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The CR2 Jeppesen flight computer!


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I bought one of these little babies about a month ago... and it's the best thing I've got in my flying kit. 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif


I had one of those slide rule type flight computer things before, and it was big, clumsy, and slower to use. 032_juggle.gif.8567b0317161503e804f8a74227fc1dc.gif The CR2 is a great size, fits in your top pocket of your shirt, and easy to use in flight as it has a view bar to line up the numbers. (if you need to use it in flight) 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif


Just thought I'd put it out there, and I'd highly recommend this type if you're looking to buying a flight computer sometime.


Ian sells them in his shop, and it's quite cheap compared to what I got mine for!





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Could you do me a favour pls? My 2iC likes my Jep CR3 Professional (about the size of a bread & butter plate), but wants one that fits in his pocket. He bought a APC CR2 (the yellow copy of the Jep) but it is missing some numbers that the Jep CR3 has. He wants to buy a Jep CR2 from Ian's establishment, but wants to know if it has the following numbers. On the Wind side (the back), could you look at yours and see if there are black numbers under the green scale. We are looking for the numbers from TC 10 to 180, then a double row, one counting back from 180 the other continuing on to 350. ie just like this picture of the CR3. These are used as part of the slide rule for addition and subtraction. These whiz wheels are a nifty bit of kit, and the batteries never go flat. I used to have trouble with grit getting under the wheel and scouring the face, but I now use a touch of silicon which keeps them sliding easily.









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Tomo it's a great computer but I found the WCA side was really hard to use, took me a while to get the hang of it and I came from the standard metal Jeppesen E6B. I've still gotta practice using the whole thing for my up and coming navs though.





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Bought a CR-2 in 1963 for my PPL navs, and moved on to a CR-3 for my CPL in '65. Have used it ever since and it's great for so many things. I still use it as a slide rule to do calculations. On the wind side - it's important to use the ETAS backscale so that you start with a 'real' TAS when working with large crosswind corrections..... (failed my 1st CPL nav theory because I didn't use this feature). The off course correction is really useful too - a single calculation instead of several 1/60 jobs. Recommend it to all my GA & RAAus students.


happy days,



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Hi Owi,


See that link above to Stefan Vorkoetter's site. He outlines the differences quite well and talks about which is best. I like the Jep best and have had a large one because it is easy to read, can use it one handed while flying and it fits into my flying folder. The better half likes to tuck it in his pocket so it doesn't blow away and have one less thing potentially rattling around the 'office'. The compromise, as noted above, is the smaller one does not have all the scales the large one has. We have both used the E6-B but liked the circular ones better. Each to his own taste.









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Yes, I found the CR2 are a choice of quite a few as I bought a couple only to have them pinched (I suspect from my instructors at the time)...went back to the Jepp E6B and worn out a couple of those over the years, but could always find it in the flightbag 007_rofl.gif.8af89c0b42f3963e93a968664723a160.gif



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