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About Thruster88

  • Birthday 04/01/1963


  • Aircraft
    Thruster T500 T85 RV6A Beech23
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  1. Thanks for the memory BrendAn. Chris Connroy, the guy in the vid did some part time teaching at my high school around 1978. He fueled the already existing passion I had for aviation. As part of an aircraft model making week he took us all flying in a Cessna 172.
  2. I have a friend that has installed an iLevel auto pilot. He is happy with its performance. 2 axis, very small and light trim tabs, very easy install.
  3. I could be wrong about this. The auto pilot in that 1985 aircraft gets roll and pitch input from a vacuum driven Attitude Indicator. Failure of the vac pump would result in a very difficult situation for any pilot. Only the electric turn coordinator would remain as a viable means of controlling the aircraft in IMC. Vac pumps are notoriously unreliable.
  4. Loaded up the trusty Thruster last weekend and headed out over the hills to a Thruster muster at a beautiful grass strip. Also a nice selection of other tw aircraft.
  5. Windy is an excellent app for flight planning. Can start looking 3-4 days out to see if a flight will be possible.
  6. Go to your local LAME, (gympie aircraft maintenance)? Usually an avionics LAME will come to such places every few months to do a number of aircraft so travelling expenses are shared.
  7. 5 year old C206 would most likely have had adsb in traffic on the garmin screens.
  8. Curious to know how much the 12 month or 100 hour extension cost. Can you as an L1 sign this off?
  9. I understand this accident aircraft 23-2136 was very new with only 16 hours tt. Presumably the weight and balance was sorted. Problem appears to start in cruise flight so stall spin talk seems a moot point? The true cause is likely already known, we will just have to wait a few years for that.
  10. Would have made a better headline if a Boeing had done it.
  11. Hasn't been here since Aug 28, hope he is ok
  12. Making the engine more beautiful on the outside will do nothing for reliability. Get some Alibright in the ignition system may reduce reliability.
  13. A messed up go round on a short one way strip. What is a one way strip? OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The CFI and instructor were on approach to a one-way private strip in an instructor training exercise. The aircraft bounced upon landing with limited opportunity to recover with election to attempt to go around being unsuccessful. The aircraft clipped the tree tops.
  14. Thrusters can three point however tail low wheeling is kinder on the airframe. These are high drag low inertia aircraft. You can see from the pic that the wing is at stall angle sitting on the ground. The jabiru engined Thrusters, the T600, are a British development of the original aussie machine.
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