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Everything posted by CrayonBox

  1. You're welcome to 'drop' in ! Let us know when so we can video the attempt.....
  2. Lesson 4: Today I completed 0.25hrs training. YES only 0.25. We didn't do circuits. My CFI forecast last night (he didn't tell me) that there would be wind this morning and that some not so smooth air would be the go. My first experience in light turbulence 10kts gusting to 12kts. So by the time 10mins were up, working the bar for that long meant my brain was fried as my instructor would say. Now I need to chill and think about it - to let it sink in before the next session - next week.
  3. Definitely trikes only! It's only ~350m and has a trike hanger to fit up to 3 trikes ! And I know of Erol Goodwin's place.
  4. Hi Mick, I fly out of Nikenbah (Chapel Rd) with CFI Mark.
  5. I might keep this thread going with updates on my flight training progress. I have now enjoyed 3 hours of training in a Microlight 582 outback, which has included straight and level, following a creek, flowing a fence at low altitude, fog surfacing, and a run down the local aerodrome runway at 50feet - give or take 100ft Lesson 3: This afternoon we flew ten circuits at the aerodrome in preparation for landings - pretty routine really, but most enjoyable. I also lined up for finals approach and flew into the private airstrip we operate from. Handover at 100ft. Looks good for hour/lesson number 4 in the morning! And more circuits I guess. Practice makes perfect, and I would really like to be skill ready for when the spring winds begin, because the aerodrome runway is normally crosswind.
  6. Thanks for all the answers so far. I will look into them. I have found it difficult to take onboard, understand and retain what I am being told 'while' flight training during the lesson. I would rather learn my theory on the ground, as I am sure is best and we all do. Also wanted to ask, are there any online Microlight (trike)/ Ultralight / Pilot Certificate practice exams? I found these to look as good as anything... http://www.microlightforum.com/showthread.php?2684-Mock-Exams
  7. What study books and materials did you use for reference? That is... To successfully pass your exams? I have read a microlight theory book i found online from the usa, and the microlight handbook 7th edition by Brian Cosgrove. But i feel like they are not sufficient. I still have inadequate knowledge about preflight, pretakeoff, telephony and the list goes on. Really appreciate your help here, thanks, Stewart.
  8. 'tis working now after a little email was sent...
  9. I want to sign up as i have just become a member, but the hgfa website will not for me. http://Http://www.hgfa.asn.au Can anyone confirm it works... I will have to ring them on monday. Thanks in advance.
  10. Which is harder... Loosing the gut or convincing the missus? I know your troubles my friend. Welcome.
  11. I'll be very careful about purchasing a used microlight after reading this. My cfi said that he will dismantle and personally inspect his students potential purchases. What a guy!
  12. I stumbled across this full coroners report. I am sorry if any of you knew this guy, but I thought the report would help those looking for information relating to purchasing a used microlight, and the mistakes or oversights that can happen along the way. hopefully it can prevent a future such situation. There is a lot to learn from this report. As a newbie, certainly opening my eyes.... http://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/86786/cif-scholl-ph-20090127.pdf
  13. Has anyone got a copy i can download for fs9/2004. Thanks.
  14. Here is a service bulletin if anyone wants a tech read about the fix that has been implemented. http://www.jabiru.net.au/Service%20Bulletins/Engine%20files/JSB031-1_JSD031-1_Engine_Through_Bolts.pdf
  15. Seriously it can't be that hard - i can do it. I have been flying almost 2years now and own 4 helicopters. 2x trex450 clones, and 2x trex 600 electrics. I learnt everything i know from helifreak.com forums. Awesome site for info. Took me 2 months of hard work to learn to fly forwards, circuits 8's etc. Now i am learning to fly microlights......
  16. Hi Alan, Yes seen that trike online, but too far to come and get it. I should have my pilots cert by spring - all going well, so have got some time to look around I guess. (More time to save too).
  17. I live in Hervey Bay Queensland, and recently began microlight flight lessons. At this stage I know it all, and am quickly learning that maybe I don't really. I have been wanting to fly all my life. Now in my mid 40's, better late than never. I attempted hang gliding when I was 18, but that was a bad day - yes 1st day a little prang. So get used to seeing me around here and there. Lesson 1 & 2. I have had 2 hours of lessons now, (18 to go). I am on the lookout for an affordable Airbourne 582 trike with streak 2 wing (like everyone lol). I look forward to getting to know many of you here. Cheers! I am learning to fly a Microlight. Training began on the 1st July 2012. This thread has become my personal "follow my training" thread for those that may be interested. Do you remember doing your training?
  18. My trike is in a competition to be bought. Watch video for the rules and details.
  19. CrayonBox


  20. From the album: CrayonBox

    As of 19th January 2013 I am a certified microlight pilot. This is my first flight with this status - the day after my instructor signed off on my certification. I made a round trip of approximately 50NM.
  21. We flew in to the airshow on Saturday morning. Here is video of the days events. Enjoy.
  22. CrayonBox

    "At The Hanger"

    From the album: CrayonBox

    A typical training morning at the local hanger.
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