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Posts posted by facthunter

  1. When you lack speed or height you won't make the field. Raising the nose won't help. At the other extreme when there's a lot of thermals around you can go around from 20'.. Spoilers make the job easy. Nev

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  2. Depends on what plane they are in. Just strikes me as amusing.. Hope you get the response you  wanted. . Many times I've made stuff for people who suddenly seem to get other priorities when the product is ready. .  Nev

  3. A good pilot should make a fair go of it in clear conditions. Adding a bit of speed is acceptable and desired. IF the plane feels like it's losing lift even though the ASI says OK . I go a bit Quicker. When it hardly floats during the hold off I confirm my instincts were correct. Seat of the Pants shouldn't be ignored.  Even works for big stuff but you fly them to one knot so don't ignore the Gauges. Sometimes in a holding pattern SOME people have gotten a bit slow, so picking up a bit of buffet will save the day and wake you up. Nev

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  4. Weather radar is specifically designed to show precipitation and dense clouds. You can pan up and down to determine vertical development   If you have no idea what you are doing you can mistake a lake for a storm cell.  Radar is ESSENTIAL for safe flight. Downwind of a big CB is also no place to be as you can get large hail in clear air..  You can also pick areas where a lightning strike is less likely  and avoid major cells in a frontal line.  I have NEVER gone through a thunderstorm cell . You may have to deviate well off track. but you do it IF you want to  manage risk..Nev

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  5. The Comets broke up due to a design fault around the windows. Fatigue when a lot of pressure cycles have been attained.

    If there was storms about it would be evident on the weather radar and the seat belt signs would have been  activated and a PA made. If it's Clear Air turbulence CAT. there's little or no warning and usually associated with Jetstreams which can reach over 200 knots and naturally turbulence at the boundaries, all around the jetstream occur.   Nev

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