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Hello from Pennsylvania, USA

Guest Planeless

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Guest Planeless

Hi, I didn't realize this was an Aussie website, but that doesn't matter, because I have learned in my lifetime that people interested in flying are some of the greatest people you can ever meet, no matter where they are, and that goes for modelers also. I started with models years ago and I am still at it. I did take time off to get a Private license. I have flown Cessna 150, 172, and 182. Piper 140. Grumman Tiger, Cheetah, and their Trainer. I have also flown the Beechcraft Sundowner and Sierra. A problem for me is there are no airfields handy to me where I could keep an aircraft. Our economy has put a lot of good buys on the market but I don't want to keep an aircraft tied down outside, winter is tough on airplanes and there are always other problems. Now I am seriously thinking about building a Mustang II from Mustang Aeronautics with the folding wing option that I can trailer home. I have enough property to build a garage/hanger on. One thing I am considering is using a Jabiru 5100 8 cylinder engine. Vibration in small aircraft/kitplanes is more noticeable and the Jabiru 8 runs very smooth and its suppose to be noticeably lighter than a 0320 or 0360. I am interested if anyone has experience with this engine and what is its reputation for reliability.



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The mustang II is very nice! Love the centre console throttle! I bet the Midget Mustang would be fun... strong bugger too.. There is a USA website called umm... homebuiltairplanes.com ...its a similar layout like this one but i'm pretty sure that one's an American site



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G'day mate! Yes it's an Aussie product, but you're very welcome all the same...! (the only difference between a Aussie and an American, is that you can tell who's the American in a party!!)


Can't help you much with the building side of things, but I hope you have a good time here and enjoy yourself.


Have a good (white?) Christmas....



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  • 3 months later...
Guest Planeless

Thanks for the welcome everyone


I didn't realize how much time went by since I registerd here. I am still deciding on an airplane. The Mustang II doesn't have enough payload. Now the Sportsman 2+2 with its folding wing looks good. It can be trailered home instead of leaving it parked at an airport subject to the weather and vandalism. There is a lot of political problems in this country now, Obama is trying to bankrupt the USA so he can institute a VAT tax and that will devastate the kitplane industry. I don't what you hear there about the USA but unlike most Americans, Aussies at least probably know what the VAT has done to Europe. I still intend to build something before I pass on, but now gasoline is going up again and we have vast deposits of oil they won't allow to be drilled for. Sometimes I think about forgetting about flying altogether, but that passes. its refreshing to find people (you) that still have a positive attitude about something (flying) because this country is going through a bad time and its depressing a lot of us. We have around 250,000 Pilots registerd here, out of around 300,000,000 people, but like me, most of them I don't think have been flying much, because the cost keeps going up. There is some good buys on used airplanes available now because of the economy but the problem of where to keep an airplane is still a big consideration for me. The Sun will no doubt still come up tomorrow, and Americans, including me, are not ready to give up yet and become like Europe.



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