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Notice of Proposed Rule Making 0603OS


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There is a possibility of a lot of changes happening for all us RA-Aus members and the recreational flying community in general with the CASR Part 103.


With this in mind I urge all members of these forums to give serious consideration to the request for comment on this Notice of Proposed Rule Making 0603OS and speak up on it now to which ever way you personally feel about the changes.


Here is the notice that has been placed on the home page of the RA-Aus site:


Urgent notice to all RA-Aus members


Further to the notice published on this Web site December 21, 2006 regarding CASA's release of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making 0603OS related to the proposed CASR Part 103 'Sport and Recreational Aviation Operations'.


The draft CASR Part 103 is the result of ten years consultation and negotiation by various members of the recreational aviation community including RA-Aus. The RA-Aus Board and executive have put an enormous effort into the task and desire that Part 103 is finally promulgated in the form detailed in the draft. However there is still resistance from some sectors to some content of that draft and it would appear that participation from RA-Aus members in the response is less than satisfactory.


It would be shameful if Part 103 didn't pass through unscathed [from the RA-Aus point of view] just because association members couldn't be bothered participating. RA-Aus may have 7000 members but that doesn't mean you can safely leave a supportive response to others.


CASA have done an excellent job in the presentation of the NPRM and the draft CASR Part 103 for readability and understandability. CASA have also provided an easy-to-use online response facility for individuals so there is no reason for you to neglect to submit a response before the closing date of midnight February 19.


Use the online form at rrp.casa.gov.au/ors_nprm0603os.asp to submit your response to CASA. There are four screens to be completed; the first entails your personal details and the second screen requests individual responses to 18 questions. As the RA-Aus executive and board desires that FAR 103 is finally promulgated 'as is', and if you agree with that desire, then just click the first response to every question which is "YES / Acceptable without any changes". Of course you may select any of the other alternatives and provide explanatory comment.


The third screen requires no input unless you wish to submit supplementary material, the fourth screen is a summary of your response for viewing prior to clicking the submit button. The whole process shouldn't take any more than three or four minutes, the longest part is keying in your name and address, so do it now while you are online — rrp.casa.gov.au/ors_nprm0603os.asp.


Please convey this information to other members of your acquaintance. The NPRM for CASR Part 149 which relates to Recreational Aviation Administration Authorities is likely to be released soon. This is possibly more important than Part 103, certainly to the future of RA-Aus.



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