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Posts posted by Hongie

  1. Good thing I've got 5+ months to plan! They won't accept my CoV application until 3 months prior to my trip, but I've started on the paperwork already. I don't want to rent a plane and instructor, I want to fly myself around and not be locked to someone else's schedule, so my plan is to buy bulk time from a private owner. From the calls I've made to CASA, the process seems relatively straightforward. Submit my application for my CoV, submit my application for my ASIC, then once they are both approved, I will be able to pick up my documents when I land in Australia.

    Sounds like a good trip you have planned, If you are around the mackay area, I'll show you around if you are keen



  2. Hi Alex. It can be done but requires months of planing and paperwork because of our useless regulator. To fly to any airfield that has regular public transport requires an ASIC. Depending on how many hours you plan on flying it’s probably much easier just to find an instructor you get on with and fly with them.

    To be issued with (and to exercise the privileges of, if we take the way it is written literally) a CASA license (RPL, PPL, CPL) you must already hold, or apply for an ASIC/AVID at the time of application. Until you hold a valid ASIC or AVID, CASA will not issue one. Not just if you want to fly into security controlled aerodromes.

    I recently went through this. Aviation ID Australia would not issue an ASIC as I did not have an operational need (a license) and CASA wouldn't issue a license as I didn't have an ASIC. They professed to have never come up against a similar situation. 086_gaah.gif.9f31919306dccf5493593675c0fa940e.gif



  3. Rogerramjet, I know you are in the ACT, but if you are ever up in QLD, go see Neil Hoffensetz at Ayr Flying Services. He has a good reputation up here with some very highly qualified (atpl types), and there is no pretentions to him, no <mod censored>, if you are good to go, you are good to go type of attitude. Doesnt milk you for all you are worth, and actively speaks about not doing so.



  4. There's a name for that, a psychology term when drawn towards something you see and fear without your control, anyone know it?Next time you see the water trap, think of all the happy times swimming, playing, fishing, etc, otherwise in water, until it has equal standing with to where you want to hit to and then you won't unconsciously be drawn towards it.

    You're welcome,


    Dr Bex.

    target fixation



  5. I'm currently 33, got my RaAus cert when i was 27 or 28, starting RPL in the next week or so fingers crossed. From when I 1st got my RaAus to now, I have not been very active for various reasons.


    My belief is that "the old guard" with the superiority complex keeps/drives away a lot of the younger (or even older for that matter) people. Take that under the understanding that I dont mean *ALL* the old guard have that attitude, but that the ones that *DO* have that effect, and are often the loudest, hence the negative effect. And that group encompasses Raaus and GA, with both often looking at the other with (unfounded and non-sensical) contempt



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  6. already sent Hongie a request for info on airfields near Mackay for an upcoming 'safari', a bunch of 60 knotters from Boonah to Cooktown via coast and back inland -any advice re. flying in that necka much appreciated guys



    Hi Mate, I have no new messages?



  7. I've just had some similar to the Abe Tiedowns mentioned in the video rgmwa linked to made at a local laser cutting place, out of 1.6mm 304SS. I'll take them to a friends press brake and fold them up and get some stakes etc.


    For 6 of the anchors, my total spend is $48, plus I'll have to get some stainless steel rope and jewellry (factor another $15 or $20) and some stakes (another $20ish) I should get out of it for <$100. I already have some dyneema rope which has a breaking strain of something ridiculous.


    I'll do some tests and let you know.



  8. Hongie, I have an RV9A at Bundaberg. Prob a bit far south for you?Will be advertised for sale soon. TIS 260 hrs.

    All good mate, cheers. Just trying to get my -7a ferried to Ayr, so I can do some training. Looking for an RV experienced local pilot. Seem to be thin on the ground!



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