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Jabiru 120


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Guest studentbiggles

Hi Tommo, I was checking out a J120 at the Mt Ive Flyin on Sat just gone and I actually thought of you.......then I thought to myself..."Do you wear it or you Fly it"!!!!!!!!! I 'd just got out of a J250 that Qwerty"s mate Rod had flown up from Tassie, a lot bigger and faster.


God you and your mum mustn't take up much room!


Fly and Keep Safe........Alley



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Hey Alley,


Well I'm not real big for a start... but even then it seems to work for most people, once you get in, it all falls into place!!


Yes, done 15 odd hrs in a J230, so know the size. But still have to say the J120 is the pick of Jabs.



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I love mine! 46hrs on it already and can't get enough! It flies so well, climbs like a rocket and is actually quite comfortable with both the wife and I onboard. We're average size people too.


I really like the control authority compared to the 170 and 230. It has so much authority right down to the stall warning device on flare/touchdown. It handles turbulence really well, which surprised me given it's size.


They've really got the 120 right. I think if they stretched the 160 a bit they would have a perfect aircraft after all the 120 is a stretched SP6.



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That was our 120 at Mt Ives Alley, the 250 may be bigger but I think the speed would be close taking into cosideration the deeper cord by 200 mm over the 230. We cruise at 107 @ 2900 rpm. I like the internal versatility of the 250. It's going to be for sale I was told at Mt Ive. Nice A/C. I think they've crossed the pond about 13 times in it. Seems there are some people out there with faith in the Jab motor.



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Good analysis everyone, Tomo knows my thoughts on the 120 and I flew every current model before I bought it. People look at it and say" oh that's cute' and it's tiny but you get them to sit in it and they go "oh wow, that's feels much bigger!" . It's actually within 60mm wide of the 230!then you head off in it and climb out at 1000'/min one up ( and I'm over 90kgs!), or 800 2 up and do a true 100knots +, not some claimed figure and only burn 14l/hr real and then get out after 3 hrs and jump straight back in. What else can you do that in factory built for under $65k. It was interesting going to Natfly this year- there was a gaggle of J160'S, 170'S 230's and other brands heading sth from Qld and all within 50 miles of each other.Mine landed at all the same spots, refuelled while there and landed ahead of many at Temora.


We all fantasize over our dream planes, and that's great but when a tru blu aussie manafacturer can put you in the air and perform within 10-20 percent of aircraft costing double or more then it's time to stop dreaming and go flying. Yep I know the Holden/Ford debate will continue to rage, along with many others but sitting in my hangar is a 120 that is mine and costs less than the trikes I teach in! Thanks Mr Stiff- I know it's your favourite too!



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I have to agree totally with what Ballpoint said. There will always be critics out there and Jab haters, but the majority can't be wrong.


I also have a J120 and love it to bits. Mine has 840 hours on it and it runs as sweet as the day i got it. I am not saying it is perfect because it is not, and neither is any aircraft. But it is great!!!!


You would think at times that the other makes don't ever have troubles the way some talk.


Here's a challenge for everyone. For 60K fly away, someone come up with an aircraft that is better value for money and parts that are on the shelf in Australia. You need to be able to lean on them without denting them as well.


Yours truely....The J120 lover





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