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Everything posted by Frankus1aust

  1. Yes and also I suspect that the RAA license is just for single engine A/C.
  2. The Jab twin is under the "Experimental" category. Probably never likely to see it in RA. the point about "simple.. affordable... reliable.. safe and low (relatively) cost" is a good one.
  3. Yes IFR and constant speed props are probably out of our viable remit. A bit more mass would give the designers more options. Here's an example of twin that departs from the old format. All the same, not likely to see it in RAA any time soon. My point being, I wonder how far we could push this before we hit the wall of diminishing returns and are we happy with it as it is? I think the RAA is doing a good job though we all need to take responsibility for raising standards. Frank
  4. Here is something on a slightly different tangent. Maybe it should be a new thread but it's related..... I'm guessing there are a whole lot of pilots flying now that wouldn't be if we were stuck with the exclusive CASA GA system and rules. Also there are a whole load of RAA aircraft (many that can be VH registered) that now exist and a reasonable percentage from local manufacturers. So RAA is it's own industry with quantifiable benefits to the economy in a number of areas including export. The RA industry's' growth is attributable to a lighter touch in regulation, in a manner that allows it to coexist in pretty much the same airspace as the mainstream commercial industry. Bearing in mind the above, maybe we should be pushing to extend the RAA fleet, license coverage, and range of products? The GA license and fleet is still much more expensive to fly and maintain and has been in a "holding pattern" for years. RAA is the growth area. (Correct me if I am wrong). So to the punch line.... Should we be pushing the boundaries further and be lobbying for RA to be able to include a category of heavier aircraft? (Say 850 Kg max take off two POB). This might encourage the local development of more aircraft and bring more weekend warriors and trainee pilots across from GA. For example, one local manufacturer has a small twin based on an RAA aircraft, but it could only be VH registered due to the weight restriction on RAA. If we could open up the limitations a little (without extending the risks), we would get more RAA industry growth across the board. This is not such a big jump. Let's look at operations for a moment... It's pretty easy to go the bash on CASA (me particularly) but they have opened it up a bit with the Recreational License changes. The GA Recreational License allows you to fly GA 4 place aircraft but with some restrictions, many of which can be removed with endorsements. The difference between this and RA is the medical. So there's a practical example of flexibility in the system. As for the regulator as a whole, VH-GA still has the commercial operations territory and this is probably more suited to the CASA domain than "protecting" the flying public from us when we have our own professional management. In my experience, government protection, regulation and control produces extinct species. GA could go the way of the Tiger Quoll and the Night Parrot but maybe RAA is the insurance population? Any suggestions? speaking from the position of total amateur, am I on short final to a swamp with this one? cheers Frank
  5. Superior in that they are ready to spend double the cost for the same result? The Jab I have been flying during the conversion (I call it the plastic budgie) climbs and cruses faster than a club Warrior and has better vis.
  6. Thanks Guys, actually i've been CASA medically grounded for quite a while and getting into a Jabiru for the RA conversion was not as fast to finish as I imagined. It really sharpened up my SOTPFS (seat of the pants flying skills). I've found if you can fly RA, you can fly. As much as I recently got a class 2 cert back (with pages of conditions) I'm thinking that the trouble and expense is not worth it. The only drawback with RA is getting an aircraft to rent. There are stacks of old warriors and 172's but harder to get a Jab or similar if you want it for a few hours.
  7. Yes just converted the PPL to RAA. Like taking off a straitjacket.
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