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Posts posted by Exadios

  1. Folks,Given the totality of the Greens' policies ---- not just what might be on the web site, or just what Bob Brown covered at the NPC lunch ---- but consolidating "policy" as expressed by other candidates (particularly NSW Greens) ---- ANYBODY who has an interest in aviation at any level ----- UNLESS that interest is in the destruction of most of what we know of aviation ---- will not vote to further increase the influence of the Greens.


    For those several of you that want to argue that, somehow, "cap and trade" and "carbon tax" have a different outcome, you are really kidding yourselves.


    Either way, the intent is to produce "price signals" to reduce the use of fossil fuels --- and what do you think "price signals" really means????


    Either one jacks the price up, to "discourage" discretionary use of fuels as a first and foremost aim --- just listen to Bob Brown. Have you actually heard him on the subject of the "future" (or lack of) of airline travel in Australia.


    And if the whole of Sports and Recreational Aviation isn't discretionary use of fuel, I don't know what is.


    In reality, it is highly unlikely that anything other than technological answers will solve global warming problems, but one thing is absolutely certain ---- even if Australia reduced it's carbon consumption of fuel to zero, it will not make the slightest differences to the final outcome.


    So, what is the point of severely constricting the Australian economy, potentially to the point of severe depression ---- for no result other than a "warm and fuzzy feeling".


    In reality, most of the Greens' policy are the failed socialist policies central planning/big government command economies of the 1920's through to the collapse of the USSR ---- they didn't work then, they will not work now.


    As one columnist in the Sydney Morning Herald (not a notably right wing paper) wrote yesterday, the Greens should no longer be referred to as the Watermelon Party, green on the outside, but red on the inside, but the Tomato Party --- Red all the way through.


    If you have any interest in a positive future for aviation in Australia at any level, don't vote Greens.



    For the record I did not say that cap and trade and a carbon tax will have different outcomes (although they may well do). Cap and trade is a market mechanism and a carbon tax is a legislated cost. As you point out, either way the price of carbon will rise. That is the point.


    With respect to climate warming either we deal with it by legislating law our selves or we will be penalized by the laws of physics. In the first case we are in control and in the second we accept what is dished out to us.


    One reason we (i.e. Australia) should act now is because, in order to reverse climate warming, we will have to re-engineer our economy and for that we will need to put engineers and technicians to work. The countries to develop the necessary technologies will be economic winners among the countries of the world. I think Australia should have some of the best engineering companies and be a winner.


    One last thing: the stone age did not come to an end because of the lake of stones.



  2. The Australian Greens[/url]Under the Sexuality and Gender Identity section, Goals


    Items 7, 15 - same sex marriage


    Item 9 - equal right to parent


    Under the Substance Abuse and Addiction section


    Item 24 - Regulated use of Cannabis


    Item 33 - Syringe exchange


    Item 33 - Injecting rooms


    Item 33 - trial prescribed heroin


    So - no untruths


    Nothing from the two major parties


    Just the cold hard truth



    I had hoped that this would not happen. But you have discovered the truth. The Greens plan to close Essendon Airport and use the land on which to build injecting rooms and reception centers for homosexual marriages. All your worst nightmares will come true if the Greens have their evil way.



  3. Ex Goodby,The Greens and Labor.


    The Libs/Nats are proposing technology as the long term solution ---- and not a carbon tax that will be a dead weight on every section of the economy ----- and I suppose you will all have noted that the way "progressives" parties in Australia plan on meeting long term targets is to not actually reduce carbon dioxide output, but to buy carbon offsets on the international market, so we meet out "targets" in an accounting sense, not in a "real" sense.


    One sure fire way of keeping our balance of payments in the red in the long term --- mining booms do not last forever, and iron and coal prices are already coming off their peak, as new mines come on stream in South America and in several African countries, and Leightons is flat out developing huge coal deposits in Mongolia for the China market.


    Anybody who watched Bob Brown at the National Press Club lunch yesterday will not be in any doubt as to the fact that my original post on this thread was spot on the mark.


    Not so, I was referring to the nonsense about something called "buffer zones" at Essendon, Essendon satisfies all legal requirements for a certified airport ---- so ---- what "buffer zones"???? Just something plucked out of the air ( or somewhere the sun doesn't shine) by the Greens and their allies ( developers???) on the local council.



    Labor proposes a cap and trade system - not a carbon tax (which is quite different). The Greens' policy is more structured around outcomes but they will support a cap and trade if the larger (by mass) polluters are not subsidized by the issuance of free certificates. It was the issuance of free certificates that almost killed the EU cap and trade system.


    Ironically the Liberal Party was proposing a carbon tax if I remember correctly. Now they are proposing something called "Direct Action" which, I suspect, means no action.


    The cap and trade system has a lot to recommend it. It has worked brilliantly in the US over the last 20 years for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide reduction. The US did not issue any free certificates but did phase in reducing targets. It is hard to see why this system will not work for carbon dioxide as well.


    In summary, if you wish to do something positive for climate change then it is probably best to vote for the Green Party. If you wish to ignore the problem then it is best to vote for the Liberal Party.


    With respect to Essendon Airport its existence, as I have said previously, is a matter of legitimate public interest. That the airport meets the regulatory conditions is a necessary, but insufficient, requirement for its continuing existence. It also needs the support of the community.



  4. Hey guys, seems like this has turned into a real bun fight, anyway I'm already planing my next move and all I have to say is thank goodness for the "innovators."

    See this web site ElectraFlyer.com - Home of the ElectraFlyer - Electric Aircraft Corporation


    I'm starting to get all my gear together tomorrow, leccy motor, lipo or Li-fe batteries, solar charger & so on, so that when the greens stuff this country and stop my little ringy ding ding 582 from pushing my trike along and blowing oily smoke all over the country side, (I love the smell of 2 stroke in the morning) I'm going electric.


    But, truth be known, at the end of the day I actually want to do my bit for the environment, I'd be happy to fly electric, I just don't want some big wally in Canberra dictating how my life is going to be run.For me a carrot and stick approach will always work better than just the big stick.


    For example, I would love to stick a great big array of solar panels on my roof to help with co-generation of power but why bother when:


    a. I can't afford to spend $40k on the gear to really make it worth while, even after the current government rebates.


    b. the government will tax me on any revenue I make to pay for their over sized bureaucracies and superannuation.


    c. The power companies screw me over with ridiculous charges so I can never repay the initial outlay for the equipment.


    Solar panels on every roof of every house in Australia would have to make a bigger difference to our environment than a carbon tax ever will but it wouldn't matter whether I voted Red, Blue, Green or brindle, no government will ever have the guts to make a real stand on this sort of policy because there is no money in it for them whereas there is no doubt a money making angle for a carbon tax. (oh, hang on there it is: TAX, silly me) Another consideration also, is the off shore interests that dictate our government interests and policies. (Just my thoughts)


    As I said before, a carrot and stick approach will always work better than just a big stick and at present I have not seen any political party offer me a carrot so I will remain cynical regarding the motive of any political party in Australia and on Saturday will, like all others on this forum, vote according to how I believe is best for me and mine for the future,


    have a great Saturday and happy voting, cheers Da Duk

    Which party is proposing a carbon tax?



  5. sadly the ones responsible for this sad situation is the Local councils, allowing development of land surround pre existing airport.

    If a buffer is required by an airport then it could be argued that it is the airports responsibility. That is the airport is required to purchase and maintain the buffer.


    In any case, when it comes to a solution of a buffer problem, it can now only be addressed by removing the houses or the airport. From the political point of view it would be inadvisable for the aviation industry to propose removal of the houses. So, by process of elimination, .....



  6. As I understand it the arguments given by the Greens for closing Essendon are:


    * the lack of an adequate safety buffer zone at the end of the runways which abut residential housing;


    * the health impact of chronic sleep disturbance caused by aircraft noise;


    * the impact of avgas on air quality, health and amenity;


    * the misuse of taxes to keep a redundant airport and marginal operators in business.



  7. I've been staying out of this entire discussion, but I have to admit I agree with Bill (post #42) on this one. We can't just say 'oh we can't fly our aircraft there so it doesn't matter if they close it'. I think that if they succeed in closing some, sooner or later they'll come knocking on the door of the field you fly out of and say that they're closing that one too. We need to try and save all the airports, not just the ones that RA-Aus can fly out of, otherwise I can see things snowballing and then when we start kicking up a fuss when they're closing ones we can fly out of, they'll just sit back and say 'well you didn't care all the other times we've closed airports'.

    You missed out the bit which states, "Then they came for the trade unionists."



  8. Re. The Greens,Have any of you actually looked at Green's economic policies ---- besides a whacking great carbon tax that will push up prices across the board.


    They include:


    Re-Nationalization of "natural" monopolies.


    Increased personal tax


    Increased company tax


    Increased indirect taxes, including widening the GST base and increasing the rate.


    Re-imposition of death duties/estate taxes.


    Removal of many personal tax deductions, ie; no longer deduct the legitimate costs of producing your income.

    Do you have a source to support your assertions?



  9. EX -adios,Is that what you want, adios aviation at Essendon. Are you, perhaps, an EX-parrot?????

    Do you actually have any idea of the uses to which Essendon is currently put ---- a broad spectrum of aviation businesses ----- if you can't answer your own question in the affirmative, what are you doing here?????

    I'm here because I'm interested in flying.


    I do not even know which state Essendon is in so I cannot know what its use is. That's why I asked the question. Location of airports is a matter of public interest. Your answer does not give confidence that Essendon should remain an airport.



  10. Unless the Greens got a majority in both houses they are never going to get same sex marriages through the Parliament. Not because it is a bad idea it's just that both parties are captive to the religious right.

    And, irrespective of whether the Greens are in either house, same sex marriages will become the reality. The reason is simple - homosexually is not an issue for younger people but Human Rights is.



  11. Hi All,Just deciding on my vote for the first time in my life (usually devout liberal). I wanted to pose the question of airport closures to my local candidates and need a bit of help wording this correctly. Just have a few questions I wanted to ask:


    Was it the federal goverment that originally held the leases then handed them over to the councils?


    Were there any requirements placed on the leases by the government? (ie. did the federal government on handing over the leases require that they be maintained for x period of time)


    Is there anything the federal government can do to stop the closures? (any ideas?)





    Which airports are you talking about?



  12. Say what you like about our CEO, he's not likely to be accused of being boring! His column in the latest mag includes a rant about "cross country" circuits and concludes with the advice that it's ok for a following aircraft to turn base before the one ahead if they are flying wider than you need to:ah_oh:!! Sounds like a recipe for a disaster or at least a punch up, to me.

    We do it all the time.


    We get a lot of flying school flights. They fly Cessna 747s. From the time they turn on base to the time that they touch down is about 3 minutes. The time from our base turn to touch down is about 30 seconds.



  13. Apparently he tried but couldnt keep altitude.. hitting power pole near school.

    That would make sense.- although, according to a report in the Fairfax press, his last words to the controller where "We have to put it down on the road."


    Looks like he left his decision until too late. For instance there is some open park land about 500 meters to the north west that would be a better shot.


    For some reason he spent some time asking the controller if there where any good roads about. Seems like he had a fixation on roads. It would have been better if he had picked some of the playing fields out visually and just landed. Aviate, navigate, communicate.



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