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Phil Perry

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Everything posted by Phil Perry

  1. Sad day tomorrow - Going to the funeral of a former Flexwing Instructor from Otherton. His name is Michael New. Was a smashing chap, he'd been very ill following a heart attack several years ago. Had a mechanical valve and a defib unit + pacemaker fitted which at least gave him a few years, He had even got back into flying a shared Rans S6, but not instructing. Most of the Staffordsdshire Aero Club will be in attendance. I only mentioned this as you may perhaps have known / heard of him through the BMAA. He did is ratings with Geoff Weighell. He worked as an AFI under Hagar the Horrible - Mr. Faulkner, the then CFI and manager. Most people in the UK microlight scene know of Gordon. He's mellowed recently, but back into inspecting and instruction / testing.
  2. No, I didn't think it was a P+M product,. . .just a 'trikey' lookalike. . . someone mentioned to me today that the thing was photographed some time last year ( ? ) if so, perhaps it has been shelved. I'll ask around the traps a bit more. Oh Dear,. . . you don't mean 'Amphibious CFM Shadow Milton' do you ?
  3. Yes, I thought it looked a lot like the Quik or GT450. . . although the fuel burn is going to frighten them, since the whole concept is very 'Draggy' being in autorotation all the time, which will mean slower cruising speeds. I'd be interested in a ride in one to see what the yaw stability is like. . . since most GCs feature a rudder aft of the prop. . .but I assume that they have addressed this aspect. . .
  4. Not overly keen on whirlygyros. . . flown a few, starting with a Bensen Gyro-Glider towed behind a car. . . No offence intended towards those who do though. . . .It'z a flying appliance after all. . .
  5. Thanks Maerte. . . . I'm going to the funeral of my good mate Mickey New on thursday 26th. . He used to be an Instructor ( Trikes ) at Otherton. . . .this is at St. Mary's opposite the Courthouse in Kingswinford. If I don't fancy the wake, ( I never met his family ) I might pop in and have a quick pint. Had Bathams before, I used to do Signwork for the Brewery. My current fave ale is ANYTHING concocted by Hook Norton Brewery in the Cotswolds. . .( Look up their website, . . .they deliver beer on proper Horse drawn drays with the blokes all in period costume, . . to their surrounding owned pubs. . Old Hooky is to die for. . even in a bottle ! Mate owns the place. . . .going to stay over for a bash in August. Thanks for the heads up though Sun. . . . Phat Fill ( the non drinker )
  6. Uncle Bob, attacking one of the school aircraft. . .with yours truly assistingting the operation. ( I've done this before, it helps to know where the feed is ) I bet him 5 Pints of best bitter that the problem was a leak in the pitot feed. ASI was sluggish and under-reading by 20 plus Kt in the cruise ( checked against GPS in nil wind condx. ) rough guide anyway. . . Found a 50mm split in the feed tube. . . .Just removing the fairing to get at it. Looks like a good FREE session at the pub next weekend. . all the other experts said that it was partially blocked by dust or an insect. . . ( lucky guess really ! ) All good banter though.
  7. Not sure who is making these, or if it's a concept prototype, heard about it last year but can't recall the name of the developers. . .
  8. I'm glad that Kasper got that post in, I was gathering data for an article on the Hornet too ! Thank you Sir. The Hornet would have fitted the original title a lot better methinks, when discussing WW2 period machines of course !
  9. I don't. My Daughter does though and she passed on this post via email. Might be rubbish, might be something in it. An IT colleague has advised that a video comes out tomorrow from WhatsApp called martinelli - do not open it , it hacks your phone and nothing will fix it. Spread the word. If you receive a message to update the Whatsapp to Whatsapp Gold, do not click !!!!! Now mentioned on the news - this virus is difficult and severe Snopes say this is Crap by the way. . . . . . . I've never had a virus on my phone,. .. possibly because I don't use it as anything but a phone and a wifi hotspot . . .
  10. Welcome Birds. . . . Hope you get sorted with somewhere to aviate mate. One thing, make sure that, before you do a Navex to Rottnest, get your Thruster fitted with the new, armoured Kwokka proof tyres OK ?. . . Phil.
  11. Since a radio display on the new system will not show the ACTUAL FREQUENCY you have selected, here is a small sample chart . . . Confused ? . . .some of my radio students can't get their head around this.. . My answer is, Don't worry what the 'magic box' is doing inside to get you there,. . if you are given a channel slot to use for a particular airfield or service, Ignore the Frequency and Techno - Arithmetic, That is Irrelevant. Simply repeat / confirm the number given by ATC, as you always have done on the old system. . . select it on your display and USE THE DARN THING !
  12. This message from my Local international airport. ( Please Note Yampy, Spacesailor and Sir Jerry Attrick. . .) Please be advised that Birmingham ATC frequencies will be changing to channels as of 1st May 2018. Please see below for the relevant channels: Any acft requiring a service from them will need 8.33 Khz compliant radios on May 1st. This will not affect GA / Light Sport acft, apart from Rich owners as the Airport Authority charge rather a lot of money for landing and handling. They do allow amateur flown aircraft use of the site without any whingeing at all however.. But when the Fifty Quid cup of coffee turns into a 350 Quid stopover,. . ( Not including refreshments ) it concentrates the mind towards other alternatives ( Well, it Does for Me )
  13. Several of the pics did not upload. Also, I am unable to edit ? ? I HOPE I'M NOT BUGGERING UP THE SERVER IAN !
  14. Another interesting Essay from BP.. . The Whirlwind was a twin-engine, heavy fighter developed by Westland Aircraft, not to be confused by the Westland Whirlwind helicopter of many years later. It was developed in the 1930s as a heavy fighter and potential bomber escort. As a result of German resurgence and experience in the Spanish Civil War, it began to dawn on the planners of air power doctrine that the bomber might not always get through. When it first flew in 1938, the Whirlwind was the fastest and the most heavily armed combat aircraft in the world. Unfortunately it suffered with development problems with its Rolls Royce Peregrine engines, which delayed the project at a crucial time. War with Germany was seen as inevitable and limited production was required for proven, single-seat fighters such as the Hurricane and Spitfire. The aircraft was only produced in sufficient numbers to equip three RAF Squadrons and it was withdrawn from service in 1943. From the mid-1930s aircraft designers theorised that increased attack speeds meant that fighter pilots would only have a limited time on target, which might be insufficient to fire enough rifle-calibre rounds to destroy a target. The designers of the Hurricane and Spitfire mitigated this by installing eight Browning machine-guns in each fighter. Even so, in the early dogfights of 1940, it took long bursts to bring down a target, especially if the fighter pilot was inexperienced and opened fire at too great a distance. The French had developed the 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 cannon, which fired explosive ammunition. Aircraft designers began to look into aircraft designs that could carry four of these cannons. Single engine fighters because of their limited range were seen as defensive or interceptor aircraft, whereas the cannon-armed fighter would be larger, carry more fuel and could be used in an offensive role. In the two photographs below, the difference between rifle calibre bullets and explosive cannon shells can clearly be seen. The Heinkel 111 has been riddled with bullets before it was brought down. The Halifax was hit once from underneath by a Schräge Musik equipped night fighter and was lucky to make it home. The RAF Air Staff urgently drew up Air Ministry Specification F37/35, calling for an experimental single-seat day fighter aircraft and possible night fighter armed with four cannons. The top speed had to be at least 40 mph greater than that of contemporary bombers – at least 330 mph at 15,000 ft. It was a complex specification and Boulton Paul and Bristol tendered single-seat designs with twin engines. Hawker and Supermarine tendered single-engine designs. The Westland P.9 had two Rolls Royce Kestrel engines with wing- mounted cannons and a twin tail design. The designs were considered in 1938 and there was concern that two engines would render the aircraft less manoeuvrable than a single-engine fighter and that the recoil of the cannons in the wings would result in inaccurate fire. Therefore the cannons should be concentrated in the nose. Because of vested interests and the development of the Spitfire, the Supermarine design would have been the preferred option, but realistically, neither they nor Hawker were in a position to deliver the specification’ especially with nose-mounted guns. Westland had less production programmes and was more advanced with the project, so the Supermarine and Hawker concepts were cancelled and Westland became the bidder of choice. Westland’s design team was led by W.E.W Petter who would go on to design the English Electric Canberra, Lightning and the Folland Gnat. The Whirlwind would have state-of-the-art technology, a monocoque, tubular fuselage with a high T-tail empennage to move the elevators up, out of the turbulence caused by the Fowler Flaps. The engines were Rolls Royce Peregrines, a derivative of the Kestrel and were cooled by radiators set in the leading edge of the wing, inboard from the engines to reduce drag. The aircraft had an all metal stress-skinned covering and was aerodynamically very clean. The pilot sat under one of the first bubble canopies, which gave an unrestricted view and excellent field of vision, except for directly under the nose, which mounted the four 20mm cannons. The 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 had a rate of fire of 700 rounds per minute, and a two second burst could lay down 93 rounds of exploding cannon shells. For its day, the Whirlwind should have been an awesome aircraft. The Whirlwind was only slightly larger than the Hurricane and its twin 885 hp Peregrine engines powered it to over 360mph in level flight, the same as the Spitfire Mk I, but it had a short range of under 300 miles, which made it of limited value as an escort fighter. The first deliveries of the Peregrine engines were not delivered to Westland until January 1940. The Whirlwind was a victim of timing and cold, hard necessity. The delay in engine delivery, caused by Rolls Royce concentrating on the Merlin, delayed introduction into front line service. By late 1940, Spitfires and Hurricanes successfully trialled the fitting of cannons and escort fighters became unnecessary when Bomber Command began operating at night, due to high losses. Fighter Command were looking for a larger aircraft that could be fitted with the early large and cumbersome Airborne Interception Radar. The Bristol Blenheim and later the Bristol Beaufighter fitted this role perfectly. Full-scale production was dependent on the test programme, but the Whirlwind needed more than 250 modifications, which held up the initial production order for 200 aircraft. Delivery to the front-line squadrons was scheduled to begin in September 1940 and the second tranche of 600 that was due to be built at the Castle Bromwich works was dropped in favour of Spitfire production. Production was halted in January 1942. Rolls Royce were concentrating engine manufacture on the Merlin and the much-troubled Vulture engine. The Vulture caused endless problems with overheating and fires in the Avro Manchester bomber. A redesign of the aircraft resulted in the superlative Lancaster bomber, but development time and effort was lost on the Vulture, which could have been used to improve the Peregrine engine; hindsight is a wonderful thing, especially in wartime. However, it should be noted that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the Peregrine engine, it just lacked the additional horsepower and high-altitude performance that routine development and the fitting of a supercharger could have provided. Westland had designed and built an outstanding fighter, but the design was tied to the Peregrine engine, and it would have taken an extensive redesign for the aircraft to be fitted with larger Merlin engines. And fitting Merlins wasn’t always the panacea as the Fairy Battle, Vickers Wellington and Handley Page Halifax proved. Petter campaigned for the Whirlwind Mk II which would have been powered by a more powerful 1,010 hp Peregrine fitted with a high altitude supercharger and using 100 octane fuel. But it was the bottom line that did for the aircraft. The construction of each Whirlwind consumed three times the material and man hours of a Spitfire. The aircrew who flew the Whirlwind considered themselves to be a privileged elite. Sergeant Buckwell of 263 Squadron concluded: … In retrospect the lesson of the Whirlwind is clear… A radical aircraft requires either prolonged development or widespread service to exploit its concept and eliminate its weaknesses. Too often in World War II, such aircraft suffered accelerated development or limited service, with the result that teething difficulties came to be regarded as permanent limitations.” The pilots did criticise the aircraft’s high landing speed and its lack of power at higher altitude. As a result the Whirlwind was used in the low-level ground attack, specifically the highly dicey attacks on German airfields, marshalling yards and railway locomotives. It was a stable gun platform and the concentrated cannons could rip a locomotive to pieces on a single pass. It was also used against E-boats and coastal shipping in the Channel. At lower altitude the Whirlwind could hold its own against the Messerschmitt BF 109 E and F. Being twin engined it gave their pilots a better chance of making it home across the Channel if the aircraft were damaged. The first squadron to be equipped with the Whirlwind was 263 Squadron based at Grangemouth in Scotland, after being almost wiped out during the Norwegian Campaign, but deliveries were slow, there being only five by August 1940. Despite the need for fighters down south during the Battle of Britain, Dowding CinC Fighter Command stated that 263 could not be deployed south because “there was no room for passengers,” in that part of the country. Number 263 Squadron moved south to Exeter and was declared fully operational in December 1940, with the Whirlwind on 7 December 1940. Initial operations consisted of convoy patrols and anti E-boat missions. The Whirlwind’s first confirmed kill occurred on 8 February 1941, when an Arado 196 floatplane was shot down; the Whirlwind responsible also crashed into the sea and the pilot was killed. From then on the squadron was to have considerable success with the Whirlwind while flying against enemy Junkers 88s, Dornier Do 217s, Messerschmitt Bf 109s and Focke-Wulf 190s. 263 Squadron also occasionally carried out day bomber escort missions with the Whirlwinds. They formed part of the escort of 54 Blenheims on a low-level raid against power stations near Cologne on 12 August 1941; owing to the relatively short range of the escorts, including the Whirlwinds, the fighters turned back near Antwerp, with the bombers continuing on without escort. Ten Blenheims were lost. The Whirlwinds of 263 and 137 Squadrons mostly flew low-level attack sorties across into France, calledRhubarbs against ground targets and Roadstead against shipping. On 6th August 1941, four Whirlwinds on an anti-shipping strike were intercepted by a large formation of BF 109s. The Whirlwinds claimed three of the German aircraft for no loss. In the summer of 1942, both 263 and 137 squadrons were fitted with racks to carry two 250 or 500 lb bombs, and nicknamed the Whirlybomber. These undertook low-level cross-channel Rhubarb sweeps, attacking locomotives, bridges, shipping and other targets. No 137 Squadron Flew its last sortie in the Whirlwind on 21st June 1943, an airfield attack at Poix. One aircraft was damaged and crash-landed near Manston. The pilot walked away unhurt. No. 263 Squadron, the first and last squadron to operate the Whirlwind, flew its last Whirlwind mission on 29 November 1943, turning in their aeroplanes and converting to the Hawker Typhoon in December that year. Bearing in mind the relatively small number of Whirlwinds that reached the RAF, the type remained in combat service, virtually unmodified, for a remarkably long time… The Whirlwind, once mastered, certainly shouldered extensive responsibilities and the two squadrons were called upon to attack enemy targets from one end of the Channel to the other, by day and night, moving from airfield to airfield within southern England. The twin-engine heavy fighter concept and aircraft design accelerated during the late 1930’s a keen proponent being Herman Goering. Largely it was somewhat of a blind alley of aircraft design during World War II. The Messerschmitt BF 110s sent over England during the Battle of Britain ended up requiring fighter escorts of BF 109s, which rather defeated the whole idea. The only truly successful examples being the Lockheed P-38 Lightening and the de Havilland Mosquito. Many would serve as excellent night fighters, a role that even converted bombers found their niche, such as the Junkers JU 88 and Dornier 217. The heavy fighter came into its own over Vietnam such as the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantoms or the Grumman F-14 Tomcat a few years later. Advances in Beyond Visual range (BVR) missiles negated the advantages of manoeuvrability and Mig 21s were effectively swept from the skies over North Vietnam and Libya. But it is impossible not to speculate just how effective the Westland Whirlwind could have been, given a different set of priorities and circumstances. H/T Blown Periphery. Going postal blog.
  15. He WAS the skipper,. . First officer landed the aircraft at Southampton, with cabin crew hanging onto skippers legs. . .
  16. 'Sammy Jo' did indeed fly F-16s during her career, and whether she was the captain or 'The Handling Pilot' she sounded 'cool as a cuke' on that atc recording.
  17. A better pic of the engine damage. . . Picture and story in sidebar on general RT news report. Iraqi air forces carry out strikes on ISIS positions in Syria
  18. No worries Bryon. . . .There are quite a number of good, real ale pubs around Staffordshire. . . some with their own craft brewery, SO I am told by friends,. . .Being Teetotal all my life, and indeed before, , I wouldn't know of course. . .
  19. Ah thanks Aer Kyd. . . . I day know that. Gawd Bless Australia Cobber.
  20. Listening to a short clip of the ATC comms with the Captain, she appeared to me to be quite measured and 'Matter of fact' in her replies to ATC, only emphasizing that 'A piece of the Airplane is missing'
  21. I recall watching on UK TV at least 20 years ago,. . . a prog about the development of 4 wheel drive vehicles, and how the Landrover was being rapidly replaced by Japanese products. It featured 3 Australian sheep station operators, who had replaced their Landies with Toyota models. Showing how you could load more errant woolly jumbucks in the back than you could a Landy, how they could do the same job for far less fuel used, and that the vehicles were generally far more reliable. I must stress however that 'Our' Landrover is in fact an Isuzu Trooper, which had run for in excess of 360K miles before it was gifted to the club, and since then it had been used regularly on the site.
  22. For 'Uncontained' engine fail damage,. the most spectacular incident would have to be the DC10 incident in the US, where all of the flight controls were severed when one of the rear mounted engines failed causing a large component to scythe through all the hydraulic lines. . . .that's a peach and still available on youtube if you have not seen it. Brilliant use of assymetric power only, saved a heck of a lot of lives. Sorry, I don't have a link to hand.
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