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Everything posted by OzBirdy

  1. Nev, been there, no chance. Not in this nanny country at least. You can buy a kit, build n rig it, start n balance it, but god elp you if you lift it off the ground.
  2. I just posted a genuine question askn why a certain heli pad that had a Squirrle go leg up on had a slope. Then i got a warning from the boss pm to give it up! WTF? Startn to wunder if they are just inbred double cranium punces who dont want to mix with us lowlys. :(
  3. Yep I asked about homebuilt helis only to be called a pest and to go away Ah, so it isn't just me then. I'm still trying to figure the secret hand shake. Iv alway thought a heli licence came with a free ego, seen many fine, upstanding blokes turn into arrogant asses, and most on that forum havent had me change my perception. Tis sad, becouse I've no dout you could learn plenty from some of them, if they'd just pull their heads out.
  4. hmmmm, apparently the old pad don't want to talk on this forum. never mind, ill just lurk then. not that id have anythn intelligent to contribute. ;)
  5. Gidday, having touble with this site on my old ipad. It wont open up this text box.
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