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Amphibious aircraft kit in Australia?

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Hey folks. I'm a long way from building my own aircraft, and from getting my pilot license, but I would like to do both one day. I've been looking around the tubes for a two place amphibious (wet hull, not floats) kit but they seem to be spread pretty thin. Are there any in Australia flying? Or kits available?


The closest I've come to what I want is the LN-3 Seagull, which is still in the testing phase. I kinda like the tandem seating arrangement. I'm almost tempted to design my own, since paragraph 1.5 allows that, but I'd probably be building a flying coffin hah!


Anyway, there seem to be very few amphibians in Australia, which is logical with the whole 'lack of water' thing. But my wife is from Canada, where solid water sits on the ground for four months of the year and lakes are everywhere, and every bugsmasher I've seen has floats. So really I'd be building it to fly over there one day.


Thanks. :)



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Thanks Spin and Heon. I'll keep an eye out for them when I get to that stage. The Super Petrel is the biplane, yes? I kinda like that. The sketches I've done are a more 1930s style open cockpit tandem arrangement, with a high parasol style detached wing with the engine in pusher config on stilts above that. Probably not very workable, but it looked like something from that era. But of course if I was to try and fly in Canada I'd freeze to death hah. I have a motor and servos from a dog-eaten foam r/c aircraft, so I might try it out in model form this year if i get time.


Maj. Millard: I don't know about that. She tells me that xmas should be -40c, not +40c, and she's sticking to it. Everyone obsesses over a white xmas over here, but I've seen it and it's bonkers! hahaha



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