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Posts posted by DGL Fox

  1. The passenger appears to be a Jack Russell terrier! (though it's a bit hard to tell). The Evektor has one of the worst fatality rates/100k hours of anything, in the USA, and a most concerningly high overall accident rate: http://jabiru.net.au/images/The Aviation Consumer - LSA Accidents.pdf.


    I would suspect that the Sportstar which is a different model here to the European version and the also I believe the US version would be mainly loss of control on landing issues although in this report is does state that a couple of these accidents were VFR into IMC occurrences and a stall spin which can happen to any aircraft if it is not flown right, in the report that you put up there are 2 other LSA's with a worst record, the Sports Crusier being one of these with 4 deaths, I am surprised that it is in this list. These 2 aircraft are low wing so maybe that could have something to do with it as far as loss of control on landing, they are harder to land if you have no experience in them. Like most of these reports they don't seems to go into the fine detail and that's where I think most of these reports are very misleading.


    Well I own a Sportstar and I am more than happy with it and like I said before any aircraft can kill you if you have not had enough training in the aircraft or do stupid things, I guess in the same way a Jabiru could kill you if you don't service the engine regularly, fix all the AD's and fly it in the correct manner...





  2. This is the way I think it will go down, Peter has booked in a time slot for his arrival, he has been asked to be doing orbits outside of the controlled airspace until BN Centre have the slot ready for him and once they call him in he will go and I would guess they will direct him to the correct runway and taxi ways, at this point in time it will be the main runway. Peter has a PPL and I think he has been in there before so he should be ok..





  3. Hi All,


    Well started my XC on Wednesday, we did Redcliffe-Murgon-Gympie-Redcliffe around 3 hours in total as we landed at each airport, it was a great start and I enjoyed it very much, can't wait till my next one next week, next weeks is a bit longer... Redcliffe-Chincilla-Kingaroy-Redcliffe this one will probably run out to about 3.5 hrs, I am just in the process of doing my flight plan, I guess it will depend on the winds on the day.


    Well 10hrs dual won't take long and the 2 hrs solo and the exam of course and that will be it...hopefully will have my XC endorsement, I will try and put up some photos on the next one.. :)





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  4. Hello johnb, Welcome to our forum...depending on where you live here in Brisbane you will find that there are plenty of RAAus schools to choose from also you should be able to pick up some very useful tips here on the forum, good luck with your training...





  5. This report is for the EV-97 European models 472kg MTOW, to my knowledge these are not here in Australian and I would expect that all the LSA Sportstar models would have the upgraded fuselage like in FIG 2 of page 1.


    I would still do an inspection but I think we have nothing to fear here in our models, this AD doesn't even appear to come from the factory itself..


    EuroStar SL


    Model for the European ultralight category, with a gross weight of 1,041 lb (472 kg)[2][5]


    EuroStar SLW


    Model for the European ultralight category, with a gross weight of 1,041 lb (472 kg)[6]





  6. Any builder would be a damn fool not to accept constructive comment from an observer during a build but you're comparing apples to oranges David. Note that Kasper is referring to 95-10 single seat category of homebuilts where there never has been accomodation for protection of anyone excepting the owner/pilot. Houses aren't airplanes and sub 300 kg experimentals have always comprised of "build and do what you are prepared to prove will work with no risk to others" For the higher-paid help to now require four staged inspections for this category by some third party who has had no involvement in the planning & building of the machine has little merit and must certainly curtail innovation. More unnecesary regulation - More "GA, here we come"? Greyhound racing is currently on the nose but it may have more future than recreational avaition. Rgds Riley



    Yes I know that they are apples and oranges what I was trying to say is that inspections where safety and build quality is in all things we do these days, these aircraft may be a single seat and it is only your life in the seat but who is to say that some poor sap won't buy this aircraft off the original owner at some point?


    I know that I would never buy some home built aircraft off Gumtree unless I had paperwork to say that it was signed off at the end of the build by a L4 and that during the build it had regular inspections by someone other than the builder, just all seems common sense to me and I would be happy to know that there is a very good chance that I will going home to my wife and kids at the end of that day...


    I just think it is good idea and worth spending some extra money for peace of mind...but... that's me..





  7. in WHOSE best interest is it to have a 95,10 1 off self design inspected by anyone other than me as the owner/designer/builder?

    Kasper, I have been a builder for 35 years and although I don't and have never built an aircraft I have built untold houses and multi story buildings in my career, when you build a house you have at least 3 inspections by an engineer and normally a final inspection by the certifier and all of these inspections cost around the $160 mark, these inspections are not only for my benefit but the owners peace of mind and the assurance that they are getting a safe and structurally sound building, the same could be said for building an aircraft, we know that you can build an aircraft but these are just the checks and balances they want you to do to ensure yours and potentially the next person safety that may buy this aircraft off you to down the track.

    Kasper I don't like paying for inspections either but unfortunately these days these need to be done and we need the funds to pay for these just like you need the funds for a engine and materials.


    I would suggest that before you start your next project do up a budget and include these costs and if your budget exceeds your funds then you may have to delay the start or shelve it for a while until you save some more money in this way you know you have all the funds to build your aircraft including all of these painful inspections, personally I find it reassuring to have some else throw an eye over what I have built and find things that I may have missed after all we are just human and sometimes prone to mistakes.... inspections are just a part of the building things these days...it is just the way it is...





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