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Posts posted by rgmwa

  1. My RV-12 (912ULS) finished and painted with extras like lights, ELT and autopilot cost me $96k when it first flew in 2015. The current post Chapter 11 kit price from Vans (with the now-standard 912iS) is US$101,446 plus avionics at anywhere between US$23,982-US$45,362.  With a basic single screen panel and no extras, that comes to US$125,428. Allowing for the current exchange rate and import costs, it would now cost $230k - $250k to build one, which I and probably many others couldn't justify. 


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  2. I was talking to a friend yesterday who applied for her Class 5 recently and also got a notice to contact a Dame. Her Class 5 appeared on the screen but she couldn’t print it. She emailed CASA and they didn’t have an explanation but cancelled her application, refunded her $10 and told her to try again. On the other hand about 8 club members have got theirs previously without any problems so this IT issue seems to be a recent problem. 

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  3. 31 minutes ago, cherk said:

    I dont quite understand trying to correct via the ailerons in that situation , where MY instinctive reaction is apply opposite rudder  . Lift the wing with rudder , "fly the wing".

    ( in the situation you described )

    If you think you are being rolled to the left by a willy-will or rotor rather than experiencing a wing drop due to a stall, it would be easy to apply the wrong correction.

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  4. Any chance of a having a 5 minute window to edit a typo without triggering an automatic "Edit:" comment? I can read my post three times before posting it and then pick up an obvious typo as soon as it's posted. It would be nice to be able to fix it without flagging an edit.

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  5. It seems that OzRunways has been sold to Boeing who also own Foreflight, and Foreflight is now also approved by CASA for Australia. The local EFB market is getting a bit crowded.

    I wonder what that means for OzRunways.


    Edit:  Already been noted in another post so ignore this.


  6. I was once coming into Port Lincoln from Aldinga in my weed-hopper ahead of an RPT aircraft also coming in to Port Lincoln. Not wanting to get in the way of his approach I contacted him and said I'd orbit out to sea until he was clear. He said thanks. A little while later he contacted me and told be to be aware of possible severe turbulence on downwind. I realised he was right when I nearly went through the canopy. Shows the value of being on the right frequency.

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  7. I think LSA's appeal mostly to older pilots who are more concerned about their medicals and just being able to legally get into the air, rather than any particular desire to fly at 200 kts.  Also, unless the USA drops their 120kt LSA limit, it's hard to see how there would be enough demand in Australia's small market to support the cost of producing such a highly optimised and relatively expensive design. Personally, I wouldn't want a single seater because I want the ability to carry a passenger or a heavier load, but that's just my preference.  I would sometimes like my LSA to be able to cruise at 150kts, but I'm happy to sit on 115kts. I'll be interested to see what others think, but either way it's great to see some innovation and I hope you're successful.


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