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Posts posted by Tomo

  1. Wonder why there was only the left wheel spat on the aircraft? Seems a bit odd.... Flapless landing which is why he's so low and flat I would imagine...


    Coming into Toowoomba you have to fly right over a street to land, I've always wondered what would happen if a high load was going past at the same time you were coming in a bit low over the fence - something like this no doubt!



  2. Thanks guys, yeah that's the one we're talking about - ferrying it home for the new owner in a week or so, looks like a great plane - never really heard about them till I got the call to help with this one. Been researching a bit, seems they are a pretty universal airframe, can even put a 912 ULS on 'em!



  3. so i guess this is a good opportunity for me to ask you what sort of aircraft you would reccomend? but yeah they have there pros and cons.

    It's a pretty hard question that, as it really depends on what you want to do with it. Fun around the farm, touring, practical, robust etc.... I've flown many types and still haven't really settled on an all rounder favourite yet. Other than maybe the C206... but that's not RAA!


    One of the aircraft I was most impressed by would have to the the Rans S7 Courier, here's a quick video I did of a flight in one.



    However I do like side by side seating for those times when you're travelling with a good friend etc... so that's the only thing that's holding me back from saying it's one of my 'most' favourite aircraft! But definitely one of my favourites.



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  4. I'm not really a fan of them, but that's just me... the engine is a Rotax 912 so plenty of reliability there.


    Easy to fly, vis is good as some have already mentioned, however that creates it's own drama's on a hot sunny day! And they're expensive! If I had the choice between a foxy and a Sav S I'd go the Sav...



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  5. Hey man, yeah i fly from caboolture areodrome in brisbane. Yeah thats awesome:laugh:. I have been flying for about 2 years now. I want to make avaiation my career and so ive been thinking im going to do my ppl theory now and so on and who knows maybe look into the airforce and maybe flying overseas or charter. How about yourself is flying just a hobby for you?

    Awesome! So going by your Avatar you would be flying with Neil and Co and GoFly! 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif Great bunch.


    I'm just west of you at Cecil Plains 350klms or so... yeah get into the theory part and get them over and done with, and you'll fly through the other part - literally! 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif That's what I did.


    Yes I'm kinda heading towards doing mission flying eventually, but at the moment just enjoying what I can and trying to make ends meet as a mobile diesel fitter... will have to catch up sometime, I know Neil pretty well.



  6. Well done buddy! Great to hear! 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif


    Where about's do you fly from? I'm also a fairly young pilot, 21 in 9 days... but who's counting! poke_tongue_out.gif.5a7d1a1d57bd049bd5fb0f49bf1777a8.gif Been flying for nearly 4 yrs or so now which has been pretty cool.


    What do you want to do when you're older, aviation, or is it just a hobby?



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  7. Yes, real happy with it, motor is running sweet - did a carby tune the other day and I reckon I found half a dozen more hp. Prop is going real well too, many thanks to Arthur who built it for me. Yesterday while I was flying around my mate flew over in his Squirrel turbine chopper so he pulled up beside me for a bit as we flew around. Got a quick shot on my phone of him, nice chopper it is too! (I couldn't match his cruise though.... )


    Copy on the power line! 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif





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