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Posts posted by Spriteah

  1. But who would have thought that the gang who ignored it for so long and did their thing in the dark would be the ones crying for the Constitution to be adhered to.


    There has to be some humour in that!


    Turbo, That's a hand grenade comment. There are new board members that are 'crying for the Constitution to be adhered to'. And perhaps the gang you refer to are moving with the times. I hope so.







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  2. The board did not do as suggested by Turbo. Ed had no more authority than any other president has in the past. Perhaps Ed thought he did but that was misguided. Please ladies and gents I urge you to call you local representative and ask did they give Ed anymore powers than previously appointed presidents.


    Again as stated if and I say if as this has not been said to me or the majority of other board members CASA did put the acid so to speak on Ed he should have stated he has to consult and will return with an answer in a short period of time.





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  3. Turbo, I presume after reading this post again you might be refering to me? Did Ed post on our forum that he would do it his way? Yes he did. It was an interesting comment to say the least. For clarification I called him and had a lengthy conversation with him. I offered my full support if he guaranteed to be honest, not secretive and keep the board in the loop. He agreed. I do not believe he kept his word and has acted in a manner not acceptable.


    The first I new about the position being created as with the majority of the board members was after it appeared on the website. It was also in an email which had arrived that afternoon but I had not read it before I started to receive calls from concerned members. Was timing an issue? Well Im not sure but Myles resigned before the position was announced. The board were not consult or informed in that period.


    Would CASA want us to ignore our constitution? I doubt it. Could the board have made a decision in 24-48 hours. Of course we could. Are the board against the creation of the position? I'm not, some are, in fact several believe we should be utilising CASA's safety resources which I also believe needs to be explored.


    Some of the comments out there are miles (excuse the pun) from accurate. I intend to release all my emails to the members as soon as this issue is resolved so from my perspective you will get the full story as I know it (I'm sure there is lots that has occured that I don't know).


    Major, Did CASA insist this position be created? You seem to know more than myself and all the other board members I have spoken to. Please be candid with your source as you may be able to assist the board. Was the deed of agreement in jeapody? I have not received clear indication from those that attended the meeting to answer that question. I can say that on the 10th of February I as the new person to the board asked that exact question in relation to our compliance with implementing a Safety Management System. I was informed that RA Aus has a SMS in place and it is not of concern. We are just working on implementing a more thorough system.


    If anyone feels they need clarification on any matter you can always call me. 0403 22 8986. Or direct email jim.tatlock at bigpond dot com



  4. Oi! What is all this moaning about?Congratulation and thank you .. Ed..

    The president has stepped up to the plate as soon as he has stepped on to the plate the bagging has started, come on boys and girls have some respect.


    Some thing must be correct we are back flying legaly.. Just by reading what you mob type, I can work out what is correct all can not be bad and nasty.


    If the same amount of effort is exerted goind forward than on the trumped up negatives we would be on Mars.




    Interesting thing:-I have analised the moaners/complainers/negatives are way down south and it is the ones who want to dismember the QLD board numbers.


    I see regularly we do not have a choice to choose who we want to have on the board. "WHO WANTS TO BE ON THE BOARD???"


    I must thank Myles for has contribution to the movement - he has been there since the Ultralight Federation.


    Just side stepping from all the "They should be doings" just imagine the toing and froing with CASA in the conception days.


    Thanks for that Myles, just imagine the frustration.


    Myles is not lost because there will be some behind the scenes tooing and frooing and he well respected and who else is qualified for that task.


    We must all realise when there are intense negotiations in progress.. most of the tooing and frooing must be kept quiet just imagine if the he said she said bitts got out the missinterpretation would be beyond any ones imagineation


    Another interesting fact has been highlighted, The moaners/complainers I can not see where they have put their hands up for board positions, yes I know it is eaier to sit back and moan and belly ache, getting off their a.s.k and doing something is the very hard work. WE SIT AND WHINGE AT THEM


    That will our fun for a while.


    Thank you Myles.


    Thank you Ed.




    Keith Page.

    Keith, You are so far off the mark. Board Members from 3 States including Queensland have emailed a complaint to the full board.



  5. Fact Hunter. A lawer on the board is not there to do law work for RAA. They are there to explain principles to the whole board to assist with decsion making. An accountant would not do our books, but can conduct audits to confirm they are being done correctly. No one is trying to replace outside services with board members. just improve the way the board functions.





    • Agree 6
  6. Terryc. I never said I want to "fill" the board with those type of people. I want to fill some positions with them. A board needs balance of general flyer's, instructors, importers and business representation in my opinion. Not full of one type of person. As to a legal letter, give it to a Solictor and say sought it out and you might find if you do not guide the Solictor with clear sensible directions the next thing you know is you are $100'000 less in the bank and no better off. But the Solictor is way better off than before he met you. And now you have spent $100K with him it's hard to change solicitors and start again!!!!!


    That is what can happen.


    And yes I feel the board got itself into having to run day to day because of poor board decsions, employment choices and not governing. So tell me, does the average flyer have the skills because he has mates and is a good bloke? He speaks his mind and stands strong? They are two good qualities but only useful if that person has life knowledge and some of the previous skills I have previously mentioned. Can work as a team very important which is a tricky one for some pilotie people because many are of a certain ego.


    Jim Tatlock.



    • Agree 2
  7. Tiger and others. I have not yet re-nominated as I was seeing where the insurance ended up. It is looking better. Also if another candidate put their hand up that "I" think will do a better job than me then I would stand aside.


    Bandit, I respectfully disagree. Although you are there 'to represent an area' that is not your primary duties. You are governing and guiding a large business. This has been lacking (and still is however we are on a better track at the minute) in the past. If I had my way we we reduce the area elected positions and create specific positions to select better candidate with skill sets.


    To give you an idea at present we have almost no civil litigation knowledge on the board and are currently being sued.


    Our financials were terrible however a board member (Michael Aaps) fixed them with outside accountants. We have very little financial knowledge on the board.


    Our paper work is a mess as many know. We need to develop a advanced computerised system and have a dangerous amount of knowledge on the board.


    These are the types of challenges a board member is expceted to deal with. Not worrying whats happening in North Queensland or Victoria. I am happy to talk on the phone with any persons interested in running for a position.


    Most importantly bring an open mind and do not fall into a group and vote that way always. That is what destroys boards and allows organisations to get into all sorts of trouble.




    Jim Tatlock


    Victoria Representative (really a national representative vote in by Victorians). 085_blah_blah.gif.5dd1f55e9e017c1ed039995789e61c55.gif



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  8. Great thread, keep it going. Please read up on directors responsibilities before running. And make sure you have plenty of time to commit to "work". It's not about going to a couple of meetings and having your say. It's what you are trying to achieve between the meetings.


    Jim Tatlock.



    • Agree 6
    • Caution 1
  9. Stearman, After reading some I see what you are saying. Casa allowed some minor exceptions to stay aligned with our current rules prior to the introduction of the LSA. What they haven't allowed is changes to a plane that the manufacturer does not agree too. Yes you can order an LSA with a constant speed prop but my understanding is that it will not be listed on the Special Certificate of Airworthiness and at this time there are NO ASTM approved inflight or constant speed props available.





  10. Ladies and Gents,


    In the next Sport Pilot magazine you will see that some board positions will be advertised. This last 6 months and I'm sure the next 12 are going to be very challenging for the RAA. As an organisation we are growing very quickly and need to be inovative and proactive to keep up with the expansion.


    A lot of this work needs to be done in the office and I have a lot of faith the new GM and technical staff will make this happen. There is also a lot of work that needs to be done on the Governance side.


    With that in mind I would like to encourage all members out there that have talents to offer RAA to consider running for positions. Some qualities that I think would assist the board are as follows:


    • Experience in business with budgets over 3 million dollars
    • Financial background such as accounting
    • Human Resources skills
    • Law background
    • Business analysis
    • Advanced IT knowledge
    • Project Management and Engineering
    • Previous board experience



    The qualities above are just some examples I'm certain there are many more.


    The positions comming up this year are:


    Board Members (term expires at the RA-Aus 2013 Annual General Meeting)


    South Queensland


    South Queensland


    New South Wales including the Australian Capital Territory




    South Australia


    Western Australia


    So if you can help and spare time consider running. If anyone has any questions do not hesitate to call me!




    Jim Tatlock


    Vic Rep.



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  11. I am aware of a ramp check where the Ipad was used to plan and fly the trip. At the time of planning take screen shots (new to me, you hit the power button and the apps button at the same time and it takes screen capture). Then when finished send all the photos to your home PC and print. Done, you now have maps with plan drawn on same, log, fuel and weather. CASA were happy with this on this occasion.


    They should be happier next time as Ozrun is now approved.





    • Helpful 1
  12. Mark, A few quick points. Most members on this site would not be interested in a 4 seat sports plane because their certificate would not allow them to fly it. If you built a 4 seater your market is General Aviation. I can say at this time that all aviation is slow as are sales of aircraft.


    The 'new' recreational license that CASA are implementing might increase sales of heavier planes but still a 2 seat restriction will apply.




    Jim Tatlock



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  13. Yep. The YBLT Cessna is 180hp injected. Same idea. Run pump, look for bounce of needle (2 seconds). Crank, as she fires advance mixture to rich, then some throttle. Im tipping if the fan stops at a thousand feet your going to muddle that up!!!!





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