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Don't know if this has been discussed on the forum................. but if you look at the above link there was a great documentary on fueslage manufacture (sorry - don't how to do the direct link thingy)


In short the parts are supposed to be computor machine cut ......................... but a subcontractor of the 'discussed part' seems to be able to a better job with a template ....................... scribe the template ........................ machine cut and finish plus hand drill the template ................ with asscociated problems of assembly at the boeing plant


Also 3 accidents - fueslage failures have occured and could be related


An almost unbelievable sequence of events





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I saw this back in 2006 or 2007. There was FAA investigation that even at the time was breif. I checked the source of this report and it still comes from a strange source. It seems strange that it is this old the FAA have not reinvestigated and the American Gov and militry have not investigated more.



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The original documentary is here. It is a little longer than the SBS edition. There are also links to the DCIS files.


I've had a bad feeling about the 737 for a long time now.



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from that documentary, the issues seams to only effect crashworthynes of the airframe, as none has had a catastrophic failure in flight. as for the scarebus/boeing rivalry, ill still take the 737 any day. at least none of them have been bought down by computer and data errors.



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Easy throw away statement GG, were they not reporting on the documentary produced by others and then got involved asking questions? The other problem I have is that the whole sequence is believable.

Oh yes, 737's are crashing all the time coz of this. Not.


Aussies used to have great BS detectors, not much any more. Conspiracies rock. I blame Rudd!


Leaving discussion of one of the worlds most reliable airliners; as for the BCA yes the fire regs are a mess but I fail to see why some official should dictate what type of fire detectors should be used when the differences are reasonably minor. It's (meant to be) a free country, put the info out there and let people decide. Trying to block choice is the pet move of the monopolist - people in it purely for the dollar as you say. Besides hugely much more of a problem is the continued widespread use of flammable furnishings and polyester insulation than the style of detector.



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...........<snip>The other problem I have is that the whole sequence is believable. Assuming it is factual, when you expose a problem of this magnitude there is no way that it can be conceded commercially, the whistle blowers were on a hiding to nowhere once they exposed it. The consequences of going back to fix would basically right off the previously constructed hulls, it will never happen.


Compare this alleged situation and the consequences that might flow from it with the proposed requirement in the new CAR part 91.567 that the GA pilot must advise any passengers of the details of his/her personal liability insurance covering injury to persons or property and advise them that flight in their little aeroplane is much less safe than flight in a big one run for profit.


I wonder if that regulation includes Garuda?





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