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Hi from Sydney


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Hi guys,


I've taken my midlife crisis energy and just started (2 hours so far) learning to fly a C150 with Warnervale Flying Services on the central coast near Sydney. I am loving it but am frustrated by having lessons cancelled due to wind. This morning it was cancelled due to wind AND dust! Should have known better than to start learning in Spring in Sydney when the westerlies are regular.


Anyway, hopefully the NorEasters will start soon and we'll be able to really get going.


So g'day to all...





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Thanks for the welcome Thx. Frankly, it isn't pleasant even walking through the dust and, as a motorcyclist, I can tell you that the vents in my helmut got pretty stuffed with it when I rode to work during the week so I hate to think what it would be doing to the airfilters etc on a C150. That said, I can hear small AC flying over me now in what I would think would be 35-40Knots so obviously someone's happy enough to fly today.



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Welcome Tonym. I had a good think about flying in the dust we had here today, but went anyway. I have found that bushfires are really bad for air filters, just a bit of smoke can block a filter quickly.



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Welcome Tony


The weather can be very frustrating while learning but I guess that's just one of the important lessons we must learn. Better to fly only when the weather is suitable - safer and more fun. Most of us here are into recreational flying and fly for the joy of it not because we have to fly.



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