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Posts posted by cscotthendry

  1. Thanks CS. 

    I know enough to have designed and installed the whole electrical system downstream of the engine/alternator/regulator


    (but that doesn't mean I know how it works!)


    I initially suspected my battery isolator, but fiddling with it in flight doesn't replicate the symptoms.


    As with all Jabs, the engine ignition system is independent of the battery. 


    My flaps have no connection to the electrical system, so I can't see why they'd be involved.


    Could some electrical component be chucking a hissy fit as it warms up?



    For the flap involvement, I was wondering if the mechanical movement of the flaps and linkage could be causing interference with the electrical system by disturbing nearby wiring or plugs etc.


    Another area to look at: with Rotax systems, there is a large electrolytic capacitor that is wired across + and - downstream of the regulator. This is to act as a load for the regulator should the connection to the rest of the electrical system be lost downstream. Some Rotax systems don't have this cap, but Rotax recommend it. Does the Jab setup have something similar? If a big cap like that was shorting internally, it might cause something like you describe. But I think if that happened, the cap would most likely smoke or possibly even explode. That might be the component chucking a hissy. Also, capacitors are notorious components in electrocal circuits for causing problems. Most electronic faults are cause by ageing caps and when we used to have mechanical points in car ignitions, the "condenser" (which is another name for a capacitor) across the distributor points was a common source of engine problems.



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  2. Hi Bruce:


    As you near the range from Clifton, dial up 121.2 on the radio and ask for the status of Amberly airspace. I do it regularly and the controllers are always happy to oblige. They prefer pilots to ask rather than to just blunder into restricted airspace. At 4,500 AMSL you have sufficient clearance over the range and once you clear the range you can drop down to 3,500 no probs. As others have said, track up towards Watts Bridge, then across Mt Brisbane to Kilcoy and up the Woodford valley to Caloundra. It's an easy run, but you will get thermals in that area. It'a always a little bumpy. But by the time you get to Watts Bridge, you're only about 1/2 hour from Caloundra anyway.


    Flying around Amberley airspace isn't as daunting as you might think. We do it all the time and it has completely de-mystified flying around PRD airspaces for us. Give yourself 100' clearance under the 4,500' step and a couple miles lateral clearance from the lower steps and you're good to go.


    I wouldn't advise the route between Amberley and Archerfield though. It's only a couple of miles wide in places and there's significant amounts of traffic in and out of YBAF.



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  3. To have total electrical failure in a system with an alternator and a regulator, I would think it would be a connection fault.


    The next question is: How is the main current carried from the charging/storage system to the instruments? Is it a heavy duty battery isolator switch or a relay/solenoid? Obviously your engine is not losing power, so is the ignition electronic as in the Rotax engines or magnetos as in Lyc/ Cont engines? Next question: Have you tried extending the flaps to takeoff position, then putting some pressure on the flaps about equivalent to the aerodynamic pressure of takeoff?


    I think even if the alternator stopped charging, you would still get power from the battery. Even if the battery was going open circuit you should still get power from the alternator.


    I don't know specifics of JAB engines nor the setup in your plane and these are just some general troubleshooting techniques. HTH



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  4. Haydn & Alicia started a YouTube channel for their Australian Adventure. They built an RV in their lounge room, pulled the pin on corporate life and set off into the Outback.


    In their 10th video, the alluded to having to fly home urgently although the reason wasn't made clear. After that episode ...




    I have left comments on their channel asking if they were OK, or why they stopped making videos etc.




    Does anyone know what happened to them? They were based out of Cessnock IIRC.






  5. Not sure where this idea comes from. 

    But vinyl can be applied to any complex curve. Wrap techniques which involve heat gun application can be used on pretty much any shape. I’ve seen a video where it’s even applied to ball! I’ve wrapped a few less challenging shapes but definitely complex multi-plane curves. 

    There are two types of vinyl for graphics; standard vinyl and wraps. They are different products and applied in different ways.


    Vinyl has a sticky backing and is usually applied (by us amateurs) by spraying soapy water on the surface and then after laying the graphic in place very carefully squeegeeing ALL of the water out from underneath. Vinyl will not do small radius compound curves.


    Vinyl wrap has an adhesive that is only slightly sticky, enough to hold it in place, but can be placed and lifted without damage. The adhesive is heat activated and that is needed to make it stick properly. Wrap will conform to small radius compound curves.


    Returning to the question, I would defintely do the nose art in stick on graphics. That way it can be repaired/replaced easily. Even shaded graphics can be done as some Vinyls can be printed on before application..



  6. I'll second what Mike said about the carby cables.


    Remember that your throttle control doesn't drive the carby position. The springs do that. If there is any drag in the cables at any point, it could cause an uneven actuation of the throttle. It might be worth completely pulling the cable inners out and inspecting them careflly for wear or taipans. And while you have them out would be a good time to lubricate them.



  7. Ok, a confession of sorts, more of a cautionary tale.


    I took a friend up for a fly on a gusty day. The flight went all to plan until the landing phase. As we approached the field, the wind was a bit cross to the runway, but very gusty.


    On short final, the plane started an uncommanded left bank. I thought "What have I flown into? Is it some kind of willy willy?" After a couple of seconds wondering what was happening, we were over the side fence of the airfield and about halfway down the runway. I decided that it would be just about impossible to fly back to the runway so I pushed the nose down, gave it full throttle and called "going around".


    So what happened? My guess is that I let the airspeed drop and stalled a wing. Fortunately for me and my friend, my training caused me to do the correct response, nose over and throttle. Had I tried to correct the uncommanded left bank with ailerons, we might have been a smoking hole in the paddock.


    I have practiced stalls many times, but haven't had a wing drop like that before. It started out gently and I applied a little aileron pressure, but got no response like I usually get. That was when I figured that the plane was out of my control and that it wasn't going to be possible to fly back to the runway.


    I have a fair bit of history with go-arounds as I fairly often mis-judge my approach and end up too high on short final. It's my biggest shortcoming as a pilot, but I just go around and work it out. So the point is, I don't hesitate to abort a landing if things aren't to my liking. In this case my comfort with go-arounds save two lives.



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  8. Hi Scott Mark has left the details above of the info message I left on you phone.  Also if the gap is small could you ceramic coat the ends one or more times to increase the diameters.  Cheers

    Hi Mike:


    I'll give you a call WRT to the ceramic coating option. That sounds interesting.





  9. WRT the oil temp for takeoff


    1) Rotax specify that as a minimum


    2) I have heard that this is because there is a bypass valve in the oil filter that remains open until the oil is at 50 degrees


    3) I masked off a third of my oil cooler because my oil temps were too low during flight, but especially on descent. Now, my oil temps run in the middle of the green arc during flight, climb to the top of the green/bottom of the yellow on a sustained climb and sit at the bottom of the green on descent. Clearly, the Rotax supplied oil cooler on my airplane is providing more cooling than my engine needs. I have a simple normally aspirated 100HP 912ULS.


    As for not doing runups before takeoff? Not this little black duck. I do them every time. I want to know that both mags are sparking before I go hurtling down the runway with a fence at the end of it.


    WRT to cooking the engine? IMO, if you're keeping an eye on the temp gauges, you shouldn't be cooking the engine. I couldn't vouch for air cooled engines, but the Rotax doesn't cook like that. I have had an occasion with a warm start on a very hot day when my coolant temp rose above normal, but as soon as I started my takeoff roll, the temp came down about halfway down the runway.


    So, how a pilot treats his own aircraft with Lycomings is his business. That it "doesn't use a drop of oil" says only that his engine is still in reasonably good condition, but it doesn't logically follow that his lack of runups is the reason. That's a bit like saying that because rain comes from clouds, if there are clouds in the sky it must be raining.


    Finally, WRT to the long warmup time for the Vixen, yes, he probably had a similar setup as most Rotax engines. I think the standard oil cooler has been designed to cope with the higher power and turbo charged engines. With the standard oil cooler on a normally aspirated 80 or 100HP engine it can take a while to get the oil temp up, especially in the winter, but it's still required by Rotax.



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  10. Does anybody know what kind of tool can make ball ends in exhaust tubing? If so, does anyboy know of someone or business that has one? The ball ends of my exhaust pipes don't seal in the sockets in the muffler. They are just a shade too small and need to be expanded out a bit





  11. I have the non TSO garmin in my Legend. It works ... Reliably and it has stereo capability. I have Lightspeed Zulu headsets and I wired the system for stereo. I can hook in some music into the intercom if I want (but never have) and listen to it in stereo. Also, on dual watch, the active frequency reception moves towards the left ear and the standby towards the right ear. Also, the pax voice comes mostly in my right ear so it sounds more like you're not actually wearing headsets. As a final plus, the Garmin has remote frequency and toggling inputs so I can cycle through my frequency memory and swap active and standby with a switch on my yoke.


    PPS! The Garmin has a nice BIG bright display that is easy to read in a bright cockpit, unlike some of the gear with the little LCD screens.



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  12. Another take (possible conspiracy theory) about airport fees.


    When a council implements airport fees, the original, and stated, intent is to cover the operating and maintenance costs of the airfield. However, a subplot could be to drive traffic away, thereby justifying the sale of the airport to developers. Everyone knows that airports draw developers like sugar draws ants. All that flat cleared land is cheap to build houses on and developers can make a motza out of an ex airport. Then the council gets rates from all those houses/units and no longer has to pay to maintain the airport. For the council and the developers, what's not to like. For the couple hundred pilots who can no longer land or house their planes there ... Too bad!


    This is the world we live in now. Where the $ rules and business is a sacred (cash) cow.



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  13. Hi Phil:


    I saw your comment on the Gilberton video. When I saw the signature, I guessed it was the same Phil Perry from the fora here. Thanks for watching and thanks for your feedback.


    Yes it is Tommy in that and other videos. Both versions of Countrywide in that video are Tommy playing, one with an orchestral backing and one solo.


    WRT flying over tiger country and what it means for the "donkey in front" LOL, it can be a little scary at times, but flying with a group helps with the nerves a lot. I'm not brave enough to attempt these sorts of trips on my own and I'm very grateful for the support of my fellow Puk Airlines members.


    Another upside of group flying, is that every night is like a party while we're on tour. Our core group is very close; like a family. We get along very well and have a really great time.



  14. Protruding rivet heads may make it difficult to get the wrap to stick around them. Any voids under the vinyl might become a corrosion trap?

    That's true if done poorly. However, vehicle wrap is a different product to the vinyl used for making rego letters and stick on graphics. Vehicle wrap is very flexible and is applied using a heat gun. With care, the rivets can be dealt with effectively, but it will be a very tedious job.


    In addition to that, you could have a very speccy "paint job" for a lot less than having it painted that way. And if you come to dislike the decoration, you can heat it off and design a new one.. But you'd still have to prime and paint a base coat, probably white would be best.



  15. Not exactly our last flight, but our most recent trip.


    Our stops were:






    Adels grove




    Gilberton station






    And then home


    There was some spectacular scenery along the way and some really interesting stops. Winton, Adels grove, Karumba and Gilberton station were amazing






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  16. Skip the skip. Unlikely at VHF.Do you have a USB supply for anything in the aircraft? I would suspect that if squelch is opening {without any voice signal) then it is likely to be RF interference.

    I agree. Also, do you fly with an tablet or phone? If so, make sure the wifi is turned off. I found that cured the phantom receptions I was getting.



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