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Posts posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. Well, i heard nothing from the RA-Aus when i asked, they were distancing themselves from it and told me to ask elsewhere. 


    Now airport gossip.


    Then i heard that the buscat people were getting paid their cost price for the kit from the Natfly people, Rotax donated the engine, bolly the prop and so on but the aircraft had to be paid for at cost price.


    Natfly people have not paid more than a token deposit so the plane is not going anywhere. They are blaming the bad weather and NO ticket sales for the event and have ceased operations.  I say this is all airport gossip BUT i am at the airport where the plane is located and it has more than 25 hours.


    Its a shame because it was a great idea and a good way to win a nice new plane !



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  2. Headrests at shoulder height? wtf is that? 


    I hear your pain !   It 6'5" in the old language the head rest actually pushes you forward at the shoulder blades so you have no support between your shoulder blades and your bum unless you bend over and touch your toes to get your back in a curved arch.


    Nobody and I say nobody of any size would actually sit in the seats to approve them to go in an aircraft.


    I have written to them about this a few times and they suggest I purchase two seats side-by-side which is what they call a comfort seat. They don't have any idea that I don't need to spread out wider....   I need a better seat back.



  3. The buy back from the newsagents of unsold copies (Big loss) and the lack of advertising revenue (allegedly) was a big factor. . You could probably "share" a production with other aviation Bodies if you didn't get up their noses so much. . Nev


    nobody buys back any magazines from newsagents.


    The newsagents cuts off the barcode which is printed on the cover and staples these together once per month, and the number of barcodes gets reported as unsold magazines.   


    An example would be, newsagents got 10 copies of the magazine. At the end of the month if there were five they would cut off the barcode and keep these and the rest of the magazine goes into the trash for recycling. About three months later once everything been tallied up you would get a check for what has been sold.


    The newsagents would send a report back online showing how many barcodes they had at the end of the month when the new issue had hit the stands and we needed to keep these barcode records for three months before they were thrown out, that way if there was ever need to audit newsagents the distribution companies could come around to make sure they weren't getting cheated.  


    Most magazines now cost (to produce) more than double the selling price in the newsagents and the only opportunity to make any money is by selling the advertising.


    This is why magazines are closing at an alarming rate and newsagents following shortly behind. I went into a newsagents the other day to buy a card for Father's Day to give to my son from his newborn daughter and I was surprised that probably only 2% of the whole floor area was taken up by magazines and nearly all of these were women's magazines. All of the specialty magazines for shooting, camping, aviation and everything else were all but gone and then the whole store there was only about 3 m of shelf space allocated to magazines



    • Informative 1
  4. I was looking at the specifications of this aircraft some time ago and found it did not meet the requirements of the LSA category in the US so this would probably limit its acceptance in Australia I am guessing.


    Firstly, it went faster than the allowed speed. LSA has a maximum speed limit of 120 kn full power straight and level, they are quoting 150 kn cruise speed. It is built in the experimental category in the US, I would be surprised if any are registered E-LSA any USA because the specs say it is way too fast. The other thing that needs to be looked at is a stall speed and I could not find the stall speed listed anywhere, if it still is too fast in stall speed it can't be in the LSA category.


    Now, in Australia, with the RA-Aus (provided it fits into their registration categories) it would be registered in the 19 category as an amateur built aircraft, but you would need to prove 51% kit compliance. It could also be registered as an experimental LSA (E-LSA) again if it met the requirements and it would then carry either a 19 (as an experimental amateur built) or E23 or E24 (as an experimental LSA) registration prefix. They are running out of numbers and needed to change to the 23 series.


    On my investigation it looks like a nice aircraft but there are some very big questions about its acceptance as a 51% kit if you go this way or its acceptance as an experimental LSA aircraft if you choose to go this way.


    Note: a lot of what I know I am repeating from people who know more than me so I am hoping everything is 100% accurate in my reply to you but I am happy to be corrected



  5. This is the recommendation from our club President who has also been an RA-Aus Board Member before




























































































    President’s recommendations for RAAus board elections.













































    Trevor BANGE







    Tapan DAVE







    Barry WINDLE























































    Gold Coast Sports Flying Club Inc.

    1638 Jacobs Well Road

    NORWELL  QLD  4208.












    • Haha 2
  6. It beats me why the two Mikes want to transform RAA into something it was never meant to be. Supposedly we now have a membership of 13,000 - surely that is enough to be able to operate successfully without adding old spam can aircraft to our register. This will add a complexity to all aircraft on the RAA register beginning with all aircraft over 600 kgs having to be LAME maintained. Just watch - that will filter down given time, management’s mantra is that they do not care about increasing the cost of aviation to recreational aircraft (after all - we have to support maintenance engineers apparently) We have lost our identity and been screwed over from within on any number of fronts since the arrival of Monke and Co and the subsequent inception of the LTD liability Company we are burdened with now. It has been reported that Monke has just purchased a GA registered aircraft - what hope has RAA of maintaining its identity if the Chairman (and some board members) prefer to support GA flying.


    Why have we been heading in this direction?


    From the airport banter last Saturday. Because Michael M has become the dealer for CT aircraft and it's been in his/their interests for a long time to massage the rules to suit their personally evolving business direction.


    The CT NEEDS to be rated at 750 kgs because of its low payload and that's the push on increased MTOW changes. Getting made in China has lifted the empty weight by more than 35 kgs and at 600 MTOW it's really a single seater. I was told other things but i won't mention it here because some was told in confidence but the above is publicly known.



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  7. Vortex generators, try to disturb the air flow to remove the laminar flow under the belly. Its (the airflow on the bottom - with contaminants) probably 'sticking' to the plane as it passes along. i have seen this on some other planes a few times.



  8. And all of this misinterpretation of call signs and everything else instantly disappears the moment you have ADSB transponders because it sends out everything they need to charge you automatically.   As soon this equipment is fitted there is no way of getting away with anything.


    Big Brother is taking over the skies and using technology to do it !



  9. An X means that the runway is closed, it has no indication of a displaced threshold, the runway is closed ! 


    A displaced threshold has multiple lines (parallel with the runway direction) running up to the gable markers which show the start of the usable runway. I learnt this in my first day of training!



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