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Posts posted by cficare

  1. I hope that Shell are declaring when they are selling ethanol spiked fuels in Tassie.


    I've considered them a reliable supplier of untainted fuel (until now!)


    Down here we have United fuel as well...wouldn't touch it with a barge pole...


    Many pilots down here are testing fuel for ethanol....some surprising results as well...


    Every pilot should know how to test the fuel they use for ethanol.



  2. gotta agree G...lots of potential out there..


    i get the impression we miss out due to .."not getting a potential student, beyond the airfield fence".


    ..get them in an aircraft...and the addiction is started..


    as pilots we need to encourage a 'non-pilot' into the air...ask yourself...did i fly to a flyin/meet with an empty seat beside me??....


    if u did...it's time to change.


    RAA are /would be on the cusp of an explosion in flying training...if....they got serious about it.



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  3. starting to feel very isolated.


    ..ejected from another place and had all contributions wiped....only a few years of thought....gone..


    being told that only happy thoughts are here.....i call a spade for what it is....can't do happiness....used to do advise....


    reckon i'm gone from here as well.



  4. G'day Ig and Glen...did some Tamar Valley flying today...not much turbulence and happy students...couldn't be better...apart from the scorching 20c!.....time to roll the sleeeves down and put the zinc on!



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