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dan gryder

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Everything posted by dan gryder

  1. Thanks, I saw the OP and thought I'd add some clarification. First, there is nothing "Illegal" about adding a reference to the cover of your ASI. On larger aircraft there are slide able "bugs" that get set for each takeoff and landing dependent upon weight and conditions. The bugs offer a minimum yielded net effective stall "buffer" of 30% even in a 30 degree bank holding altitude. The concept for the GA pilot is to mark the airspeed indicator in colors as is already done for us by FAA. The colors they chose long before me were Green, Red, Yellows, White. The FAA mandated that wings level stall speeds be color coded on each install to show where the plane will stall at clean and dirty (bottom of the green and bottom of the white...) The problem is that those "reminders" don't give us the 30% buffer that they want us to have at all times. The concept is called DMMS and is intended to slow down the number one killer of GA pilots; LOSS OF SPEED AWARENESS. Of the 188 fatal GA accidents in the year 2020, 42 were day, vfr, loss of speed awareness in the traffic pattern! DMMS is Defined Minimum Maneuver Speed and you can find it for your plane by multiplying your own Vs1 (Bottom of the green, clean wings level stall speed) by 1.404 If you don't have one then take your plane up and see where you get first indication at and add 40.0% to that. More training on stall /spin recovery is a great idea but all these stalls occur below 1000 and even the best of the best cant recover from that low. Prevention is all we got. So you can placard two speeds: Vref is 1.3 Vso which is also Vx Mark it! DMMS is 1.404 Vs1 which is also best glide and it is also Vy. Mark it! Do the math for your plane and see how the numbers fall out for your operation. DMMS is called the dumb ass speed because I am a dumb ass and I cant remember where my keys are, let alone the min speed to fly in all the planes I fly all the time...but I want that 30% buffer for a rainy day. Don't do math in public, just mark it and let me know if it helps remind you of min speed to fly. The 42 losses in 2020 were all within traffic pattern and below 1000. I am a fan of AOA but due to cost and STC paperwork problems, the airlines have gone with purely ASI references and it works for them. We don't ever hear of an airliner stalling in the pattern. Military uses AOA on some planes but for us low down hash slingers, a piece of neon sticky note and a calculator will bring a world of buffer to keep you flying another day. Write me at Dan@DanGryder if I can help. I'm not selling anything. I don't have any product or sales or revenue. Just trying to help solve this senseless fatal problem in GA. Thank You! Dan
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