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Posts posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. I think the Zulus are still fairly new so that's why all the instructors seem to have Bose... maybe you could ask at the school or something to see if they'd keep an eye out for anyone with a Zulu and see if you could have a try?


    And thanks for the compliment :) I get all my diagrams from Google pictures (I figure I may as well let other people do the hard work for me!) :big_grin:



  2. I'll just have to carry spares. I'm thinking of buying those fancy lithium AA batteries that you're meant to put in digital cameras...figured they may last a little longer...


    I gave in today and ordered a set of Zulus from a shop in QLD - with $15 overnight (apparantly, i'll tell you tomorrow if it's true) shipping, it came to $1265. :) Totally excited and can't wait to see if they arrive tomorrow!



  3. Can't help you with Adelaide, but I have been on a headset hunt in Melbourne recently...


    In Melbourne at Moorabbin Airport there are two shops about 5 mins away from each other, one with the Zulu and one with the Bose. Skylines Aviation has the Bose (guy there was very helpful) and Moorabbin Pilot Shop has the Zulu (MPS is a little room in Tristar aviation, if you think you're in the wrong place, you're actually not I found).


    If it helps at all, I thought that they were about the same weight/clamping-pressure and the ANR on both seemed quite good. When I tried on the Bose he had a recording of engine noise that he played to demonstrate the ANR, and all I can say is that my reaction was "WOW" (that was the first time I'd ever tried an ANR headset). At the Zulu shop, they didn't have a recording or anything so it was harder to tell but it seemed the same or at least close to the Bose ANR level (not that I'm an expert, haven't used ANR before).


    The main reason I've decided to get a Zulu rather than the Bose was partly the price ($1300 rather than $1500) and it comes with music/bluetooth. I figure that if I fly with it for a bit and hate it I can sell it on eBay and buy a Bose. So the decision is reversible :)


    EDIT: I just ordered a Zulu from Sky Shop (http://www.sky shop.com.au/ - take out the space in between sky and shop, if I leave it in it turns into XXXXXXX, not sure why) in QLD - $1250, plus $15 shipping (overnight apparantly). Many places seemed to have the set at $1290, so it seems I did ok price-wise.


    I hope this helps


    - Darky:cool:



  4. Yes, weight is one of the important issues for me too. I have a scar on the top of my head (right where the headband goes unfortunately) that hurts like crazy if too much pressure is placed on it, so one of the main considerations for me was weight and clamping pressure. That's another reason why I'm going to pay for a good ANR set, the weight is just so much less :)



  5. cool, good to hear :) Have you tried the music at all?


    Still waiting in anticipation to see what magic Ian can work with them. I know that if I cave and buy a set at retail price, I'll come on this site the next day and see Ian has them with an amazing cheap price, so I'm doing my best to hold off and wait :)



  6. Yeah, I've decided against the import route, seems far too much hassle (HASELL? 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif)


    I'm currently hunting round to see what price I can get here in Aus. Apparantly Ian's going to get the Zulu's in at clear prop, hoping for an update about when... I'm keen to get my own after having the headset from hell in my lesson today!



  7. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this, if I'm not just delete this post.


    I'm a 4th year Arts/Law student and I'd like to get into aviation law when I graduate. If anyone on these boards is an aviation lawyer or has a connection with a firm in aviation law, PLEASE contact me, I am eager to get some experience in aviation law before I graduate (work experience over the summer or something would be fantastic)...


    Thanks guys :)


    - Darky:cool:



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