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Everything posted by davidc95

  1. Toll Freight 242 received no response.
  2. A Toll Freight aircraft is now attempting to contact VH-TLV on the emergency frequency.
  3. Singapore Airlines intercepted weak emergency signal 121.5
  4. Singapore Airlines 246 looking for a crash site.
  5. Brisbane Centre coordinating aircraft to look for a crash site.
  6. Please keep this thread updated with news regarding aircraft-in-distresss VH-TLV. At about 10:30 tonight I was listening to Brisbane Centre via LiveATC.net and this aircraft's situation went from bad to worse. Last contact with Brisbane Centre was at 11:44: The pilot said "We're gone, we're gone, tell em I love em.". Distressing stuff, and I can't sleep until I get more information regarding the safety of the pilot. My absolute condolences to all involved at this time. Transmissions were difficult to comprehend but it appeared the pilot lost communication systems followed by an engine fire and smoke in the cabin.
  7. Hey everyone, I was flying a Jabiru last Friday at Caboolture when I saw one of those incredible Sling aircraft taxi past me! Does anyone at Caboolture know who owns it, and if it owned as part of an aero club that I can lease it from? I've always wanted to fly a Sling. Cheers.
  8. Hi There, I was planning on landing at Tangalooma Airstrip tomorrow and spending some time on the picturesque Moreton Island beach, but for some reason I could not get PPR (they do not allow Jabs to land there for some reason). I was just wondering if there are any other airstrips within walking proximity of a beach, no further then around 80nm from YCAB? Preferably one that I do not need PPR for, and will accept UL landings.
  9. Ok thanks guys, I've actually been to all those places with my instructor though. Some great scenery for sure, unfortunately I was too busy with my head stuck in my map. I'm thinking about a nav to Hervey Bay (I have an ASIC). Doesn't seem too tricky and lots of coastal reference points, just got to watch out for the restricted near Rainbow beach. Any thoughts?
  10. Hi everyone, I'm required to undertake one more solo nav prior to sitting my XC endorsement exam. I would like it to be an enjoyable journey, and was wondering if anyone here knew of some scenic routes/destinations which are within around 80 nm of YCAB? I have done a YCAB - YGYM - YKRY - YCAB solo. Thanks in advance.
  11. I was in shock when I heard this on the news, I've seen that aircraft around the aerodrome a few times and from what I heard the pilot was a really nice guy. My condolences to everyone involved. I'm not sure how I would be of assistance now that the authorities have stepped in, but if anyone needs a hand down there I am only a 40-minute drive away.
  12. Don't think the airlines put people to sleep by starving them of oxygen
  13. Fairly sure that this wouldn't be the case. From what I remember, the oxygen masks in 777s are automatically deployed, meaning the pilot cannot override this system. Even so, surely the lowering of oxygen masks would ring enough alarm bells for people to start making phone calls.
  14. Off-topic, but satire news site The Onion made a light-hearted article about MH370: http://www.theonion.com/articles/malaysian-airlines-expands-investigation-to-includ,35524/ Funny? Bad taste?
  15. Commercial aircraft have heaps of failsafes - it's up to the captain to activate them. The fact they weren't activated (not to mention a lack of Mayday call) suggests something strange has happened.
  16. The information is unreliable and the speculation by "officials" is frustrating. It seems the press need to be more selective in what they publish. We all want answers, but all this confusion is torture.
  17. I hope it is a legitimate sighting, but the fact it's taken so long for him to tell the media makes me think it's just someone trying to get in on the action.
  18. http://www.tomnod.com/nod/challenge/malaysiaairsar2014 - this is a great initiative. Join the internet community in browsing through satellite imagery photographed around MH370's disappearance, in the search for any clues.
  19. The Malaysian government is feeding the press with so much speculation that there seem to be new developments every hour, all of which are discredited later on by another source. I would avoid jumping to conclusions until the wreckage is found and investigators can develop some legitimate theories. The fact of the matter is, that like Air France, what's left of the aircraft may not be recovered for a long time, and the cause of the crash may be quite simplistic.
  20. This is a bit spooky: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-passengers-mobile-phones-074447403.html#yKlLOMv
  21. I think this topic is starting to drift off course...Terrorism might be possible, but there has to be other logical explanations. The FBI stated that they are only involving themselves as there were American citizens on the aircraft, and the NTSB are interested as it's an American-assembled aircraft . I'm sure the saying "Aviate, navigate, communicate" applies to commercial flying as well - if the crew found themselves in a time-critical situation with a high workload, perhaps they were too focused on controlling the aircraft to perform a proper Mayday call. That said, few scenarios would be that time-critical at 35 000 ft, so it is all certainly a mystery. That's my 2c at least, I know my priority would be to take control of the aircraft.
  22. I am wondering how the two passengers were able to board the aircraft with passports which likely bore no resemblance to them, and were cancelled over a year ago? Having travelled from Kuala Lumpur airport (on Malaysia Airlines ) to Langkawi, I actually find these terrorism theories quite surprising, the airport's security procedures were organised and thorough, I even had my baggage screened twice before I boarded. I'm hoping they locate the wreckage soon... at least to stop the media speculating.
  23. Actually, there is some possibility of it being terrorism - apparently there were two passengers on the flight carrying stolen passports...
  24. I think I speak for everyone on this forum when I express my deepest sympathies for those affected by this tragedy. My thoughts are with the passenger's families, and I wish the Search & Rescue team the best of luck in their search for the aircraft. You can read more here: http://www.malaysiaairlines.com/my/en/site/dark-site.html
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