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Palmers Island Trip

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Anyone interested in heading back near the Evans head area may like to come to this one- you may have seen it on the the GC VTC.Some of the guys from Caboolture, Kilcoy and Boonah are goin to Palmers Island 23 and 24 January for a fly in. Depart Boonah about 8am for the trip and will depart for the return trip 9am sunday. Word is it's only walking distance to food and amenities and the hospitality will be great. To find out more the numbers for the flyin are 0266460126 0407034282.


Info has been passed on my a friend and fellow flyer with Lightwing from Boonah, I plan to duck over to Armidale afterwards to see my mum and then back to Caboolture. Should be a great weekend:helmet::thumb_up:










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