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Old Newbie

Dave L

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I was Googling something aircraft related and a reference to VH-KEO appeared, so I followed it and ended up here. Only way top proceed was to sign up, so I did


I've been flying since early '71 and owned Cherokee 6, VH-KEO for the past 25 years, and still do. I'd be interested to get in touch with anyone who had experience (or ownership) of our faithful old bird before it fell into our hands so long ago




Dave L



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Thanks for the welcome to the forum gents


The plane is a 71 model D with the 300HP injected engine, which I'm just debating replacing given the price Lycoming were (apparently) offering at Oshkosh 2 weeks ago. Dying to see what the real cost is after import, freight and rate conversion fees are



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Yes, the FX is pretty good, I've just got to see how the make the most of it, such as how to purchase USD without being hit up by the banks fees and punitive exchange rates, not to mention getting a landed price out of one of the suppliers. Shouldn't be this complex !



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Welcome Dave


Just a thought on buying something from OS, (just thinking about the Zulu, it would have to be returned to the purchase place if it required warranty) seems to negate the saving on purchasing it internationally!


does this then mean you have to send an engine back if it has any warranty challenges?


as one may feel it would be unfair to expect local distributor's to supply warranty if they have not supplied the original component!


Just A Thought!!!!!


What's the feeling? or more to the point, What actually happens?



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In this instance whilst Lycoming U.S set the initial price all purchase & supply is done through one of their local agents, and warranty is covered by them. Only difficulty I'm having is getting the local guys to honour the deal, so lloks like I'll be back to calling Lyc US to see if the comms issue can be untangled. Right now I'm looking at a $5,000+ price difference, and as you might expect, a falling dollar adding at least another $1000 in the past couple of days. Maybe it was just too good to be true and I'll press on with the old donk on condition



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