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Another Newbie

Guest Jools

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Guest Jools

Hello everyone


I'm a female student RA AUS pilot based in West Sale and looking fwd to completing my first solo soon - having a few issues with ruddering around turns and getting the final/landing leg under complete control but have completed the pre -solo exams - have earnt the title "masterchef"006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif (for heavy mixing motions with the controls) from my incredibly patient instructor. I just seem to lose it when I need to get to 70 knots and maintain a decent altitude to flare in comfortably (what am I doing wrong folks? any suggestions?) Looking fwd to buying my own plane very soon :thumb_up: as I intend to fly to NT & far NQ on a fairly regular basis



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Hey Jools,


Welcome to Recreational Flying, you'll enjoy the flight training, it's loads of fun! I see you're training on the 160, great aircraft. Good luck with your training and let us know how it all goes (especially the first solo)







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Guest studentbiggles

098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Jools, great to have another female flyer on board :thumb_up: ...Don't you hate that last fase of final and trying to nail it :ah_oh: I've said to both my CFI and FI that they'll both be mentally scared for life 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif 006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif I always ask new "Girls" that appear on this site..Have you joined AWPA (Australian Women Pilots Ass.) :thumb_up: I found them a great and wonderful support, you can contact your Vic branch on the net....Good luck with the approaching "Solo" :thumb_up:


Keep it in the "Green" girlfriend and Fly Safe.


Cheers Alley



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jools, welocome, weather has been a bit yuk on the Mornington P the last couple of weeks, with a few nice days thrown in. Have you managed to nail the final bit yet?


You can do it! Have fun and keep the instructor awake, it's good for them!HaHa Lol



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