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Unusual Kaman K-Max Helicopter

Guest Fred Bear

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Guest Fred Bear

While out at work last week (and having a few hrs up my sleeve) I visited Bankstown Airport in Sydney and had a look at the Kaman K-MAX helicopter. An interesting machine to say the least. Has a contra-rotating blade system. Jason, one of the pilots, was happy to show me around and give me a close-up look on the other side of the perimeter. He also explained to me there were 31 built and now only 21 flying. The other 10 have crashed. It is leased by the Aust Govt to fight fires here in the fire season. Also used for the same at its home in the US of A and also for logging/Dept of Forestry. These pics are not the best quality as again they were shot from my phone.









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Guest Fred Bear

I was going to mention that Ben. Ha ha. Yes, the cruise on it is 100kts or so (funny you should mention that). Now, off to do some flying...:big_grin:



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One thing the photos don't show is the size of the thing. There were a couple of these out here a few years ago and I had a close look, I'm 5'14.5" and my eyeline is level with the bottom of the window.


The rotor system is wacky as well. They have rigid heads with wooden blades, the blades actually twist to give varying control. Those tabs out the blades are actually servo tabs, they control the twist of the blades and it changes as the blades go round.


I was working with a bloke on a chopper on the ground next to where the Kmax was parking, the bloke in the Kmax came in and dropped 1500 litres of water on his parking spot to keep the dust down. I was working about 50 metres away and didn't get a drop on me.


The blades while flying have a fairly low rotation speed (I'd guess at about 300 rpm) and appear to be diverging in flight. It looks really wierd like it's about to fly to pieces. The ones that were here last were Jumping Jack Flash and Wild Thang, I think Wild Thang has since pranged with the loss of the pilot.



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Guest brentc

I've seen this chopper at Bankstown and have read a bit about them. Although many have crashed, they have been very high time machines, so much so that at the hours they had on them they were probably close to end-of-life. Add that to the extreme working conditions they work under potentially 24x7 accidents happen so it would be hard to say that they are an unsafe aircraft.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Totally weird things to watch fly, especially head on, with the angle that the blades are set to one another it almost appears to 'flap' instead of rotate.


They look like a dragonfly when flying head on.


Also very quiet, no screaming gearbox or tail rotor sounds, or even much blade 'whock', more like a wooshing sound.



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