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Bob Llewellyn

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Posts posted by Bob Llewellyn

  1. While Australia is responsible for search and rescue operations in the area, who decides how much effort should be expended? As Yenn points out there is no question of recue anymore, so I wonder who decided that we should continue to fund a search for the next two years rather than six months, say, and what they based their decision on.rgmwa

    "Ahhh, FIND THE PLANE!" - it keeps surveillance active on the north-west shelf, gives defence and coastal security an exercise and an excuse for increased budget, and does something for our relationship with SE Asia... not quite sure what though...



  2. ........... to The Whomba after he had been probed like Eric Cartman (see photo below) and brainwashed to think that he was from new sth Wales where he .............







    "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Bob. "How can I use my pucka-power safety seat NOW?". Just then an unmarked, stand-way-off scale replica spitfire swooped over the hill and knocked the antenna for six...



  3. I get a lot of approaches over the last 10 years from people who are interested in doing something in China and the bulk of them have the same reasoning and it ain't the costs, it's the restrictions and regulations that they have to continually battle against.They have had a gutful of putting 90% of their effort in for the various Governments and the feeling, true or not, that the Governments would prefer them not to be in business.


    I'm just the messenger by the way big_gun.gif.bf32cf238ff2a3722884beddb76a2705.gif

    I know of a business that had definite QC issues with the Chinese workforce - quite hi-tech by Chinese standards, but regarded materials specs as no more than labels. Can this be coped with? How?



    • Like 1
  4. Kitchener was on HMS Hampshire, not Edinburgh. HMS Hampshire ran into a mine laid by a U-boat, not an unexpected naval force. Even Jessop in his book admits the coffin story was only a rumour he dug up in an old file. Various colourful rumours were not uncommon regarding sinkings........or aircraft disappearances for that matter!

    Sorry Dutchroll, overlooked your post. Look you, the more insubstantial a rumour, the more likely it is true - because it's insubstantial because "they" are trying to hush it up, not because it's a load of earwax. (where are my pills...)insane.gif.b56be3c4390e84bce5e5e6bf4f69a458.gif



  5. ...... exposed themselves, resplendent in thwacked rubber gloves (with digits rampant), sequined Casa-Blanca pink lame jump suits and .....

    high-heeled cowboy boots - the order had been for Bloodstones, but they had to wear what they got. Just then, a roaring throb filled the air, and all heads turned to see - a 60,000 kg Lightwing! In the pilot's seat could hardly be seen Hughie Howes, eyes glinting, muttering "454 kg my but - but they complain it's too slow! Well, now I'm showing them ALL! THEY SAID I WAS MAD!!! Heeeeeer's Hughie!" On the ground, Ratty's eyes glinted with evil. No real reason, they just did. Turbo stood thunderstruck, his head filled with giant rubber ducks. Nanna's eyes glistened with glist, a wonderful contact lense adhesive, though she wore no contacts. Nob screamed "Bonsai! it's a heavywing!". Hy stared at him. "Will you cut that tree pruning clap, it's stuff rike that that gives us a lacial steliotype, you demented plick!" The rump checkers were foaming at the mouths...



  6. ...........

    In fact it was so successful that Chimbu Canon decided to make cameras for a living and..................

    changed his name to Eastman Kodak for commercial purposes. After surviving an assassination attempt by Rank Xerox, he changed his name again to Westman Dakota, and started selling cameras with lenses cloned from Zeiss under the name "Nikon". "Fascinating" sneered Ben Tley, "but why are we all listening to this welsh git, and WHY are there aeroplanes parked all over the active runway?" Just then he saw Whitney's boob, and forgot to speak. "Whose confort girl are YOU then?" Nanna asked Whitney brightly. "Don't call me brighlty! said Whitney. "People always...



  7. Hi TurboI was "NOT" over weight as I told the ASTB but they would not listen so I used their own figures against them and proved with the flight over I burnt the 2 kg of fuel anyway. The ATSB just didn’t listen.

    Do the math yourself and work it out.


    They are wrong!


    And as I have said all along the plane didn’t falter.


    The pilot stuffed up the landing. (Who hasn’t at some point?)


    And the reason the pilot drifted to the left was because he was low and that section had none of the pollarded trees and open clear sky albeit overcast and with a silver Ferris wheel that blended into the background and a nose high attitude the plane was headed for open sky.

    Hi Paul.

    I've been involved in a couple of accident investigations, and it amazed me how determined people were to sieze on their first theories and ignore any evidence that negated it. Having seen an ATSB report on a Skyfox prang that blamed the 'fox for having a central stick, I'm not surprised that they couldn't count in your case. They don't have proper procedures, they wouldn't know the difference between a causal factor and an inappropriate response - or even an appropriate response. Your tax dollar at work.


    ps in their safety rag a few years back, they stated that propellor twins need stronger tiedowns than singles, because they're heavier. In print. On the record. FFS!



    • Like 3
  8. .......... was be-splattered, although Nanna thought that it was an improvement. 


    Nanna was a nubile young thing back in '62 and looked very much "up-for-it" like that Welsh sounding fellow did when he sat by the fire, west of the main strip at Temora, and said ..................

    "hubba hubba! Cor, will you look at the bits on that one...", with a concussed smile that looked suspiciously like a leer. The descendants, who were sharing some saki and wondering how they'd ever get out of here now the Gulfstleam was missing, eyed him askance. "Who's that round-eyed dope looking at?" Asked Hy. Great giggled. "Maybe it's you?" he said. Hy pretended to barf. "WOT are you DOIN', you DISGUSTING little man?" asked Maggot. "wouldn't you like to know?" replied Ssan. "Of CORSE I would, or I wouldna bl**dy ARSKED!" barket Maggot, channeling his inner drill seargent. Nobody had noticed Bob staggering to his feet, until he mumbled "feel the curves!", spread his arms out, and started to run, making "BBBbrrrrrrrrrrrmmmm..." sounds. He ran straight into Maggot, who...



  9. 55-XXXX Reg under CAO 101.5524-XXXX Reg under CAO 95.55

    The two CAO's have different weight restrictions - this might be what you are after - I don't know anything about the specific aircraft types.

    The Lightwings underwent a bit of design evolution before they got to the GR912 / GR912T (and perhaps even slightly in the earliest of those).

    Because of Howie's determination to get crashworthiness into the structure, and Bill Whitney's (legendary) approach to structures, the Lightwing family have significant reserves of strength. This does not mean that just any Lightwing should be taken to 600kg! - the reserves generally aren't that big. They were forced into the - rather unjustified - weight and stall speed limitations of CAO 95:25, then CAO 101:55, which is where the 1000lb (450kg) / 1,200lb (544kg) and 40kts come from.


    Lightwing have the build records, and would therefore be able - if they wanted - to determine the MTOW to which each airframe could be justified, outside of CAO 101:55.


    I suspect that the knowledge gained with the Speed, is being applied to achieving an improved LSA GR-912 evolution; but Lightwings are NOT all identical, and only the factory can determine which pre-existing aircraft could safely be lifted to 600kg TOW - if any. The "new" one should be a fairly useful aeroplane.



    • Like 1
  10. Thanks Nev,My point exactly, if you want to slow down fast, the more drag that can be left on the aircraft the better. there for flaps full down or in the case of a tail dragger, tail wheel down both create more drag. as I said before it is just my opinion and it doesn't really matter so long as the pilot walked away. I will wait for the out come with interest.



    P/s I have just over 700 hours in tail draggers of different types and 250 in tricycle and my passion is STOl flying in remote areas. I am always ready to learn new and better ways.

    In the air, large flap deflections produce substantial induced drag, especially at lower flight speeds. Once the angle of attack is reduced, such as getting all tricycle wheel on the ground, the drag is small, and diminishing as the square of the speed reduction. The energy disappated by flap drag after getting the nosewheel on the ground is small, the physics won't have it any other way.

    Just after touchdown, when the aircraft is rolling fast, is when the brakes can make the biggest difference to the ground roll - if they can get some grip. Dumping flap unquestionably increases the weight on the wheels.


    It is quite possibly that the Cessna flaps retract so slowly that the reduction of high-speed rolling drag vs the gradual increase of weight on the wheels make it no different one way or another. But US airstrips are huge... I, personally, very much dislike giving away a degree of control over the aeroplane just so it has a more "airliner" feel - which is why Cessna brought in electic flaps - or for any other reason.



    • Agree 1
  11. Nothing beats aerodynamic 'braking' and the old C172 allows for a very low speed arrival if you fly an accurate approach. Brakes are the next resort - but work better when there is weight on the wheels. A groundloop is probably the last resort but needs a lot of courage! Guess we'll now wait years for ATSB to begrudgingly provide any useful info.

    happy days,

    I notice the flaps are still down...



  12. ....... a tyre-kicker came around and kicked the tyres, causing the empennage to drop off. 


    "What's an empennage?" asked Turdy, (who got his name when the Rubber Duck hit a particularly large cow pat while landing at the Henty Field Day back in 1962) "As we fair dinkum rag & tube fly-boys don't bugger around with French names, and why did they leave the "Blanca" off the "Casa" name?" he added.




    "It was the Hawk Government what dun it?" responded that Welsh sounding bloke "When they .......

    ...allowed Keatles to take over and turn the Uncivil Aircraft-like things Authoritaaah into a football for lawers by removing their immunity..." A vast silence swept the room, broken only by Hy's nervous fart. The ramp-checker - no longer hopping OR smiling - had come in the door. "That's balls" he said. "We didn't want you irresponsible f**knuckles blackening the good name of orstraalian aviation safety Uuurgh!", and fell like a poleaxed rampchecker. Ratty stuck something suspiciously like brass knuckles into something suspiciously like his pocket, and attempted to whistle innocently. "Goodonya!" said Bob. "Youse anti-Thruster b*st*rds are just grumpy because you can't even get twice the cruise speed for five times the price on nearly twice the power!!" and looked around triumphantly. Ben Tley backhanded him across the face. "Can't stand Triumphs! (except the bikes of course...); and can't stand the bloody welsh!" said Ben. "Not mgmmrph!" said Bob, as Ben accidentaly stepped on his face. "NO!" said Turbo, "my rubber duck was faster than a Thruster..." "YOU CAN"T HANDLE A RUBBER DUCK!!!" screamed Maggot. Just then...



  13. ....... and made the valid point that after the free and repeated use of the disgraceful term "@#&*" , Eeen should ban himself for at least 5 days and appoint Ahlox as El Supremo, although Madge also warned Eeeen about never letting Loxy within 400 kms of Corrine. 


    Eeen, always being fair & balanced did give himself a week on the banned list, Ahlox set up an unauthorised site upgrade of 160 hours duration commencing on 9 am Friday morning, changed the ISP to some bloke and his wife in Turkmenistan who were cheaper, and altered the name of WreckFlying to .......

    Xtreem Sports Ascendant , which he then tried to license out on Ebay. Back on the operational runway, the trucks had been chased off after the blue singlet brigade came back out of the bush. Maggot had impounded the GulfStleam, and the descendants had hitched a lift into Temora to see if they could get some Chinese takeaway. In the meantime, Bob had gone back behind the end hangar to try to glue his tooth back in, and play with model Thrusters again, when he was aghast to see...



  14. ......... "We are no longer called "Hosties" you dinosaur, we are now called "Flight Attendants"" responded Brice indignantly. 


    It was then that Turbo's embarrassment (and itch) reached a crescendo when he recalled the back seat of his "Vette" and the other liaison in the .............

    ...fast food business, including the nasty business with the milkshake rollergirl and the scrofula. By this time the sun was rising, and only a sleeping Ben, dazed turbo, and Ben's self-heating flight attendants were left - everybody else was off at the food tent getting breakfast, except the few who had slipped into the clubhouse and...



  15. He wasn't on the Edinburgh either. Wrong ship, wrong war.

    I stand corrected - Hampshire, Edinburgh, WW1, WW2... no need to get pedantic about conspiracy theories... the hippopotamus of recollection suggests that there was a Lloyd George involved, and they weren't a big feature of WW2. Anyway, you can't trust the government, they're out to get all of us...



  16. "Bugg**!" said Bob, as he tripped over Turbo's post. "TURBO!!! why the *^%()^()^)&%(!! are you leaving posts on the field?" "Just... paying my dues, you misanthropic git!" said the soot-smeared Turbo, lurching fowards. Rattus recovered from the coughing fit and stared at Turbo, his squinty little eyes squinting. "Piss off!" said Isi Uzu...

    ...this is a plivate palty!" Bob grabbed the bottle of Saki he was waving, and tried to pull the cork out with his teeth, but it had a screw cap. "You... stupid... tur*!" said Rat. "What have you done with MY dues?" "I never...Uuurgh!" said Turbo, felled by a foul blow from Isi. Ben blew a smoke ring, and said...



  17. held out a half corona to the Rat. Isi Uzu chimed in with "tlue, don't be sad, be dlunk!", and held up a bottle of Saki. For a moment all of the Rat's depravity flowed back, and he sat fowards; then despair gripped him. "It doesn't matter WHAT you b****y do, aviation organisations are all being run by b****y pilots!". Soothed by the whinge, he took the cigar and lit up. "This is true" said Ben judiciously, "but have you considered the alternative? I mean, just look at the National Aviation Administrator in this country!". Ratty choked, and smoke came out his nose. "WHO SPEAKS JUDICIOUSLY OF THE NAA?" boomed an ex cathedra voice from the darkness. Into the light strode...

    "Bugg**!" said Bob, as he tripped over Turbo's post. "TURBO!!! why the *^%()^()^)&%(!! are you leaving posts on the field?" "Just... paying my dues, you misanthropic git!" said the soot-smeared Turbo, lurching fowards. Rattus recovered from the coughing fit and stared at Turbo, his squinty little eyes squinting. "Piss off!" said Isi Uzu...



  18. ........ "Well this is de-ja-bloody-vu if ever there was one" he thunk "As the last bloke who said that was E. Paul Ette and look what has happened to him." 


    The NES's beloved Rodent limped broken heartedly back across the active runway without getting permission to cross it ("Stuff 'em" he said under his breath) to the fire and sat down next to Ben Tley and Isi Uzu under the wing of the G550. Yet he knew that he should have been sitting under the wing of a Thruster or an X-Air to show solidarity with the Rag & Tube warriors ............ but they don't have a bar, 4 Hosties and an inside dunny, so "Stuff them too" he said again under his breath and settled for the deprivations of the 550.




    "Why so glum, chum?" asked Ben, sipping on his champers with a Hostie on each arm while wearing his smoking jacket, and ...............

    held out a half corona to the Rat. Isi Uzu chimed in with "tlue, don't be sad, be dlunk!", and held up a bottle of Saki. For a moment all of the Rat's depravity flowed back, and he sat fowards; then despair gripped him. "It doesn't matter WHAT you b****y do, aviation organisations are all being run by b****y pilots!". Soothed by the whinge, he took the cigar and lit up. "This is true" said Ben judiciously, "but have you considered the alternative? I mean, just look at the National Aviation Administrator in this country!". Ratty choked, and smoke came out his nose. "WHO SPEAKS JUDICIOUSLY OF THE NAA?" boomed an ex cathedra voice from the darkness. Into the light strode...



  19. Cheers mate. You've been a star.So - I'm going to be limited to 118kts? Bugger. Anyway - that's a lot faster on 50hp than most people would expect.




    Do you actually MAKE the props, or just design them?


    Actually, I was considering exactly your suggestion re: fully enclosed wheels. But I gave up on the idea, because I figured it would make very little difference. But if there is an increase in top end - it might be worthwhile. Pity about retracts, though. I don't think there's any space for them. Besides, I wouldn't know how to build them...





    I've been working on this software for yonks, in order to be able to make props that do what they are advertised to do. Due to the CASA Review of Regs, I am now back at university, with a family, and very little income. So progress is slow. I'm still determined, so I may have started making props by the time you're ready to go 032_juggle.gif.8567b0317161503e804f8a74227fc1dc.gif

    Enclosing the wheels should pay ~5kts for your juggernaut 065_evil_grin.gif.2006e9f40863555e5894f7036698fb5d.gif



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