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Posts posted by Guernsey

  1. My most exciting experience was being in our college RAF cadet force in Guernsey at the ripe old age of sixteen when my friend and I went to England to attend two RAF courses after which my friend and I were invited by his Aunt, who was a flying officer at RAF Odiham, to stay at this air base for a few days as 'Pilot Officers'. We stayed in the officers quarters and had our own batman who polished our boots every morning etc. We were treated like royalty. The airfield operated Vampire jets, Gloster meteors and Hawker Hunters which at the time were on the secret list. Now if all of this was not exciting enough we both flew seperately in a two seat Meteor mk7 for almost an hour being given a trial instruction flight for most of that time. It would take too long to describe the whole flight but I remember not coming back to earth for weeks after that.


    I was going to include some smilies but couldn't find enough to describe the exhilaration !!!!!!!!!!!





  2. Today after flying in a friends Foxbat at Gawler we were discussing 'Auto Pilots' when he told me a story where a friend of his had gone on a cross country flight in a GA aircraft with three other friends and because the flight was long and boring he fell asleep and woke up 20 minutes later to find that everyone else was asleep. They were on Auto Pilot at the time so what am I getting at.


    It suddenly hit me that although we thought we had every conceivable bell, whistle and gadget on our Morgan Sierra, we forgot the alarm clock which goes off automatically 5 minutes before our next way point.085_blah_blah.gif.5dd1f55e9e017c1ed039995789e61c55.gif


    That damn Guern again, can he ever be serious.



  3. In my younger days as an air cadet in Guernsey an RAF pilot asked me if I had ever been airsick when I climbed onboard a Percival Prentice aircraft for a 'JOY' flight. I told the truth and said "never" to which he replied you will be today. Without going into graphic descriptions, he made me sick. It did not stop me flying but I was sick practically every time I flew after that. Being aware of what happened to me I never take a first time passenger unless the weather is perfect and I always explain that I am going to make their flight as enjoyable as possible. I tell them that I am not going to show off what the aircraft can do and I am certainly not going to show off what I can do, so if for any reason whatsoever you are not really enjoying the flight, then just tell me and we shall return to the airfield.


    I have only ever had one sick passenger who became sick after 30 minutes of flying because we hit unexpected turbulence.





  4. Hi Jon, if the length of time to build a kit is a little bit daunting, then why not consider having part of a Morgan Sierra factory built and you do the rest.


    I would suggest you get Gary Morgan to build the harder more time consuming parts and you do the easy parts.


    All the best with whatever aircraft you decide on and welcome to this forum.





  5. Hi Guys,


    A trip to Taree is certainly worthwhile and a big congrats to 'Kg' on getting your Morgan Sierra kit; don't forget to post your progress.


    Kevin and I are really looking forward to the completion of our Sierra 200 which should be in about three weeks.


    Kevin has just received some photos from Gary with one in particular being of the instrument panel?? I have calculated that this panel is only about four square centimetres in area with the rest being entirely taken up with instruments 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif. I'm not sure what my daughter thinks because the vanity mirror has had to go, might have to fit a large sun visor with a mirror on the back.014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif





  6. Good on ya Maj, I believe that the cost of First Class Membership is ridiculously cheap when you consider the amount of very useful information that is obtainable on this site not to mention Ian's costs to run the site. Guys and gals, if for genuine reasons you find the cost of First Class membership is beyond your means then a small donation of any size would help.


    It is interesting to note that many of the First Class financial contributors are often the one's who contribute the most with very helful information.


    I for one have saved in excess of ten times my membership fee in savings directly brought about by advice from other members.


    Thanks to all of you and of course Ian for providing these forums.:thumb_up:


    Alan the Grateful.



  7. Stone the crows!! I can see why it is called a Breezy, with that power plant it should be called a Huricane.


    I would fit a head restraint on top of the seat to prevent serious whip lash when you hit the throttle.


    I bet you find your J230 a bit meek and mild in comparison.008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif





  8. Hi Tinydrip welcome to our forum. I am intrigued by the name so I am asuming that your flying experience so far is merely a Tiny Drip in the ocean of aviation:


    if this is true then no doubt you will be changeing your forum name progressively until in the not too distant future you will become LARGE TSUNAMI 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif


    Alan the Comical.



  9. Hi Swanny and all others on this forum, I know that some of us have shown our concern and are praying for a good outcome but our friend would not have seen our concerns as I believe he is not a contributor to this site,


    so I was wondering if someone (perhaps you Swanny) could start a new thread where we could all individually send him an encouraging message on this forum which we could print out after a few days or possibly a week


    and then the printed copy could be sent or taken to him.


    What do you all think of the idea?




    It would be good if we knew his first name so we could make it more personal.



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