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    o58-b LSA
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    Treasure Coast, FL
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  1. Ha, When I first read your reply, I had to look twice... In my thinking, it was more plausible that $1000 USD would convert to $25 AUD now a days. They keep the news about how generous USA are towards world issues (plague, war, student finance, war, impending invasion/war) and it is all just a smoke screen for printing money to give away 'for a GOOD purpose' The government(s) are turning the dollar into similar to the Venezuelan Bolivar. In essence, they figured out a way to raid everybody's saving and retirement. Stay aware that while the number is changing that the value of tangible items are keeping pace. Perhaps roll the credit card and buy Krugerrands then repay the credit card in the future. It is all very confusing and that is on purpose. Baffle them with BS
  2. Sure, I have certainly been fishing over there as well. In my mind I can imagine someone going toes up and when their hangar is getting cleaned out, someone throws this in the trash, not knowing what it is or it's value.
  3. Greeting RecreationalFlyers, I am a PPL as well as A&P / Rotax iRMT mechanic who has been supporting the LSA pilots and owners in the southeast of Florida. I am hoping to find a Rotax diagnostic cable to connect my laptop to the engine ECM (electronic control module) on 9 series aircraft engines. I am a 'Fan' of 9 series Rotax aircraft engines... especially when they are moving air efficiently, reliably, and safely! I am hoping to acquire a no longer used / un-needed Rotax BUDS cable, perhaps collecting dust in a hangar, toolbox, or desk drawer. Sold the airplane, hired a mechanic, or even an estate liquidation. I shudder to think how many of these got sent to the landfill as it looks like just a video game wire. Keep your eyes peeled. A complete set will include the wire pictured and perhaps a Y splitter and there is also a Code KEY number that makes it all work, included on a sticker on the original box top. [the KEY code is specific to each serialized cable and either (code or cable) is worthless without the other]
  4. https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/classified-ads-rotax/parts-rotax-classified-ads/10321-ring-mount-rad-oil-cooler-rectifier
  5. I saw a few recently on Rotax-owners.com Please report back if you were able to make a deal and how it turns out. Cheers!
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