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Video: A Drifter experience - a tail perspective!


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Great video Tomo. Interesting to note that your drifter gets the same tail shake that I was talking about in another thread, I guess it must be a common Drifter thing and seems more noticable on climb out.



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Hi Tomo, Just loved this video and I agree with David you are blessed with the BEST flying country, no Tigers out your way ;-))


With regard the landing fee at Chinchilla, yes there no landing fees there --- but I had to stick it to my good mate Bob after that landing ;-)) a bit of poetic licence, sorry about that. ;-)) see you soon, Pete.



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Thanks everyone, I'll make up some more sometime, and hopefully get a better quality front view happening.


Was hoping to get a landing with the rear view, but the memory ran out on that flight, so stay tuned for some more.


Pete, talking about seeing soon, I'm at Caboolture today, taking the Tecnam for a run this morning out to Kilcoy or something, then in the 172 for a few hrs around midday.



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Interesting to note that your drifter gets the same tail shake that I was talking about in another thread, I guess it must be a common Drifter thing and seems more noticable on climb out.

Was fiddling around with this yesterday David, I reckon it has something to do with cavitation of the prop creating uneven turbulence over the tail in a steep climb.


If you have full power on and pull it up just under the stall, you'll notice a wiggle through the stick. That's what made me think of it.


What do you reckon?


I've never actually noticed it on a WB503 with the smaller nose pod either.



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Great video Tomo, but gee, that twisting of the boom tube scares me. Remember back when I was designing a plane with the prop rotating around the boom, I had many posts from the US stating that I was heading for torsional problems that could lead to loosing the tail. Well I had a crucifix tail assy to avoid the one sided prop wash effect and a damn sight thicker boom. Guess which option I'd go with now!


Before others jump on me, yeh I know the Drifter is a proven design but that still doesn't put my mind at rest.







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