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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. On 29/08/2021 at 5:48 PM, Thruster88 said:

    I recall an accident that occurred in South Australia?  with a amateur built aircraft heading east for a flyin. They had stopped overnight and re fueled. Next morning took off and did not get far, fuel exhaustion. Cant find the report.

    Always visually check fuel even if it was full last night.

    I remember that incident. From memory it was a Lancair which had flown in from Perth. On arrival they had filled tanks with fuel ready for the last leg of the journey the following morning. Assuming tanks were full even if the gauge didn't register so, they sadly crashed shortly after takeoff and the occupants died as a result. There was no fire involved due to lack of fuel. It was thought to have been stolen overnight by thieves for their hotted up cars. Very sad!

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  2. Another close friend who went into a coma and passed a day after his second jab, hadn't even left the house for over 6 weeks other than to get his jab, he had had no visitors at all in that time, but his death was put down as covid. But of course there are no longer autopsies carried out, so we will never know.

  3. What seems a little strange is that in the past month i have had three friends in Sydney hospitals, and all three were whinging that their wards were empty, and that staff seemed to be at an absolute minimum.

    Maybe they were all tied up with Covid cases. Who knows?


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  4. North Bondi RSL clubs gents, used to have humerous but confronting images behind all the mens urinals which came as a big surprise when you entered for the first time. They have since been removed.








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  5. On 29/08/2021 at 12:18 PM, Ando said:


    That brings back memories of when I was having a lesson in a glider about half a century ago, and needed to get rid of some beer from the night before. The instructor passed me a length of clear plastic tubing to relieve myself, which I did. Where does this all go I inquired, does this glider have a holding tank of something? Nah! he replied, just don't make yourself known to the woman down there who's hanging her washing out.

  6. The tracing system seems to be working well and testing is obviously important, as is doing everything possible to minimise it's spread. It looks like it's going to be something which we will have to live with in the forseeable future sadly.

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  7. One thing the mainstream media does not make aware to the public, is that the current deaths total of 993, actually includes 909 from January last year up until New Years day.

    If you Google Covid 19 data Australia you can see that most of the country is in lockdown and businesses going broke for what has been put down as a total of 84 deaths in the whole of Australia this year.

    Flu deaths, of which there is a significant number every year, hardly get mentioned.

    The fact that we are all supposed to be social distancing and wearing masks, may have a bearing on those numbers.

    Make of that, what you will, and believe whatever suits your line of thinking.

    I would not want to sway anyone one way or another. However, the figures are there to see on official government sites if people take the trouble to look, which most won't. The majority accept what the media constantly tells us.

    Thought for the day............If you don't follow mainstream media, you are uninformed.

    However, if you do, you are largely misinformed. 

    Positive story's don't gain much attention.


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  8. As Turbo has said, handwriting these days is generally atrocious. The way doctors write, it's amazing so many of us are still alive. Though i'm not anywhere as good as i'd like, I use a calligraphy pen and have bought one for each of my grandsons. They always comment on my handwriting on Birthday cards etc; and they have started to use them a bit and try to copy my style, even though it's not really that flash. They have at least taken a bit of interest and pride on occasions how they write. So hopefully the input from grandad at least inspires them a little to take some pride in how they write.

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  9. I for one, would not wish to be school teacher these days for quids, and I know quite a few of them.

    It is my opinion that so many of the problems encountered, stem not from the school itself, but from the family home.

    One particular friend who was teaching year 10, said that on many occasions if he had to pull a boy into line, the next he knew was the father coming to the school wanting to punch the crap out of him, and on one occasion being threatened with a knife. Fortunately, when the parent was faced with the size of this bloke, the threats fizzled out.

    By parents getting involved in this way, the kids have no respect at all for any authority. He added that his most successful students seemed to come from homes which had a loving environment, allocated responsibilities and fairly firm guidelines.

    Back when I was at school, we had teacher who'd been a Regimental Sergeant Major in the army for many, many years, and struck a lot of fear into the kids if they were not doing the right thing. I too got a few wacks with the stick he carried, but he was always fair, though very tough. When he died some years later, it was absolutely amazing to see who turned up at his funeral. There would have had to have been at least two dozen of who had been the schools biggest tough-nuts from the slum area that was nearby, who'd come to pay their respects to him.

    That was a very memorable moment, which indicated that his discipline had taught love and respect.

    RIP Ernie, you tough old bastard. You did well.:thumb up:

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  10. 1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

    Great day for Victoria today with Victoria topping Australia with NAPLAN results. I've been in Online schooling with my grandson every day from last year, and certainly a percentage of the students 9 and 10 yos left alone in bed fall behind, but the Victorian Education Department employed one on one tutors to bring those up to scratch by the end of Term 3 last year, passed virtually all students, then had the tutors return in term 1 for more one on one work, so virtually all were a match for their class by the end of term 1. One of the advantages of Online learning is the student doesn't have to cool his her heels waiting for all the queries to be addressed by the teacher, we go off and start our assignments, and those children come on line one by one, so most students get more done and that is probably the main reason for the above average results which came out on the same day that the Commonwealth Childrens Commissioner was peddling the line that a whole generation fo children had lost the year forever.

    I hope you got good marks mate, don't let the boy down.

  11. Teachers union members trying to cover their Ars* I would imagine.

    It's amazing how us older folk really appreciate how many times tables have assisted us in life.

    I recently went to a shop and simply bought two items at $6 each and gave the young girl a $20 note. because the electronic till wasn't working, she ended asking me how much change she needed to give me.

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