had my broker (OAMPS) nominate my J230 kit as part of the contents in my locked shed and there were no hassles and no price rise.


The value is such that it needs specific nomination and they then smoothly converted it over to cover transport to, and final assembly at, the airport, then test flying and an ongoing flying policy when I was ready.


Hope this helps.


Regards Geoff



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