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storchy neil

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Posts posted by storchy neil

  1. hi jenny welcome reaction the more the merrier


    does it realy matter what one does your contribuation may help some one out being atc at albury you would have some interesting stories looking ford to your writing


    i found it very hard the first time i went to atc controled area





  2. hi savs


    long distance without refueling why


    lots off lugage space why


    high wing low wing why


    high speed low speed why


    storage of plane where


    savs at the end off the day you are the one putting the money up do not rush in go and fly them all not just a hour


    yes i do own a storch s because i wanted to have stol performance easy to hangar ie folding wings cheap to fly easy to fix my choice of plane may not suit you





  3. may be i am out on a limb here but my thoughts are that 600 kg 120knots two persons on board no more as this gives us planes that can be used as a trainer safley


    if you want 700kg 140 knts make it a separate issue


    the way i see it some are trying to get a four seat aircraft into rec through the back door


    please look to the future going bigger is going to put restrictions on us all


    after all this is rec flying haveing fun being able to fly anywere with reason


    why fly where you have restricions some of the people i have met after land at there strip grass and dirt just to have a smoke and a bladder release that to me is what rec flying is all about


    as ian said we may get to a crises point why do we need a crises point why noy stop before we get to it 600kg 120knts end of story





  4. you are lucky no flying school the aero club does not own air on cross hire to school beleive me the bikering that went on in one club that bough aircraft to cross hire to make money for the club are in trouble prices have gone up for learners


    keep it simple safe





  5. big fuel tank:confused: sory andrew i could not let it go by i have not landed just yet


    andrew no matter what plane you buy as long as it has been well maintained and you are happy that is all that counts





  6. cas from flysynthesis owns it i do have a key for it flys like dream look for it at nat fly o8 had to give up the flight to nat fly in as my storch with folding wings is going up to nat fly give cas a call i flew it to shepparton neil



  7. dont muck around no insurance no brains ring glen turner 0882812255


    when i got it wrong and damaged my air craft first call to police


    second call to glen turner and no more worries for me it was his problem


    could not have had better service from vero but then i pay for service and that is what i got neil



  8. doug i may be biase as i own one it is a briliante aircraft to fly


    that was cas the importer nice paint job on that plane


    now mine is back in the air i will be down wallan way will take you up in it one week end


    the kit is is briliante to put together no painting no drilling got the good oil on it ed recondions take four weeks of holdays and he could have it together neil



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