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Posts posted by monty

  1. Welcome Kevin,


    Anything that gets you in the air mate.It's all fun.


    I caught a few good Jew fish in the Hawkesbury River about 30 years ago, nice place.


    I hope you enjoy the site,There is a lot of good info and people here.





  2. I've marked it down on the family calender, so we should be there (hopes!).Not sure what I'll take over yet, It'll be either be the Drifter, Jab, or a mates GT 500. And hopefully the family in the car! :thumb_up:


    Will confirm as times get closer.


    Ps. Neil I'll have to go for a bash in the trike with you!

    I wish you all a great weekend sound like fun.

    Too far for me,maybe one day. Tommo be a devil and take the Drifter.





  3. "Accomplished,Affulent" ???????????,We certainly are getting older,er sorry,more "mature", however.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif I havn`t seen any young blokes come into the sport since I stoped instructing with my Drifter,years ago,what`s the going rate these days?,about $145.00 per hr for instruction alone.


    "Are we pricing the young out"?, No it`s already occured.


    I`ve Flown many Ultralight/Recreational aircraft over the years,I`ve had my Austflight Aviation twin seat wire braced Drifter for 25 years now,fly it regularly and wouldn`t swap it for any other,makes flying fun and affordable.





    I'm with you frank,

    It's all about money now. Not the FUN.


    The bigger ultalights cost too much for the beginner and are not half the fun to fly.


    Young people can't afford the expence to learn or run the later models.


    I have a Austflight Drifter ,Rebuilt it 14 months ago and would not trade for a new anything.


    Just my thoughts





  4. Thanks shane ,


    Thats great, I will get a set and put them on and let you know how I went.


    I have sent of an email to the manufacturer on cost and delivery time.


    Thanks again for your trouble and the photos.





  5. Hi Again,I am thinking of getting new fabric put on my wing (Q2). Can anyone tell me who I can go to to get this done and what an approximate price might be?

    Hi Bluearsefly,

    You coul try Wayne Fisher @ Spectrum Aviation. He makes Covers for Drifter and other types of Aircraft. He uses the same Sail Cloth and might be able to make you one if he had your old one for a pattern. It's worth a try, he is Half the price of drifter Covers from the states.His number is 02 66224466.


    Keep us updated there will be other people out there that want to know how you get on.





  6. Yeh Hi,


    I went and did mine in one block over 10 days and was solo in 11 hours and licence in 21 that included 7.5 solo and 1.0 flight revue.


    I think the all at once approach was really great for me but may not suit every one. I took holidays and went to Wayne Fisher at Lismore and rebuilt my Drifter at the same time.


    We flew in every type of weather and times of the day. I only have 100 hours up since in 12 months and am still learning but haven't had a still day yet.


    I am in Winton western Qld. The worst day on the coast has been my best day out here.


    I think 20 hrs is enough with the right instructor. I have had 2 forced landing and was glad I learnt with Wayne.


    Just my opinion.







  7. Thanks merc and Ian,


    I looked at mendelssohns but thought they were a little bit expensive for what every one else is charging. However the cost is not the issue where safety is concerned. But I do want the system that works. I ordered a new custom made system over 12 months ago but it still has not shown up and they can't tell me when it will so have to look elswhere.I have sent a couple of emails to places to see what they can supply but it helps to get the info from the people that know. (Drifter Pilots)


    Thanks heaps





  8. Hi everyone ,


    I am looking for the best intercom and headsets for an open cockpit Drifter.


    can any Drifter owners or open cockpit owners help with any ideas.


    I have a Icon A22 handheld radio at the moment with a patch lead to a GA headset, it doesn't work real well.


    Any help would be great ,I know someone out ther has the info I need







  9. I can't speak for any one else But I have owened and been flying a drifter for the last 15 months and i don't want to change the wind in MY face. I only have 100hrs up but have tried the closed in cabs of a skyfox and Jab. I had a late 80 year old ex Tiger moth pilot ask me to take him up this morning so I did. He recons he is still walking a foot above the ground and can't seem to get the smile of his face. Isn't that what ultralights are all about. I won,t change my Drifter for anything!


    Thats just my opinion





  10. Thanks Ozzie,


    I spoke to a sales rep for feast watson today. He said to use the exterior weatherproof clear it has a uv block but no garentees as it is for timber not cloth. So that is what I am going to use. He also said that it may crack if there is a lot of movement as it is a polyurethane and sets hard. I will post the results in the near future for everty one. Maybe put some photos in if I can work out how.


    Thanks Again





  11. Thanks again Maj.


    The cost doesn't realy matter it's still cheaper than the skins. I realy appreciate the info. I will definatly go with feast watson high uv clear. I will track it down somewhere.


    Thanks Heaps




    I know rod cluff he has moved to roma district. I think there is a Bill Cluff in Boulia but not sure. and the skins were only fitted in Febuary so still like new.



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