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Canberra Second Airport

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I would not mind a drive of 1to 1.25 hrs to an airfield but I wonder if there is a certain distance that becomes to much . With the loss of airfields do we loose active flyers or does our flying become less , with potential safety issues.



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Guest JRMobile



Emailed to members today:


Dear members,


The Canberra Region Aviators Association Inc. (CRAA) was incorporated in 2009 with the intention of establishing a secondary airfield in the Canberra region. This airfield would cater to the needs of all recreational and sports flyers in the area (including GA, RAA, trikes, gyros, parachutists, etc.) and offer a level of certainty in terms of providing a base for these aviators. In recent times pressures relating to costs, security concerns and operational difficulties have seen the ability of this group of flyers to operate from Canberra be eroded. This project will relieve these pressures and aims to provide a new centre for aviation to thrive in the region.


The ACT Government has voiced their support for the project and is providing some seed funding to assist in the process. Our most recent talks in mid June have seen some good progress in terms of establishing a working program for the project. In addition to this we hope to begin work with some local institutions to develop some design options for the airfield. As mentioned in previous correspondence, it is critical that we determine the true level of demand for such a facility and it is on this basis that we are now seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals and businesses to establish a presence on the airfield.


In order to build a thriving aviation community and realise the vision of the CRAA it is important to provide all the services required by aviators on the field. We are seeking:


· Interest from individuals that may be interested in locating their aircraft on the field,


· Interest from individuals and businesses that may wish to engage in commerce on/from the airfield,


· Community organisations and youth associations that may be interested in utilising the airfield facilities.


The CRAA envisages a healthy, sustainable aviation community on the field which may include aircraft maintenance and sales, flying training, fuel and lubrication supplies, hospitality and other activities that encourage the broader community to participate in aviation related interests. We are seeking the views of those who are interested in helping us to develop this idea and would welcome any thoughts from interested parties.


Please send your expressions of interest together with any suggestions you might have to [email protected]. And if you aren’t a member of our organisation already, then visit our website and sign up today – www.craa.org.au.


As always, please send this email on to anyone you think may be interested in being a part of this exciting project.




Michael Monck


Vice president,





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It would be great if Canberra got a 2nd airport, but I can't help wondering why Goulburn airport hasn't been considered for purchase by the ACT people. Freehold land, room for expansion and only 50 mins from the centre of Canberra. Our air port is in a state of stasis with our local council and this would help to maintain a regional airfield as well as saving the people of the ACT a large amount of dollars.



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Guest ozzie
It would be great if Canberra got a 2nd airport, but I can't help wondering why Goulburn airport hasn't been considered for purchase by the ACT people. Freehold land, room for expansion and only 50 mins from the centre of Canberra. Our air port is in a state of stasis with our local council and this would help to maintain a regional airfield as well as saving the people of the ACT a large amount of dollars.

a dopey council that seems to come across a bit 'sus'



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Peter, I drive for 1.5 hours to the "gong" to go flying. I don't have much choice.


Driving from Canberra to Cooma wouldn't kill them.


It also may help get the road upgraded all the way to Cooma instead of stoping at Canberra.



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Guest burbles1

CRAA seeking expressions of interest


The Canberra Region Aviators Association Inc. (CRAA) was incorporated in 2009 with the intention of establishing a secondary airfield in the Canberra region. This airfield would cater to the needs of all recreational and sports flyers in the area (including GA, RAA, trikes, gyros, parachutists, etc.) and offer a level of certainty in terms of providing a base for these aviators. In recent times pressures relating to costs, security concerns and operational difficulties have seen the ability of this group of flyers to operate from Canberra be eroded. This project will relieve these pressures and aims to provide a new centre for aviation to thrive in the region.


The ACT Government has voiced their support for the project and is providing some seed funding to assist in the process. Our most recent talks in mid June have seen some good progress in terms of establishing a working program for the project. In addition to this we hope to begin work with some local institutions to develop some design options for the airfield. As mentioned in previous correspondence, it is critical that we determine the true level of demand for such a facility and it is on this basis that we are now seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals and businesses to establish a presence on the airfield.


In order to build a thriving aviation community and realise the vision of the CRAA it is important to provide all the services required by aviators on the field. We are seeking:


· Interest from individuals that may be interested in locating their aircraft on the field,


· Interest from individuals and businesses that may wish to engage in commerce on/from the airfield,


· Community organisations and youth associations that may be interested in utilising the airfield facilities.


The CRAA envisages a healthy, sustainable aviation community on the field which may include aircraft maintenance and sales, flying training, fuel and lubrication supplies, hospitality and other activities that encourage the broader community to participate in aviation related interests. We are seeking the views of those who are interested in helping us to develop this idea and would welcome any thoughts from interested parties.


Please send your expressions of interest together with any suggestions you might have to [email protected]. And if you aren’t a member of our organisation already, then visit our website and sign up today – Canberra Region Aviators Association Inc..


As always, please send this email on to anyone you think may be interested in being a part of this exciting project.




Michael Monck


Vice president,





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Guest Mark Mac

Army Engineers


In line with the post above, and as a way to just start expanding the group of poeple in the conversation, perhaps you could approach the School of Military Engineering at Moorebank.


They might have some Surveyors in Training who would be looking for a project to design an Airfield. The sort of thing that the Military does.


This, combined with a well managed PR Plan - maybe the Army would like the publicity as well? would at least generate some 'press' which is the only way that Community proposed projects get listened to by the political machine?


Of course, can I say that I think Goulburn would be an excellent option..


It is only an hour away - not far for a drive to your Pride and Joy



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Am I right in my understanding that GA is to be out of CBR by Sept this year. If this is right and I was the owner of an aircraft at CBR ( with the intention of continuing my flying ) I know what my next step would be. I would be away quick smart,long drive or not, to another field . If there is any available hangerspace available it's not going to be round long (I like the weather away from our aircraft when it's not in use).


That way I'd be flying with the knowledge that one day the 2nd CBR field would see my return. If all went down the gurgler I'd still have a feld even if it were less convenient. Hell , a return trip to the shops for me is a 2hr journey, I just do it and time it for a fly as well. Australia is a big place and to me road time is just a part of our daily life.



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Guest airsick

Hi all,


For those of you who don't know me my name is Michael Monck. I am the Vice President of the CRAA and am an active flyer. I hold both GA and RAA licences/certificates and have been a victim of my addiction since the first time I can ever remember looking up. I have had the fortune to fly in many, many aircraft ranging from rag and tube types through to numerous military types. Needless to say, I'm hooked and take an interest in most things related to aviation and the posts here have caught my attention.


It seems there are two main themes in this thread:


  • Those who are supportive of a secondary airport and offer ideas, and
  • Those that seem to be somewhat less optimistic (only a couple thankfully!).




For the former there is little to comment on other than to say, thanks for your support and ideas. Some of these ideas are already being worked on, some are ideas that we have already had and will form part of our future plans, others are completely new and helpful in terms of moving the whole project forward. Again, thanks and keep them coming.


In response to the less optimistic posts there is probably something to add that may help understand our mindset in this project.


Sure there are other strips in our area that can be used as an alternative to Canberra International Airport. This, however, is no reason to sit back and take it lying down.


We are seeing more and more airports, and aviation in general, facing pressures from all directions. Hoxton Park has recently closed. Countless businesses are winding up at Bankstown Airport. Brindabella Airlines has recently stopped flying training. All of these are due to the various issues aviation faces today.


So, what do we do? Well we could say to those who flew at Hoxton Park that they can move down the road to Camden. We could say to the businesses at Bankstown that they could find an alternative airfield to do business at. We could tell student pilots in Canberra to learn in another town. All workable answers but I pose this question – as an aviator are you happy to constantly readjust your behaviour to take account of these changes? I’m not.


The situation we face is this. I presently fly from Canberra and in the time I have flown from here I have seen it grow harder and harder to do so. Over time my options are beginning to dwindle and I will no doubt have to bite the bullet and fly from elsewhere. In other words, at the moment I can jump in my car and in around 20 minutes be at the airport pre-flighting my plane. This situation will probably change in the foreseeable future and my current privileges will be eroded in favour of other interests. I can do one of two things – let it happen or attempt to address it head on. I have chosen the second option.


Our goal is to make aviation more accessible for Canberra people and those living in nearby areas. On top of this we hope to welcome visitors from further abroad, especially those in the non-GA world that can’t fly into Canberra due to airspace restrictions. Sure, other people in other places have to drive an hour or more just to get to the airport and we can do it. But if we don’t have to then we won’t. And the only way we won’t have to is if we do something about it ourselves because others sure won’t!


No one is suggesting this is a sure thing, the project may indeed fail, but at least we would have had a go. If we go into it thinking it will fail then sure as eggs, it will fall in a heap. I’m asking for your support as aviators no matter your background. Think back to the time when you did your first solo, took your first passenger, flew your first nav. For most of us, these times are some of the most memorable we will ever have. The way things are going our kids, grandkids, etc. may not get the opportunity to have these moments.


We are working very closely with the ACT Government and have successfully addressed many of the concerns they have had with previous proposals. We are also working to get other organisations on board to play an active role in developing a site. Business opportunities are being explored for potential tenants. In general things are moving forward in a positive way. The last thing we need is questions from within our own ranks to derail this. So please, get behind us.


Join the CRAA (it’s only $50). Lend us a hand and help out. At the end of the day though, even if you don’t join, more airfields is a positive move, not a negative one. I can’t fathom why any one of us would want to question investment in a new facility, especially one designed for our end of the market.






PS. It's worth nothing that these are my personal views and not necessarily those of the CRAA but they are my motivation for taking on an active role with the CRAA to promote, support and progress this project.



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Guest JRMobile

Hi Michael


As a pilot i support your motives and CRAA in their bid. As you rightly point out, as pilots we can never have to many airports.


Has RAAus got behind this idea and offered in principal support?







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Well said Mick. To have a vibrant and healthy airport and aviation industry in the nation's capital is surely a worthy goal. One wonders where Australia's aviators are going to come from if we all sit back and just let airports close. Let's build some new ones!


I wonder what proportion of Australia's politicians fly into Canberra to attend to their parliamentary duties. How are they going to get to Canberra in the future if they allow Australian aviation to stagnate?





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Guest RossCJ

Suggestions for ACT airfield.


I only recently found out about the CRAA & their proposal for a new airfield for the ACT, from a local newspaper article & a recent article in Pacific Flyer magazine.


I have always been interested in aviation but until now it has mostly been from a ground level, due to my fear of beurocracy. I hope to learn to fly aerotrikes some day soon. As it seems a more attainable form of flight for me, that I hope to become more involved with in the future.


Training facilities for general or recreational flying would be a valuable social asset for the capital of Australia.


Being smack bang in the middle of NSW and relatively small in comparison. There are probably not a lot of locations that would be suitable for a sizeable airfield. Due to the fact that more than a third of the ACT is mountain range.


This being said, I would like to suggest that the area around Naas (South/West of Williamsdale) might also be suitable. If you have not already found an area for the proposed airfield. Being fairly flat & mostly cleared. Providing accomodation at the airfield might also help to finance it on a long term basis as well as providing the usual aviation facilities.


I just also want to add that the ACT comes under a Human Rights Act for Civil & Political rights, current as/of 2004 (Articles 13 & 15 might be most relevant). It might help to pursuade the ACT government if they ever decide to become un-cooperative. Although I am sure they posess enough for-thought to recognise the benefits of allowing a community airfield for the ACT. Not only for local residents but for all flying Australians who live outside of the ACT & wish to visit for whatever reason.


I wish CRAA all the best in their endeavours. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif





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I understand that there is a lot of behind the scenes work going on with those involved with the CRAA and I am hopefull that one day their work will succeed.


I have spent the last 2 years dealing with various licensing agencies , council, crown lands , local members and others trying, and am now much closer, to re establishing a range for the Cooma pistol club. Time stands still as paperwork sits on desks ,no matter how much you try to drive it . Finalisation appears not far off (hopefully) but in the meantime it has meant that members have had to join canberra clubs. .


This use of other facilities, until the local problem is solved, appears to be the same situation that CBR aviation finds itself in. What ,and this is my question , is to be done to keep aviation alive in the ACT for the next few years . With no visable presence in the air of lighter aircraft will it not be hard to get potential new aviators.


As in the pistol club scenario members wait whilst things happen, we have to play the game, be persistent and have an attainable goal (as CRAA does)



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest RossCJ

CRAA website, update of information.


May I suggest a more up-to-date update on the official CRAA website. As people like myself who are interested in what is going on (even if there has not been much change/development). Would be a greater encouragement for people to get involved.


There is nothing worse than going to a website and seeng that the last update was over 4 months ago. Even though I'm sure there is plenty being done behind the scenes. It would possibly be good for moral as well as recruitment, if developments, no matter how small were made more public. :big_grin:



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Guest airsick

Your timing could not be more relevant Ross. Things have moved more slowly than we would have liked over the last couple of months (I guess that is to be expected when trying to do something like this) but you're right, an update is due. I have just posted a notice on the site in relation to an Access Economics study that has been completed in the last couple of days. The study has done some preliminary work looking into the demand for the airfield and the potential for aviation related businesses to operate from it. Over the next day or so I will put up a copy of the report for all to view.







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Guest airsick

Secondary airfield study


The preliminary report looking into the opportunities for a secondary airfield in the Canberra region has been uploaded onto to the CRAA website. For those who are interested it can be found at:


Secondary airfield study


I encourage everyone to take a look and also help us to keep this project moving along by showing your support and joining up. Most of the news stories surrounding airfields are bad news ones about them closing, with your support we stand a real chance of making this a good news story.







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