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Posts posted by Kaywoman68

  1. Friday was the most hot and uncomfortable afternoon I could imagine. 35 knot wind and 41 degrees, a lot of tents blown down, some campers packed up and went home. It cooled down in the evening and then Saturday was great. The Saturday air show was mostly a repeat of the Friday evening one. 75% of the private aircraft flew out on Saturday evening after the show.Worst feature was two male toilets and three showers for about 100 tents in the unpowered campground.

    I heard it was down to one male toilet at some stage...... Given there would have been more men camping than females, I actually expected to see a higher ratio of male toilets to female..... I still couldn't help but be surprised when I knocked on the female toilet doors to check if anyone was in there to find male voices!!


    The organisation of the campsites could have been better. The people we asked had no idea at all! I was impressed that everyone organised themselves and we didn't find ourselves feel crowded at all.


    Airshow was fantastic - really enjoyed myself :) The fans were a godsend for Friday!!!!



  2. I like to think it's better later than never. I got to go flying last Sunday 016_ecstatic.gif.156a811a440b493b0c2bea54e43be5cc.gif. I didn't sleep very well the night before - I reckon it was the thought of going flying again, and the chance to see snow so close to home that kept walking me up! (I even forgot to have breakfast 111_oops.gif.41a64bb245dc25cbc7efb50b743e8a29.gif)


    The day didn't turn out as originally planned (can be difficult figuring out Mother Nature's mood). I still had an awesome time though - we did a local flight over Crookwell, Gunning, Lake George, Lake Bathurst......saw lots of snow, clouds, wind farms, gliders........


    Some photos attached 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif

















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  3. Thanks all for replies so far. Unfortunately I am interested in Facebook videos. Clicking on the media button (the film strip), it says we can embed videos from various sources.......


    I can do it with the BB code but figure I might as well ask if there must be other options? (maybe just making things more difficult)





  4. Hi,


    I can't work out the correct url to embed facebook videos using the media button. I've tried using the one from the address bar, the one from the 'get link', tried the embed code......nothing.


    I found a workaround using the BB code, but hoping to find out how to use the media button.


    Thanks :)



  5. Will there be a destination in mind for the flight? (ie. Going to a place or locally). My friend is quite organised. In the few days before flying, he showed me things like:


    * draft flight plans - he had a couple of options drafted up incase of weather. He showed me a completed flight plan from a previous trip for comparison.


    * flight routes - my friend had the map marked out with distance markers, where to change frequencies, he pointed out places that may be of interest (while we would be in flight) etc.


    * Copy of the ERSA (that's the document that shows the runways, AWIS number etc?). He showed which direction we were coming from in relation to the airport/airstrip, but also explained what would happen when landing etc. On the day, I was able to follow the map, marked off as we went past the various markers etc. I even got to call the AWIS numbers to get the reports!


    I'm sure your passenger will have lots of fun. Despite the preparations, I was still a bit nervous on the day, but it was definitely the excited type, not the scared type ! :)



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  6. This is coming from a passenger's perspective (all of two times), so sorry if it might sound silly (I won't ruin repeat what's been already said):


    * a cuppa before and after the flight - It helped me with calming the nerves


    * letting them sit inside for a little while before taking off - I found it helped me to familiarise myself a little with knowing how to sit when in flight (where not to put legs, putting things within reach if they take a camera etc). I didn't realise the limited movements (couldn't reach as far) once I had my seatbelt on......



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  7. Phil - thanks. I think my friend may have convinced me to put flying on my 'to do' list. Unfortunately that list is just really long!


    Nightmare - sounds like you're really enjoying the experience.


    Eric - majority of your friends being always busy to go flying might just be because they're not interested, or are you asking the wrong people? I don't think it's fair for you to think it's reflective of their confidence of you as a pilot.


    I did really enjoy the flying experiences. I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't have fun - I think I just really underestimated what's involved with flying. It was a lot of fun learning something new. I think I just need a bit more practice..... I will be sure to let my friend know if he invites me to go flying again. I'm wondering if I may have scared him off with my terrible navigating.......



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  8. Found the new instrument for those interested.


    CASA 102/15 - Conditions and direction concerning certain aircraft fitted with engines manufactured by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd - F2015L00974


    This instrument prescribes operating limitations on aircraft fitted with engines manufactured by, or under licence from or under a contract with, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd (Jabiru-powered aircraft), to manage risks arising from a high incidence of engine loss-of-power events and other reliability issues. The instrument is, therefore, an urgent safety measure designed to mitigate immediate risks to persons flying in Jabiru-powered aircraft.


    Administered by: Infrastructure and Regional Development




    Made: 29 Jun 2015


    Registered: 29 Jun 2015


    Commencement: 01 July 2015


    Date of Ceasing: To be ceased 30 Jun 2016


    Reason for Ceasing: Self Ceasing



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