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Guest stevo

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Guest stevo

Hi everyone! It's taken me over 3 yrs to finally open this web site & say G'day ! I started to learn to fly on mother's day back in 2007, after taking the wife out for lunch she suggested we wheel by Katoomba airfield to see if it is still in use & if there was a flying school there ! well , guess what we found ! There was this grey haired fellow pottering around the joint, ( who happened to be the CFI ), I said hello and next min. he was pulling this tiny white plane out of the hanger ( called a Jabiru ) . He said would i like to go for a TIF ! & i said whats that, & he said your first flight in an ultralight ! Bloody oath , up we went for our 20-30 min. flight over one of the most beautiful National Parks in the country. I've lived in the Blue Mts in N.S.W all my 49 yrs, but had never flown over them in an ultralight ! I was so hooked in learning to fly, that i signed up as soon as we landed . Unfortunately 2 days a fter my TIF, the little Jab had a major engine failure over the Megalong Valley. Only due to our CFI's (Rod Hay) experience, he and the student survived the crash landing,but the little Jab did not fair so well ! She was repaired! (after 2.5 yrs) , so in the meantime we the students were without an aeroplane to fly ! After discussions with the wife, and a lovely man who just happened to have a wee Jab for sale, we naively purchased our little Jab. 55-0935. It has been quite an experience over the last 3 odd yrs , and i have been enjoying just about all the lessons so far,( did anyone else find the landings bloody hard to nail ! ) Well I've only achieved 36.4 hrs so far due to work,weather,other students using the jab when i wanted to go for a fly,Plus the jab was due for it's 1000 hr inspection which after 9mths, a brand new engine etc.etc.etc. it's nearly ready to fly again, (Bloody aeroplanes !)Well it's been 9 mths since I've been for a fly, & I would really appreciate some enthusiasm from who ever might read this, by the way,everyone who knows me calls me Bart ! cheers.....



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First Post.


Well Bart, I see that is your first post. Welcome to the forum. The way I read what you have said, everything is shaping up for more flying . Let us all know how it goes. You don't forget all you learn, just some of it gets a bit rusty, (you never forget how to ride a pushbike do you?). Cheers Nev



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Hey Bart, I've just started flying again after an unwanted 15month break.:yuk: As Nev says you don't forget but the rust sure sets in. I'm just happy to be back in the air & enjoying the flying. I'm sure you will to :big_grin:


Cheers & welcome





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Guest stevo

Hi Nev ! It is a thrill to have received a response to my first what ever this is called!, as i am a beginner on these computer thingies.Yes,I do intend to start my lessons shortly to see if I still have the passion, cheers mate.



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G'day Bart, Welcome aboard, I'm only new here myself. Is your Jab at YKAT, haven't been out there for ages. I work in Lawson, now live in Cranebrook, but grew up in the mountains. I have come from GA, about to convert to RA shortly. I haven't flown for about 12 years, doesn't seem that long ago though. Once again, welcome. Steve



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Guest Wigg

Welcome to the forums Bart sounds like we need to start up an PA on here (pilots anonomous) set on here. It has been 5 years since I have flown LOL. Yes I found it hard doing landings for a while also but the instructor took out a black marker and put a dot on the windscreen & it helped me get the hang of what I was to do. The people on here are a wealth of knowledge & if you have questions there is always someone with an answer. Enjoy both the forums and the flying. Regards Sue (Wigg's wife)



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Hi Bart,


Welcome to the site 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif You will find lots of enthusiasm and support here. Owning a plane does seem to eat up the pennies, but so does any other hobby (my brother is into classic cars, and it's just as expensive). At the end of the day nothing beats flying, and the landings will get better, so keep on with it, and keep us posted!







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