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G'Day from a earth bound Aussie

Guest aussie carl

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Guest aussie carl

Hopfully that earth bout problem will be resolved in 2011.


Currently flying RC models, Helis and Planes but a mate "Tony" has just purchased a TL2000 Sting Carbon after 21 years with a Piper Cherokee.


See attachment with my kiddies in the sting.


Tone has explained enough about RAA to spark my interest, the cost used to be my concern with GA but looks like RAA is with in my reach.


Have been seraching the net for a Kit Rec Aircraft that may suit my budget and wants.


The thought of doing an auto conversion with a Subaru motor realy appeals as I LOVE Subaru cars and could handle a rebuild and conversion easily enough, As for buildiong a Kit, well from what I have seen it's just like building a BIG model.


Aircraft that appeal ATM seem to be any LSA High wing with 8M or more wingspan.


The Aeropup with folding wings is pretty appealing.


I am a newbe and have much to learn, If you have any suggestions or may have done what I want to do please don't be afraid to make suggestions or get me on the correct heading then please do as I am all ears.


BTW Tony and myself are going to the Great Eastern Fly Inn second weekend in January. For a look see.





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Welcome aboard mate, as one aviating Carl to another. RA is appealing isn't it, not only the low cost (well relatively) but also the variety of aircraft and the lack of excessive regulation.


Each to his own, but if I were you I would find somewhere to start learning to fly and at least get a few hours under your belt - use someone elses aircraft for those early "arrivals", before getting too deep into choosing an aircraft to build. I come from a GA background but have already changed my ideas of what would be a good aircraft to own, since starting to fly again with RA.


Great Eastern is a fantastic event, I'll be going again, even if I have to drive.


Cheers Carl



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Guest aussie carl

OH yer ! Thanks Fellas,


forgot to mention I plan to start RA Cert early Feb or Late January.


Undecided as to which aircraft, we are fortunate here in Coffs to have a choice.


The Coffs Aero Club has a Jabaru and Coffsavation center has a FoxBat.


I have been for a TIF in the FoxBat but want to try The Jab first before comiting.


Hopfully buy the time I have RAA Cert I will have a better Idea on what aircraft I would like.


I'M Just SOOOOOO excited that flying is within my reach !



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Guest basscheffers
Have been seraching the net for a Kit Rec Aircraft that may suit my budget and wants.

So, what is your budget and wants? We may be able to help you find what you are looking for! :big_grin:



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Hi Carl


Do you like cars or motobikes?


If its motorbikes go for a flight in a drifter, try Wayne Fisher at Lismore. Thats what fyling should be like. Look for spectrum aviation on you tube.







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Guest davidh10

Hi Carl and welcome.


Following on from Ian's comments, if you like motorbikes, there's also Trikes to think about. They are very much the motor bikes of the air and great fun. Quite different to 3-axis aircraft, they are controlled by "weight-shift". ie. by shifting the centre of gravity under the wing. You can enjoy flying low and slow and actually enjoy the landscape, rather than just traversing point A to B in faster aircraft. Don't, however feel that you cannot take longer flights in a trike, as you can do that too. Trikes and the Drifter also make great photographic platforms if you are into photography, since you can avoid having to take photos through windows.


Just something else to add into the options :)



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Guest aussie carl

Thanks Fellas I realy do appreciate your thoughts as your thoughts come from experience.


Bass, ATM I am not sure what I am prepared to spend, we have some cash put asside towards another property but I will have to negociate with she who must be obeyed to come to an agreement Might just see how that one pans out.


Ian. Cars do nothing for me, Except subaru's but still they are just a means of transportation. I have had a few bikes from 2 stroke dirt squirters to Highly Dangerours ( HD=Harleys)


The dirt squirters were fun and the Harley was COOOOL. But I hated being exposed to the weather when it started P'n down, wind burn and sun burn realy took it's toll. BUT I was riding a dirt squirter when I had a big get off. Lost any nerve I had after that one.


Ian I haden't realy thought of a Drifter although I have heard plenty about them. I am pretty sure that the Lismore fella was doing joybees at the Last GEFI we went to.


I will make a point of going for a joybee if he is there this time, thanks for the suggestion.


David. I hadn't considered Trikes either but I do like the STOL capabilities. That realy does appeal. To also be able to trailer a trike and fly from where ever I may be allowed and can get in and out off. A Trike is starting to take my interest.


But hey I have much to learn and am very keen to learn but most of all want to do it for fun. (safe good clean fun)


The one thing I know for sure is I want is to rebuild a soobie EA81 motor for the purpose of putting in an aircraft, so much so that I bought one from a wreckers today, I will surly get a warm fuzzie from building a motor for the purpose.


A belt drive reduction is looking good, 1 light and 2 a belt will absorb better the pulse vibration from the cylinders firing.


Feel free to input with your experences if you feal I am on the wrong heading.


edit OH yer Dave I am a little interested in AP for fun, attached is a pickie I took a while back. If you look real close you can see a little black dot on the end of the headland. That is me.


Image taken from RC fixed wing. 1 man operation.


Second pick is a sunset, look closley and you will see a B Double boring down the hwy at probably 100kph. Image taken from RC rotory wing.at Hay NSW, 2 person operation.







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Guest davidh10
...OH yer Dave I am a little interested in AP for fun, attached is a pickie I took a while back. If you look real close you can see a little black dot on the end of the headland. That is me.Image taken from RC fixed wing. 1 man operation.

Second pick is a sunset, look closley and you will see a B Double boring down the hwy at probably 100kph. Image taken from RC rotory wing.at Hay NSW, 2 person operation.

Hey. Nice pics Carl. It is amazing what good pictures can be taken from RC aircraft.


There's a number of aerial photos on my Redbubble site (linked below), including an aerial photography calendar I've just recently put together... almost all in the calendar were taken from my trike, but two were taken from a glider during a TIF.



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