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  1. Why bother.only my opinion.i went the other way due to high costs etc etc,just need to be checked out include nav ,I don't think it would be hard ,ppl theory test maybe nav met etc.any ga instructors will be happy to take your money ,I mean tell you what's req.i now fly for 30$ per hr........



  2. I'm in John ,more the better .looks like a another new pilot about to start training ,there is now two instructors in Perth,looking good for some more bigger events here in wa.



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  3. Real good thanks got2in that day got a bit windy great to fly over crops 2feet high for 100s of meters to few scary moments with gusts of wind up higher ,not quite used to that bit ,best to be flying on the better days for bit longer .conversion might be finished tomorrow or next day then full lic then I think it's 10 hrs for pax endo .this is by far more fun than tin can flying.meeting a few other aero chute owners along the way and have flown in three places now .another starting training tomorrow so good that its a growing sport here in the west .funny thing I didn't even know this form of flying existed here till 3 or 4 months ago now have my own and looking forward to lots of new places to fly and people to meet.



  4. Reason for asking is this aircraft is 9 years old showing 80 hrs if tach batt is good for 5 or so years now maybe it has done many more hrs than that sounding like one more reason to look at pulling the thing apart even when it's running great any eg of sim .



  5. Only had this one a short time was told that it had been started regular etc ????.used in powered parachute so engine outs may be a little less of a disaster if flying around a open field .i was wondering if there is even older engines still running fine without replacing seals etc .or should I be looking into tearing it down even when it s running sweet



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