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Posts posted by Ultralights

  1. Wednesday and Thursday thiw eeek the Hornets have been out practicing the routine! a bit more slow speed manouvers in the show now, you guys are in for a treat! oh, and take some ear plugs! the flying at 50Kts the length of the strip , lighting the afterburners then climbimg vertical can get a little noisy!


    When i get back to work next week, i will get a copy of the routine and post it for those who are interested..



  2. Talking to our F18 test flyer here, he also mentioned the F111 has its speed brake between the main gear, and the speed brake is actually part of the Undecarriage door sytem, and a geear up landing meant that to slower approach speed and braking effect of the speed brake isnt available, and hence resulted in a much higher landing speed than with gear extended, hence increasing chance of rollover/fire etc. so using the hook was the safest option for a gear up landing.


    the option of bailing out is an absolute last resort, it means the loss of an aircraft, and also it isnt exactly the safest option either, pilots have been killed during the ejection process. not only that, when the handle is pulled in the F111, the entire cockpit "pod" is released from the aircraft, and ejecting at sea will also require getting out of the cockpit once it hits the ocean, as they had time to burn fuel off, emergency choppers could have been sent to the location to retrieve the crew if they did punch out. but considering the jet was still 100% controlable and serviceable ecxept the nose wheel, then a belly landing was the safest option.


    what i cant figure out is, only 1 of the 2 nose wheels seperated, so why wasnt a gear down normal landing tried? anyway.... i wonder if millitary aircraft are Insured??


    The F111 is a tough aircraft, and she might still live to fly another day!


    and a final note, rumour has it the pilot only has approx 100 hrs total time and has just completed his pig(F111) endorsement after coming off the PC9.. brilliant flying from the young lad!


    a final thing that has cought my attention, why did they have to circle for 3 hrs to burn off fuel?? they do have the ability to dump fuel! im sure we have all seen the Dump and burn routine at every airshow!





  3. I love Corbys! would love to own one! How well do they perform with the jab motor?? can aerobatic manouvers be performed in them? from what i believe they are aerobatic, but some people i have spoken to tel me they arn't. though those people have never flown them



  4. i love how on the video footage the Navigator was out and running


    within a few seconds of the aircraft stopping, and it took the pilot a


    few more seconds to follw him. can imagine him now! the


    navigator in full sprint saying, you ok without looking back....


    some at work here (in the hornets nest) is that the arrestor probably


    did more damge than good, as it dragged the aircraft from the air, and


    pulled it down with a thump causing a lot more damage than if it was


    allowed to skid to a stop, more friction damage and a lot less


    impact damge without the arrestor, either way,


    brilliant flying and both walked away. fantastic job.



  5. I am an Ex Ga flyer as well, and have now been a RAA flyer for 7Yrs! conversion is approx 5 hrs. i completed my conversion in a Jabiru in the minimum 5 hrs. and have been flying it ever since, the only time i ever get back into an Archer is for by BFR. my RAA hours exceed my GA hours


    If you already have an Unrestricted PPL, then you only have to so 1 short Nav to get the cross country endorsment, or if you are still GFPT level, then its only 3 or 4 navs for the cross coutry.


    If you are GA PPL, then you can still fly RAA aircraft everywhere you can with GA or VH rego, including CTA if you have a transponder fitted.


    As for log books, i just continue to fill out the one book, the only difference is the aircraft type and rego, there are still a few Archer hours and VH-XXX amongst my Jabiru and 55-0940 entries.


    all hours on your RAA licence are the equivelent of GA time. so 200 Hrs GA time and 200 Hrs RAA time is a total of 400 Hrs GA time.


    Being from sydney myself originally and flying from YSBK and YHOX, i went to the Sydney jabiru Flying school at Hoxton park. there is also 1 Jabiru and instructor at Warnervale, and there is a few schools and clubs at The Oaks.



  6. Is the same also possible in NSW? i have a lovely house on the beach


    just south of South west rocks, would be my ultimate wekeend away


    to fly to the beach house, taxi up, and spend the weekend in the surf,


    swimming and eating fresh seafood, then fly home on the sunday.....


    fortunatly the beach i have in mind is 12 Km long, and un populated.



  7. G'day Arthur! just a quick question on how do you find the Minimax? general flying and performance?? i love small aircraft and have a set of Cri Cri plans here i will start work on some day, i have always liked the Minimax!


    Thanks in advance!





  8. think the RAA is better off sitting on the sideline egging them on.


    My thought exactly,


    Even though i have not read my copy of my magazine yet, i havent seen


    the story first hand, but from what i can gather on here, i think its


    best we stick to the tried and true that we have, and IS working, and


    let the Ego's go it alone and go their own way to their inevitable end.


    from a quick look at their site, it seams they want to replicate


    the RAA, but instead of working with and around CASA, they want a pick


    a fight with CASA.


    and the question that comes to mind, what do their members want or think about it??



  9. about 6 yrs ago at narromine i bought a video, chris Conroys Air Australia IV.


    the only reason i bought it, it had a picture of the facet Opel


    on the cover, and sure enough, the first story was about the


    Opel, and has quite a bit of in flight footage, take offs and landing


    as well a bit on the Late Scott Winton, and his records broken in the




    as much as i would love to put the video onto my PC, i would be


    breaking copyright laws and cannot do it, so i guess the only other


    option is to get into contact with Chris and see if he has any old


    copies left.


    If the name sounds familiar, he Builds and sells the Sparrow.



  10. working at williamtown/Newcastle airport, i heard a ruour that when the


    new car parks are complete, all staff will be required to pay the same


    rate as passengers! thats a max of $15 a DAY just to go to




    fortunatly the company i work for has a staff car park on its own land.



  11. Another option closer to parramatta is Sydney Jabiru flying school at Hoxton park, about 30mins or less drive from parra now the M7 is finshed, Ashley their is a fantastic teacher and will teach you stuff abve and beyond the syllubus, i have been flying with them for yrs, 2 Jabiru online, and i believe Ash is now capable of training for a PPL as well as RAA. ill be flying there this weekend.


    with 30 hrs, there shouldnt be much to do in conversion, if you havn't done the GFPT yet you will have to do the RAA BAK, and a few short navs to get a cross country endorsment. then its an easy step to a GA licence if you wish.





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