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Strange Light/UFO?

Guest Fred Bear

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Guest Fred Bear

Tonight we were sitting outside at approx 23.25 when we saw a bright orange light heading N NE. It was heading toward the West and changed direction rapidly on and Easterly heading.This object was travelling at great speed and was able to change direction rapidly. There was no sound from this object and when looking through the binoculars looked like orange light with a trailing tail.It then remained stationary before dissapearing. It was unlike anything we have ever seen before.Police have had several calls.Has anyone else seen this object this evening?



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Guest Fred Bear

No it was not that ultralights. Already thought of that. Was distinct orange and heading toward the lightning and cloud and hovered and remained visible until fading out. Others in my street saw too and wondered what it was. Cloud is at about 1,500. We have had a few drinks but we are not totally mad. If it was not for other witnesses I would think I was mad.Contacted 7 news.Nil response as yet.They will wait for more reports otherwise they will think I am just some psycho.I was hoping someone else on the board might have seen this.



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I believe that it was Ian with some laser light projectors, projecting the Recreational Aviation Logo (sort of looks like a UFO) around the skies in practice for Avalon.

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Guest Fred Bear

Ha ha ha. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif All jokes aside, happened again an hr later. We were outside talking about what we had seen and then these lights came again. This time there was two of them. Very fast tracking toward the West perfectly in synch with eachother. They then stopped and tracked to the SE at very high speed.There they stopped and hovered before dissapearing. I have never seen anything like it before.Contacted AusSAR.Apparently there was other reports from other locations.They called ATC, called me back and advised ATC had nothing on radar.I am glad there was several other people outside at the time that saw it with me (neighbours included).AusSAR gave me a contact number for some UFO hotline.I will give them a call and see if anybody else has seen the same.Just wondering has anyone on this board ever seen anything like it?I am sure there is some explanation...



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Guest Fred Bear

Not without any sound and changing direction and hovering.This is what was strange.The cloud base was quite low which would normally reflect any sound from say a fixed wing or helicopter.



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Darren bright light often becomes orange when viewed through the bottom of a beer bottle:laugh:


Sorry mate something similar happened to me one night on the beach when my brother-in-law and I where fishing, was a little disconcerting at the time.





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Guest Fred Bear

It was very strange Don and something that I cannot explain.Like I said, it is the first time this has happened to me so I really don't know what to make of it at all.



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Guest Fred Bear

Further: As we all know UFO means unidentified flying object. Does not mean that we saw space-men and aliens just something strange in the night sky that is not normally there.



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Darren this phenomenon happen quite regularly between Blatter and Moree in north west NSW I believe that its a perfectly natural phenomenon however I have no explanation for it many truck drivers have reported these strange lights further north and further west. For the moment we just have to wonder:;)5:





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You should check all over your body including all orifices just in-case when they abducted you they may have probed you with mind altering intrusive devices.


You never know.



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I have seen something like this out this way, except it was travelling slower.. It was a large Orange light with a huge glow, at around 1000 ft.. There was a large shadow around the light which was bright for 2 seconds then dull for 2 seconds.


It seemed to be climbing and climbed till it disappeared into cloud.. This was no star, and was climbing at a very rapid rate. The authorities recieved numerous of spottings as the local radio was later informed. They were not able to identify what is was...



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You should check all over your body including all orifices just in-case when they abducted you they may have probed you with mind altering intrusive devices.You never know.

This is not as funny as it sounds, some years ago I was working in a north west town and one of the undertakers there was quite convinced that he had been abducted, he was into all sorts of very strange behavior, (you have to admit abducting deceased victims of fatal road accidents is very strange) although he believed that the occupants of the orange light where of all things Angles and they had taken him to inform him that he was the second Saviour. (true story)





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Guest Fred Bear
(you have to admit abducting deceased victims of fatal road accidents is very strange)

I do it most days. And other accidents. Sam, I know that nobody knew what was going on. I am finding the same thing but this is the web site that AUSSar gave me.





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