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Posts posted by Camel

  1. I have had carby ice on take off in C172 and for that reason I apply carb heat prior to applying power for take off, the reason I had ice was that I did run ups then entered and back tracked and lined up, enough time for ice to form. The engine blurted badly, applied heat and put nose down, found paddock, engine picked up power, resumed climb to safety and wiped sweat off face. I apply carb heat as part of my take off check and encourage everyone else to do this.



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  2. Yeah, it's one of those "don't do this at home" videos...I'd be interested to know how they started off though!

    When I water skied years ago we did a speed pick up and the boat circles the skier and rope is slack, grab rope, flick over head, find handle and boat straightens up and pulls skier out, I wonder if plane circled with rope in water, skier grabs handle and straightens up and off they go otherwise I suppose he was towed by boat and swapped.


    looks like fun as there would be no wake and smooth water although not so smooth in video. Might need to get float plane.



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  3. I get very frustrated when people make comments thinking they know best, well I am no genius but have enough experience to comment and most importantly CASA and RAA in this country at present are doing a good job, if anyone rocks the boat we may lose our freedoms that many worked so hard to get, remember all this didn't just happen, people worked hard to get these things happening and currently SAAA any others are trying to get the RPL happening, these are not just band wagons to jump on after everyone works hard then winge about, if we make waves we lose these priviledges for everyone and destroy what people worked hard for. Everyone needs to watch out for all Pilots RAA and GA and any cowboys in our ranks should be told to take care or if unable to they should be confidentially reported as we all share the airspace. We need to be proud of our ability and airmanship.


    Below are the mission statements of RAA and Regulatory framework so everything is in place there is nothing wrong with the way things are going its just people make mistakes and cause accidents, I have made mistakes but without any accident as I made the corrections quickly and I always inform others of these so they may not make the same mistake. There are many sayings in aviation and the most important one is "you must learn from other peoples mistakes because you will not live long enough to learn from your own mistakes".


    Please take the time to look and read before critising the system.








    This is what it's about don't ruin it by complaining, it's your organisation if you don't like it leave and get a PPL, I have a PPL


    but am happy flying RAA aircraft . Remember when you join RAA you agree not to bring it into disrepute.


    RAA Mission


    To foster, encourage and develop safe Recreational Aviation in Australia with minimum bureaucracy* and minimum cost.


    *Note: 'bureaucracy' implying excessive and/or unimaginative official routines, not routines required


    to collect data that provide information for a valid purpose, such as safety improvement.



    • Like 2
  4. Hi Fellow Aivators,

    Of late I've been doing/trying to locate an airstrip on a privately owned property in the Dunkeld (Vic) region to no avail.


    What I'm wanting to know did any of the flyers here on this site hangar their A/C on this property?


    Sorry guys/gals don't know the name of the property but I believe that a Squirrel Chopper was hangared there to do "Fire Spotting" for the CFA, also large "Heavey Metal" A/C flew in quite regularly.


    The property was sold June/July of this year.


    As Always.................Fly and Keep safe...................................Alley

    Hi student Biggles,


    I looked at our airports with no luck but another look found this.




    Now lets here some good girl fly stories.



  5. You have impressed me and I am a little jealous of what you have achieved and are planning to achieve. and being what appears to be a healthy, energtic young female. You are an asset to aviation, promoting an airshow, showing ladies that with ambition they can take to the skies as you can easily show that it is all achieveable. Good on you ! I hope your airshow is a major success and hope you get to organise a few more. I take my hat off to all ladies that fly and have met a few around and they have all been real special characters, don't wander off to a girls only chat because I like what you have to say, and tell me more of your adventures.


    Now do you fly RAA aircraft ? and why if not.


    I fly GA and RAA , I didn't think I was an aerobatic fan as I have done spins, rolls and other manuovers with an instructor for a few hours and found myself feeling far from excited but in control, this was back 10 years and the urge to throw a plane around comes to me at times, did you enjoy aerobatics totally from the start or have you acquired the taste ?



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  6. Thanks, the 430 would be the best but I have no time to build one at the moment and with the costs of the second hand ones around I am thinking Im better of just getting the new GA 230D or maybe the GA 170D which appears to have a 290kg useable load which would mean full fuel and luggage with 2 POB.But would the 170D still cut it in the turbulence and weather? or would I really need to go with at least the 230 to be more comfortable? Would love a C182 but too old, expensive and low tech.

    If you would like a c182 you should be looking in USA now as the price is right and have seen a couple of late model C206, C172 and C182 people have imported


    It is a be good time to buy in USA at moment for late model at realistic prices and exchange.



  7. I beleive Chris has handled the whole situation from the event to finding the cause and sharing the info extreemly professional and admire him and those who can share in a positive way. As far as gliding at idle, I have an inflight adjustable propellor on my aircraft with 912 Rotax and during simulated engine failures at idle the prop is put to full coarse pitch and it is very noticeable that drag has been removed and putting to full fine at idle is like putting on the brakes.



  8. Landing gear failure was probably caused by the ground rising up too fast and smashing into the undercarriage.035_doh.gif.37538967d128bb0e6085e5fccd66c98b.gif

    I was at Taree today and know the story. Speculating on any accident is not good for anyone and is best not put on public display and can lead to people getting a negative view on aviation in general.



  9. Ok guys and gals. I'm told a need to by a CAG but note it's not cheap and only covers Vic and Tas (where I live). Does the Aopa book have all the details as well but Australia wide?Any advice greatly accepted. (as would an electronic copy is there is such a thing).






    PS. Does Lismore Victoria have a strip? Cannot see it on Google Satellite.

    Did the our airports web site help with what you wanted Spriteah.



  10. Hi Deadstick, you mention Forest on way there and you need to be aware that it is a long way to Kalgoolie if you follow railway and you can only get fuel if you make contact with the property owner or railway that have a strip, I would recomend following the coast to refuel at Caiguna after Nullabour Roadhouse if you have the ability to carry sufficent fuel, between them there is another good one the Mundrabilla motel but no avgas here but it did have 98 I think, plus accomodation, food reasonably priced and friendly, I stopped for food and bed as I had enough fuel, easy access to taxi to Bowser and plane outside room, Border village I think is a little more expensive but I've never stopped there,. It took me 3.6 hours to go Forrest to Kalgoolie in a C172 at 110knot cruise in very ordinary weather skirting showers nearly turned back so you would need over 6 hours fuel to be safe for a return. I have done 3 crossings 2 coastal and 1 following railway, It's probably better weather alomg railway but remote and long distance, coast is scenic with plenty of airstrips and a long straight road. Good luck hope this helps.



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