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Posts posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi all. I have a 701 in my shed that i am trying to get into the air. I am the third owner, purchased from a deceased estate, the plane kit was first purchased in early nineties so has been a long build.The wings have had their slat brackets taken off so the question to all 701 owners and flyers slats or no slats. Hanging a low hour jab on the front. Cheers Phil

    Hi Phil my 701 l purchased has had the slat taken off and the brackets cut off also.

    l am going to put them on l have spoken to Zenair about them and they say if l want a real stol aircraft put them on you loose a bit of cruise speed , l have put the new aluminum VGs on the elevator to get better control a slower speeds l will see how the slats go then l will make my decision whether to keep them or not.


    cheers Geoff.



  2. Hi Geoff, Davids 701 will certainly benefit from some tlc. Are you still just south of the pistol club? Laurie

    Hi Laurie yes still same place Davids 701 does need some tlc its been sitting for a long time completely striped it down doing some mods and updating. Come for a visit one day, what are you flying these days don't see you much flying over.

    cheers Geoff.



  3. Not quite every Sunday (See my note elsewhere) to get a fly in one and would be happy to do a legal cost share Father's Day was obviously a bad choice! Any chance you could tell me when you will be there next? I would dearly love to get a fly in one and would be happy to legally cost share. I would also like to see how you have organised your fuel systems. The sole example that I saw today had a different fuel setup, ie wing tanks and header tank, mine has only wing tanks.

    Hi Derekliston let us know when you get to fly one , l am putting Savannah wing tanks in mine and a savannah header tank see if you can find a savannah they are similar to the 701 you might get some ideas of fuel system there are more savannahs out there than 701s.

    cheers Geoff.



  4. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/i-need-to-do-my-bfr.44269/Yes it IS true...the end result may well just be that Recreational Flying has to become a Governing Body to protect your privileges to fly a recreational aircraft...the EAA style would have to be the choice

    l think that this is the biggest load of crap l have ever heard you haven't broken any flight rules or regulations so how or who the f*****

    can stop you from flying or doing your BFR how can you bring the RAA in disrepute when they have done it themselves this why l will NEVER vote or get caught up in all the bullshit that goes with the RAA and all the bureaucratic rubbish .


    So Ian just go and do you flight reveiw and go flying enjoy your self.


    cheers Geoff.



    • Like 1
  5. I'm building a CH701 at Karalee, I've been building for the past 4+yrs, admittedly haven't touched it much for two yrs but I'm back to it now. I am a now retired LAME and have to admit that part of the reason for the two year hiatus has been frustration with the design. I had owned the plans since the aircraft came onto the market some 20+ yrs ago so when I bought the kit finally, I also bought an updated set of plans in the fond belief that any problems would have been long ago found and fixed, this has not been my experience. However, I intend to finish and fly it so I need to refire enthusiasm, hence I will drive up to Kilcoy next Sunday morning to hopefully chat to some people, get some ideas about areas that are giving me problems and maybe, hopefully get a ride in one.

    Hi l am also doing a full rebuild on a 701 it was built in 98 well that was when it was finished not sure when it was started it is the early 701 so l all so was hoping the plans had changed but most of it is still the same l have had to beef up the fire wall and nose wheel assembly as it was quite damaged and change the main spring to the latest version put more ribs in the fuselage to stop it tin canning get rid of the fuel tank over my knees installing wing tanks list goes on but it should be a good project.20 years is a long time for a build hope mine doesn't take that long keep plodding along Derek .

    cheers Geoff.



  6. Hi Geoff, I also now live in Drouin and thought this area was not very well served with airfields, I am heartened to here of this development, I know of this airstrip from years gone by, however I thought that it had been fenced and generally messed up for use as an airfield which is what very often happens.I have been an aviation nut all of my life and have been Gliding for longer than I care to remember, and of course interested in any form of aviating, have been a member of this forum for a long time without posting anything of note, this chance finding may be just what I need to get going.

    It would be great if we could arrange to meet some time, I am sure that we would have a lot to talk about, I find this form of communicating hard going.


    Regards Graeme

    Hi Graeme welcome it is a great forum nice people and lots of knowledge to be had on here, the strip was fenced in half for years 1500ft which was plenty for what we where doing now it is open up to its full length once again 3000ft with club going ahead .

    It will be good to meet up with you there is about eight of us in this area that fly ultralights.


    Also Dave the Labertouche strip has been developed with poultry farm it is no longer there.


    cheers Geoff.



  7. Hi Geoff, Where will I find this strip at Lardner. Do you have contact details etc? Cheers, Dave

    Hi Dave l dont have gps coordinates as its only 5mins from my place l will get some for you its owned by a dairy farmer they used to use it years ago for the outback farmers to fly down to Farm world then that stopped then only us ultralighters used it with the permission from the owner its now getting developed into a proper airstrip l will get a ph number for you.

    cheers Geoff.



  8. By the way, How did you find flying the Skyfox?? Regards, Dave

    Hi Dave was great to fly but didn't do many hrs in it had to transport it to longer airfields.

    The strip at Labertouche dont think is in use anymore years ago there was a death there we haven't been there years l will find out and let you know the best strip is Williams strip at Lardner it is 1000mts they are opening up a club and a school there it has been private strip we used to train out of it its all grass strip the only problem is if you get a strong easterly you get bad rotor near the hanger and the bush so test you out.


    cheers Geoff..



  9. Hi to all, I am a recently retired LAME. I have been building(and swearing at) a CH701 for about the past 4yrs. It looks like an aeroplane now but still needs paint, instruments etc. Believe people when they tell you they have less time after retirement than when they were working. However, it is my intention to buckle down and finish it. What I would like is to contact some pilots who fly these, preferably at Kilcoy. I live in Ipswich so I still have a fair drive to Kilcoy and would rather drive up when I am sure someone will be there. There are a few things I would like to see how other people have tackled. I would also be keen to have a fly in one since thus far I haven't. I have a VH registration for mine since I am hopeful of flying from the strip at Willowbank (if I can find out who to talk to) and it is I believe in Amberley's airspace. I'm interested to hear from anyone about anything to do with flying but in particular CH701.

    Hi Derek welcome to the forum l am also doing a full rebuild on a ch701 it was first built in 1995 it was the first of its type so l am modifying it to update to the present l have the 2003 plans if you need any info l hope l can help.

    cheers Geoff



  10. My fuel tank in my Solitaire is weeping... it is made out of fibre glass, slightly agriculturally if you ask me, but I guess it worked. But now, I think it's time to upgrade a fraction and make things a little safer. And more ergonomic...I'm thinking of making a new tank out of aluminium, but just wanted to hear what others thought of that material? Or should I just make another out of glass? Personally I'd rather use alloy because I know more about welding that stuff than fibre glass building!



    Hi Tomo make a new one out of aluminium you wont regret it l have made a few over the years they work great,get it pressure tested mount it right wont have a problem ..

    cheers Geoff.



    • Like 2
  11. Hi i have seen a few drifters with plastic drums straped to the back seat are they extra fuel or for balist or both.

    Hi if it is on the back seat it would be spare fuel if it is behind the seat that is what they used on the early drifters for fuel tanks.



  12. There is a mathematical formula which is quite complicated however very 'interesting'.Because of the savings issue attached to daylight saving, a certain time interest is added each year depending on the Reserve Time Bank's current rate.

    With a current rate for this year being 8%, this will add 4.8 minutes so to keep the cows happy, you really need to change your clocks by one hour and four point eight minutes. Simple really.

    Does that mean we will get 8% more milk.



  13. Sorry folks, I've tried the interweb but can't understand what is said.In as simple a English as possible, what is the way to know when DLS starts and ends?


    I believe it is the first sat/sun of October to start and the First sat/sun of ...... April?


    I am wanting to try and get a "formula" so my new clock can auto adjust for DLS in Sydney.

    Hi FD this will help



    Victoria's period of daylight saving will start at 2:00am on Sunday 7 October 2012. At 2:00am standard time (Eastern Standard Time) move clocks forward one hour to 3:00am summer time.


    Victoria's period of daylight saving will end on Sunday 7 April 2013. At end of daylight saving period, move clock back one hour at 3:00am summer time to 2:00am standard time (Eastern Standard Time).


    cheers Geoff



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