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Posts posted by ben87r

  1. Correct frank that was me!


    For the moment we are not sure what the problem is, at this stage ive had an ECG (showing enlarged right ventricle and possible hole in heart), a Echocardiograph ((Not a stress test) showing everything is bang in the middle of normal), and a chest X ray showing everything is normal but, because of CASA regs we need to chase a lil further before they will let is rest. I hope after the ECHOSTRESS/Holter and if they show normal results that would be enough to show im FIT. I do have the problem of a previous ECG showing normal resulsts


    I haven't started CPL training yet but the PPL conversion will start on the 28th of next month hence heading off to Sydney cause otherwise i was going to be starting training only having a class 2.



  2. From what i was told by my DAME up here, because of the time of year a report from a NON CASA cardiologist given to a DAME would suffice? I have already a cardiologist book for ECHO-STRESS/HOLTER booked but would go to another cardiologist should a casa one be recommended. Had a hell of a time trying to get things sorted from up here the week before Christmas, everyone is on holidays and i cant speak to CASA to ask any questions!! grr



  3. G'Day all.


    Ive been lucky enough lately to be accepted into a full time CPL-MECIR-ATPLHOLD course down in Adelaide so i was in the progress of packing up my life to move down there when a week before Christmas i go to sit my Class 1 and fail!!! ECG comes up with an issue So, I'm having to travel down to Sydney from cairns to see a cardiologist and will be needing to see a DAME while there for my class 1. Not to sure yet what the cardiologist will find but need to get it sorted otherwise im grounded. This is my first class 1 need someone who knows what they are doing and not looking to ground me cause its easier. Ill be in the Sutherland shire but willing to travel on the right recommendation


    Any help would be great!





  4. I have cast my vote as "Yes, pilots having a choice of 2 Gov Bodies for 3 Axis would be a good thing & good for the industry"


    This is how i see it between RAA and the new CASA RPL, I now see CASA as an alternative to RAA and i think the "competition" between the too could bee a good thing. I already think that competition from RAA has been the reason that CASA has gone with the RPL so maybe now RAA might get a bit of a fright and hopefully everything goes in the right direction



  5. Just got off the phone from him for a "quick" Chat (20 od min) and he is a very ice guy, turns out that i would have met him before at the SAAA. He will be doing private hire which is awesome!! And he said that he is quite flexible with the strip but said Tolga would be base. So glad to see someone doing private hire in FNQ!



  6. I am too of the opinion of "aint broke", the only thing that i can add is with the search function. When searching if a word is found to be to short or too common it is left out of the searches. This has been annoying recently when looking for posts on CX4, Half VW, VW conversions and others as, im sure that there is good content that i have been unable to find



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  7. I once knew a guy that brought a yacht from cairns to Adelaide using a street directory and keeping Australia on the right. Takes all kinds

    How many time did he say hello to the reef would be my question.. We had a Naval Navigator put a boat on a reef not long ago, Had to GPS zoomed out to far and not showing all detail on the map..



  8. Just got an email back from Scott Casler and the 1835 and the 1915 (60 and 65hp) and expected to burn 3-3.5 USG/PH (11.4-13.3 L/PH). So if i could do a 50ltr tank like Mick plus the 15ltr Aux tank would be 65ltr no reserve and between 4.9-5.7 HR no reserve on those figures with 510NM-595NM. If that was how it turned out in reality i would be more then happy. I can see myself doing the coast a fair bit so plenty of places to take a break, The only time i see range being to much of a problem would be NT/WA which i would love to do



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  9. Get some more bracing on that table's legs. You want it as solid as a rock

    She aint going no where OME, Might not look like much in the photos but there is a dozen 100mm bugel screws in each corner, I am going to put a shelf under it too but ran out of gear so ill wait till i got some more left over.


    As for endurance, I think im going to get my tank made here so i might be able to get the main tank a bit bigger, Hoping for around 45ltr(12USG) and a 15ltr (4USG) marine tank behind the seat in the cargo area that pumps out to the header tank. So my maths put that at 60ltr no reserve (if anywhere along the way i can squeeze more in i will and if W+B allow(Im only 75kg) a larger marine tank could be used when needed) and i think im going to go with Scott Casler 1835 60 hp engine. Not sure of the fuel burn but if boingk figures are right ild be pretty happy with around the 4 hour mark. I will be using it for a fair amount of cross country when complete


    I got to shoot of now but when im back ill post up the links if the decent write ups on it.





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