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Cleaveland "Main Squeeze" rivet squeezer

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I received my Cleaveland Tools "Main Squeeze" rivet squeezer last week. I had been struggling with the cumbersome size and weight of the "ATS" squeezer that came in my builders tool kit so, given the number of squeezed rivets in the RV-12 I'm building, I coughed up the AUD$350 (total delivered) for the "Main Squeeze", a 3" yoke and some more (unneeded) squeezer sets.


I put it to work on Sunday squeezing the set rivets in the anti-servo tab. What a difference - light weight, short and easy to maneuver around assemblies, but powerful squeezing action with really good "feel" for the correct set.


Highly recommended . .





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Rivet Squeezers


No worries rgmwa - you've covered it well for Mathew.


Mathew, if you into or about to start building you may want to take a look at Cleaveland's website where you can down load their catalogue: Cleaveland Aircraft Tools They are quite an innovative mob, designing smart tools that make some of the building tasks easier - their edge forming tool is a good example.


rgmwa - did I see that you've ordered your finishing kit? Were you getting in while the $AUD is strong or have you really progressed to that stage?


Cheers, denmit



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I'm still at the dreaming, pondering and scheming stage :confused:. My wife and I stopped in Cowra on our return from Sydney yesterday and I spoke to Paul from Brumby Aircraft. They are a good looking aircraft in the flesh and they have the advantage of being only a couple of hours by road from Temora. Paul is happy to provide sections of the kit as the build progresses so I keep dreaming, pondering and scheming 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif.


Cheers, MDK



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G'day again MDK, I also had a good look at the Brumby and flew it with Paul. Nice aeroplane, very nice. That was a couple of years ago when the RV-12 was in its infancy. After all the research, I had 3 manufacturers' kits on my shortlist (which included the Brumby and the Zenith CH650) but the 12 won out as more of the kits became available and the kit quality, relative ease of construction, overall performance and Vans' reputation for sound engineering won out.


With over 450 RV-12 kits underway of which 70 odd are flying, the feedback about the 12's flying qualities is uniformly glowing. That is not to denigrate the Brumby at all which I think is a fine aircraft and also very well engineered, it was just that the "12" fitted my mission profile a little better. I agree that your proximity to the factory would be a big factor in your decision.


Building your own aeroplane is a journey, and the research into, and ultimate choice of, your flyer is an enjoyable and rewarding part of the trip.


Good luck with it and enjoy, DM



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rgmwa - did I see that you've ordered your finishing kit? Were you getting in while the $AUD is strong or have you really progressed to that stage?

Cheers, denmit

No Dennis, just getting my order in while the dollar is still good. I was in China for four weeks recently, and what with two lots of visitors and other disruptions since then, I haven't made much progress for the last couple of months. I've done the two tabs and am ready to rivet up the horiz stab box spar. Hope to make good progress over the Xmas break though. I see Crashley's got his plane flying now. Nice paint job too.





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  • 2 weeks later...

What proportion of the total rivets can you squeeze with a 3" yoke. I have found on the RV4 that a 3" yoke will not reach a lot of edge rivets where there is a big skin overhang. For tool supplies in Australia try Angel Aircraft, they have a big cattledog on line.


Good luck with the build.



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Not sure who you're directing the question to, but on the RV-12 I don't think there are any squeezed rivets you can't reach with a 3" yoke. I haven't come across any yet, and don't recall hearing of any others on the VAF forum who have needed a larger yoke. The RV-4 may be different however. Of course, the great majority of rivets on the 12 are pulled rivets, which makes life easy.





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